
Chapter 10: Mission Rewards

Out in the far universe. A rip in the fabric of space occurred as two beings came out of it. Both possess powerful auras

"What now?"

A mysterious being with red hair and a battle staff said

"I am here to give a bounty on a certain mortal here, Faro"

The other one with spikey gray hair replied. It's face covered in a serious expression as if their facing someone that is a threat to their lives, which they are

"I know you are. Give me the bastard's name already"

Faro impatiently said. The bloodlust he was emitting was leaking out continuously. As if at any moment, when he gets the signal to kill, he will start his killing. As a bounty hunter, he will get the job done as best and as gruesome as he can. Even whoever is in front of him, will not stop him from getting his bounty that's for sure

"Be patient. This bounty you'll be hunting isn't the usual one that you do. I have very little information about this kid"

"Wait, kid? So you want me to kill a fucking kid? What a waste of time"

As Faro was about to leave the universe that they were in. He stopped abruptly, hearing something that piqued his interest a little bit

"What did you say?"

"I'll give you any powers you want if you kill that kid"

Faro heard the offer made by the man in front of him, grinning like a maniac. Faro was not only obsessed with his job but was also power hungry

"Hmm... Alright fine. I'll kill that fucking kid"

Faro turned back around to face the man. The man had a smile on his face seeing that they have finally come to an agreement

"Want me to rush in there and bring hell? I sense a shitload of life force there"

"No, we don't have any information about this kid. For someone as strong as me, I have very little knowledge about him"

"Then what the fuck do you want me to do?"

"I want you to test his strength when the time is right. Come back to report to me about your findings. And most importantly... "

The man looked at Faro. His white eyes stared at the demonic black eyes of the person in front of him as he stared back at him

"... Don't die"

The man coldly said. His voice became darker and heavier when he said those words. As if the man is implying the kid has enough power to kill Faro

To this, Faro just laughed at that. Unfazed by the words spoken by the person in front of him. Treating his warning as if it was a joke

"Sorry to say this. But I don't know how to fucking die"

Faro smirked to himself. Though he did find it strange that a mere kid is making the person in front of him very wary of him. Even going so far as to make an offer of any power he chooses, just as long as the kid gets killed. There is something not adding up, but Faro didn't pay much attention to it seeing as this will just be the normal killing stuff he usually does as a bounty hunter '... I wonder how is he doing now... I don't want to take any chances. I've been traveling through multiverses, dimensions, and such. And finally, I've got him' The man with spiky gray hair thought. His expression not changing whatsoever.


And so, days passed as my training continued. Nothing much happened, although the Uchiha Massacre will be the only event that I will be wary of. I will let the events unfold, seeing as that this is important in letting Sasuke get his hatred and determination to get stronger

[5 Month Mark.]

Tomorrow is the day, the day that I attend the academy. Has it been 5 months? It felt like it was yesterday that I just got here in this world. I've grown so much in the past months in terms of power and as a person. Mom said why shouldn't I make friends when I'm so good at socializing with random people from the village? Well, I'm the type to let people come to me. I enjoy being all on my own with Lix by my side. But if the opportunity that I can make a friend presents itself, then I'll gladly socialize and build a friendly relationship however I can. Though it depends on whose talking to me

[You ready man?]

"Yeah... Tomorrow will just be the beginning"

I said. Laying down on my bed with a smile on my face as I just finished my last bits of training before having the rest of the day by myself in order to prepare for the academy tomorrow. The amount of growth I had in these past 5 months was out of this world. I have mastered and perfected my manipulation over space and time, I feel ecstatic. The power I currently hold, and yet I feel that this isn't the end for me in terms of power. I believe that my eyes have something to do about this, though I still can't be sure

Bringing that aside. As I was laying in my bed while staring at the ceiling, I heard a Ding! sound in my head that I haven't heard for a long time

When I heard the Ding! sound, I immediately smirked at myself

[Ding! The host has completed the mission!]

[Rewards: Taijutsu Style | The All Bringer.]

[Ding! Bonus awards obtained!]

[-(Resistance and complete Immunity to the highest degree of Plot Manipulation)

-(Increased the level of existence to null/inapplicable).]


I saw the rewards for the mission I completed as I nodded in satisfaction. What I didn't expect was the bonus rewards. I was surprised that there were bonus rewards sure, but the rewards were something I never thought to consider

"... Lix?"

[Hehe~ Yes?]

"Why... You know what, I won't ask. I'll accept it"

I pressed accept as I heard Lix chuckle. I sighed hearing that cheeky laugh of his

"Is there more of this in the future Lix? And I understand the reason for Immunity of plot manipulation, I know that much. But my own existence transcending to null or inapplicable? Explain"

[Don't mind it much. And yes, there will be more of that down the road. And besides, I don't think you'll need it anyways but just to make sure, I gave it to you and you have most certainly earned it. And about the last reward that you are concerned of, you're mere existence alone is above any God-like beings' consideration of their meaning of "existence" in their very own words and thoughts.]

"My existence? Like my existence doesn't abide by other God-like beings understanding of existence?"

