
Chapter 11: Fate Can Be Cruel... But Not Always

[What's your plan now man?]

"Well just live my life to the fullest. I'll take my precious time here in this world so no need to rush"

[I meant the academy. What do you plan? Like an early graduation or something?]

"Hmm... "

I thought about that. Graduating early would cause Danzo's attention to me. And also Hiruzen's attention as well. Both scenarios would have their pros and cons. And also there isn't a reason for me to graduate early since there isn't some war going on so they could not just let anyone graduate from the academy that early. Though it depends also on how talented you have to be

I'll probably graduate the normal way. I won't ask for an early registration since I still want to learn a bit of Jutsus before considering anything else, and also have more time to train my capabilities. It's the best for me in my opinion

"... I don't want an early registration. It will shorten my freedom in a way. I'll graduate with the rest like normal"

[But, if you become a Genin early you have access to the library's Jutsu section. And with your adaptability, you can easily learn anything that comes your way.]

"Who says I have to graduate early to get access to the library's jutsu section?"

[What?... Oh... *Sigh* What's your plan this time, Andrew-sama?]

Lix said in a teasing matter. Of course, I know being a Genin early opens up more Jutsus to learn, but who says I have to be one to gain access?

"It's simple really. A bit of convincing and it should work. The librarian seems to trust me so I can see her giving me access to the Jutsu section, though probably only the D-rank Jutsus, but it's fine. That's enough for me to keep myself occupied for the next couple of years while getting stronger"

[If you say so man.]

Lix said as I finished dressing myself up for my first day. I looked at myself in the mirror and observed my appearance once again

Five months can do a lot to you huh? My red eyes shined brightly as they complimented my fluffy and messy hair. The muscles on my body were getting way suspicious for a 5-year-old boy. Sooner or later someone will notice it. I wore a simple black T-shirt with the Konoha crest on the back, with black shorts and blue sandals to go along with it

Once I was done checking myself, I went downstairs and joined breakfast with Dad and Mom

"Ah, good morning Ren. Good luck on your first day at the academy. Be a good ninja alright?"

Dad was the first to notice me as Mom followed up as well. I greeted both of them with a grin

"Good morning Mom, Dad. Of course! I'll do my best for you and Mom!"

I said. My voice filled with enthusiasm and energy made them smile at me even more

"Now's that's my son!"

Dad said with a proud voice. Happy that he got such a smart and sweet son like me. I grabbed my plate filled with Omurice and started to eat

After I ate, I was about to leave the house when Mom suddenly stopped me

"Hold on dear"

I stopped and turned around to face her. She bent down a little and gave me a kiss on the cheek

"Good luck my baby. Do good and make a lot of friends okay? And if you find someone that... Well, attracts you. Then do let me know, got it?"

Mom said with a smile so precious, Lix imagined himself hyperventilating in front of her if he were there

I smiled back at Mom and nodded. Mom knows that I'm smarter than your average 5-year-old and so whenever we have time to talk or go out for something. She always tells me a lesson or two, which I happily listen to every single time. This is the first time that I have sensed someone with so much love for their son. I was surprised at first since she really valued and cared for me so much in her life

"Yes Mom, I will. I'll be heading out now, I'm excited!"

"Hehe, you're so adorable. Well, I won't make you stay any longer... Wait!"

Suddenly, Mom quickly grabbed something from the kitchen. Moments later she was back

"I almost forgot about your bento. Goodbye, Ren!"

I grabbed my bento and waved goodbye to Mom. Opening the door and heading toward the Ninja Academy with a smile on my face


Not long later, I arrived at the Academy very early

Class doesn't start for a little bit so I immediately went to my room. It was just like in the show. The design and everything 'Oh, well he's here early' I thought, seeing Shikamaru already in the room with his head resting on the table

"Thought so... "

I muttered. Deciding to sit at the back next to the window on the third row of seats. Laying my bag down and started to meditate while waiting for the others to arrive

And soon, the classroom filled up with the iconic members of the Konoha 9. With a few civilians as well

I saw Sasuke enter the classroom and the girls in the class, including Sakura, immediately giggled when they saw him. I sighed internally at this behavior. And after that the rest arrived that included Naruto, Shino, Choji, Hinata, and Kiba. Though I noticed that Ino hasn't yet arrived

I opened my eyes and saw all the seats occupied except the one beside me

"Oh no... It means that Ino will sit next to me because she is the only one left missing"

I muttered to myself and heard Lix laughing at me

[I guess it's fate after all. Accept it already.]