[Yes, in a way. Basically, your existence doesn't abide by what other beings' consideration of existence is. Your existence has a different and separate meaning, a different plane of existence far beyond any being can reach, and this scales indefinitely and immeasurably since you grow stronger so fast, this affects your level of existence as well. If someone erases your existence, it wouldn't work. You exist beyond and separately from that definition because your existence doesn't apply to what others' consideration of existence is. You are above that, you have transcended your very own existence. Plus, your meditation also keeps amplifying this so yeah.]

Lix explained as thoroughly as he can and I understood what he said. In short, my existence has been upgraded and it is a level above any other being's existence. That is why if someone were to even try and erase me out of existence, it won't work. Nothing will for that matter as I exist beyond their comprehension of what existence is to them

I also got information involving the multiversal taijutsu style, the all-bringer. It was how I expected it to be. All the known taijutsu styles in the multiverse of Naruto put into one style

The concept of fighting alone, as well as different variations of it, like chess, checkers, and such in my previous world, has been embedded into my mind. Though throughout my time here, I haven't had a taijutsu style to train on, because I haven't had one to work on. The library was the closest I can get to a technique or a style of taijutsu, but it was not enough. And with the other sections locked for me to see, there was no use to pursue one. But why would I if in the end, I will get this multiversal taijutsu style? It was simply unnecessary since no taijutsu style in this universe can match what I have now. It pales in comparison to every style out there

And with my ever-growing brain capacity. I can surely say that I certainly have hands now. No one bout to come and catch these hands of mine

Also concerning that sooner or later, I will get bored. But as long as I have an end goal that I am constantly working on. Then being bored is something, not that concerning. Have you ever felt bored in your life, and yet randomly, you have this courage, this determination to suddenly fix yourself and set your eyes on your goal? It's just like that for me in many ways

I don't go around fighting for pleasure. Though I am one to gather as much power as I can get. For me, showing power will be the last resort in successfully cultivating a world with purity. It's different than showing your capabilities or potential to someone. The basic concept that I have arrived at is to showcase what you are capable of and show great potential for the future. It is a great way to convince the leader of a particular tribe or a place, to be inducted or be the next to rule. Let's say Konoha with Hiruzen. It will give him a great impression once he knows what I can do and the potential I have. And that will allow me massive support on the throne of the village. A big leap but that was just an example of what can happen

Though it's not just physical capabilities and potential that are necessary. There is another one that needs to be taken seriously as well, and that is political power. You need a mouth to support your capabilities and in most cases, that would be true. Even just having political power and knowledge would be enough to be able to lead and be the main man for your people. Having great physical capabilities and potential would support your stance even more if you are already someone with a lot of knowledge about politics

But I am not experienced much in that category so I may or may not be the best in terms of that particular subject. But I have another secret tool to use. My aura. It can show authority over everyone with my strong presence alone. Combining that with my powers and my chances have already skyrocketed

"Ah... Your thoughts alone can be one of your best friends in life"

I said with a smile. Letting the power run through my body and veins as I enjoyed every second of it. Power surging in my body is like having your first orgasm

There's also the matter of the entrance exams for new students in the academy such as myself. The test was held last week in the academy. The new kids that registered for the first time in the academy needed to take the exams to confirm the placements of each student and where they should end up in the class 'I don't recall the academy ever giving out entrance exams, but it's whatever. My scores would be enough to be classmates with the main cast of characters from the show' I thought with not much worry about my placement. Though I was suspicious because if it follows the original plot in which Naruto joins the other main cast, then I don't see him passing the test since well, he's still dumb. This might be Hiruzen's doing then if so, which would make sense

And also since I finished the test in less than 5 minutes, I was able to leave and not see the other kids just yet. Granted it was a 10-part question but I was done and dusted there and I left immediately. When I finished and left, the rest of the kids have just arrived as they started the exam, all the while meanwhile I was running around the village like a psycho

I also covered my tracks well. Manipulating the person who was taking care of the exams so as to forget what he just saw from me, since seeing a child ace a ten-part question within 5 minutes deserves the attention of the Hokage-sama. And I don't want that just yet.



"Mom! Dad!"

I hurriedly ran inside the living room and stood in front of Mom and Dad with a happy expression. Both of them looked at me with a questioning gaze

"What is it Ino? You seem happy"

Dad said and I nodded

"I aced the entrance exam! I'll be joining the top class in the academy!"

I said with a proud tone and expression. Mom and Dad gave me a heartwarmingly smile and expression, as they praised me and congratulated me

"Haha! I'm proud of you Ino. How about let's go out to eat? All three of us. My treat"

"That would be great"

Inoichi's wife replied happily. Liking the idea of their family going out to eat and celebrate my exam results

I was genuinely happy at this moment. But there was one thing I still have on my mind, is Ren going to be in the same class as me? I didn't see him at all in the academy for the entrance exams. Did he not register? 'No... He has to register' I thought, still hoping that I am right that he attends the academy and as well as be my classmate... 'I love him'.


(Hope you enjoy. Please support me so that my laziness goes down. Thank you.)