"*Sigh* Well, I don't mind much. Let's just hope she isn't one of those obsessed fan girls"

I muttered. And not long later, the door opened, and entered Ino. The others were still talking with each other so her appearance of her didn't mean much since they were doing their own thing

Ino analyzed the classroom and saw that all of the seats were occupied now, except for one at the very back of the room near the window on the third row of seats. But what caught her eye is the person next to the unoccupied seat as she blushed 'Well, here we go. My potentially disastrous life from now on' I thought

Ino wasted no time and walked toward me

"Hi, Ren. It's nice seeing you again. It's been a while hasn't it? I never thought we'd be classmates"

Ino suddenly said with a happy smile. I could only nod at her question

"I guess it has been Ino. It seemed you took your time getting here"

"Yeah, I was rushing a bit because I slept quite late last night from all the preparing I did. Do you mind if I sit next to you? There are no more seats except this one"

"Not at all"

"Great then!"

Ino once again gave me a smile. Sitting down next to me while she laid her bag down. I noticed that she was blushing. I can feel her getting nervous 'Wow, for a 5-year-old girl she managed to compose herself. Even talking to me without stuttering huh' I thought while we waited for our teacher, which was, of course, the great Iruka

"Hey Ren, do you want to be a ninja?"

Ino turned her head to look at me. Her face still blushing with a smile on her cute face

"Yes, I do. Why do you ask Ino?"

"Oh... Well, nothing much... I didn't see you at all after the day we first met, and I thought that you left the village or something. But I'm glad that you're still here in the village attending the academy!"

Ino exclaimed. Her heart beating so fast yet her self-control is something else. But why be this nervous so much for just one person? I know she has a crush on me. No, it's not even a crush anymore. It's genuine love that she feels towards me. I can feel it, deep within her that she truly loves me 'Jesus Christ. I didn't expect her to feel this much for me' I thought

"Don't worry. I won't leave the village since I do live here. And, I'm not used to going outside much unless I am with my Mom"

I quickly made an excuse as she decided to believe me. She nodded at me with admiration that I can also sense

"Well, I guess that makes sense"

And we continued to talk about small things until Iruka finally arrived

Everyone calmed down when they saw him enter. He introduced himself and also ordered us to introduce ourselves one by one to better know each other

Everyone started to introduce themselves one by one until it was Ino's turn

"My Name is Ino Yamanaka. I love to draw and read. I hope we all get along"

She said before sitting down with a smile. A pretty normal introduction as it was now my turn. In fact, I am the last one left to introduce myself. Great

I stood up from my seat. Wearing a confident smile as best as I can

"My name is Ren Jisakai. I love to train and improve myself however I can. Nice to meet you all"

I said and took my seat. The girls looked at me with interest, their gazes still on me even after I sat down. I can see their blushing cheeks even all the way here at the back of the classroom

This is the first time they saw me since they were too busy doing their usual fangirl stuff without acknowledging my presence in the room earlier, but I didn't care about it much

Ino on the other hand noticed some of the girls' gazes on me. She looked displeased, very displeased at the eyes that were directed at me by the girls. I can sense an aura spreading around her, though nobody noticed it much except for me 'Now they're interested in him! I wonder what happened to their "Sasuke" huh'

After the introductions, Iruka explained the plans for this school year and what we will be doing. I decided to take down notes since I'm bored. Ino also wrote down some notes of her own as well

After a while, Iruka dismissed us for lunch early. Since it's the first day, the Academy gave us a bit of relaxation. But Iruka said tomorrow will be the real start of this school year. This day was meant to get the students to familiarize themselves with each other and take on the new environment before starting

As the students exited the classroom. I decided to eat my bento here since it's very relaxing. The opem window next to me brought a ton of wind which made me relax. No need to eat outside when you can just hang out here

"Are you not going out Ren?"

I heard Ino ask me as I turned around to face her. She held her bento in her hands while looking at me with a questioning and curious gaze. The room was empty at this moment

"Not today. I'll just eat lunch here. And besides, I can feel the fresh air here so it's no problem for me"

"I see... W-well... Would you mind if I join with you?"

For once, I finally heard her stutter. Her head looked down at the ground with nervousness as she blushed. I haven't seen that since the day I met her 'Huh... She is very different from the original Ino. She usually hangs out with Sakura all the time. In this instance, I guess I made a bigger impact or influence on her than Sakura ever did. But who knows' I thought

"I don't mind Ino. I'm glad you can join me"

I said, her head looked up to meet my eyes. Surprised that I accepted her offer of joining me for lunch. I just gave her a smile and she blushed again

"Thank you, Ren"

I heard her mutter but loud enough to make me hear it as she sat down next to me. Laying her bento in front of her as we started to eat peacefully.