
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

ChaosNinja · Anime et bandes dessinées
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269 Chs

Chapter 136: Teaching Eight Inner Gates

Shisui had just returned home not long ago when an unexpected guest arrived.

"Chief-sama." Shisui greeted Uchiha Fugaku.

"No need to be so formal, just call me uncle. I once fought side by side with your father." Uchiha Fugaku said with a smile.

"Alright, Uncle Fugaku." Shisui nodded in agreement.

"Is there something you came to see me about today?" Shisui asked.

He didn't think Uchiha Fugaku, the chief of the Uchiha Clan, would come to see him for no reason, especially since he wasn't his real uncle.

"Nothing special, it's time again for the clan to reward outstanding Uchiha members. I happened to have some free time so I came to deliver them to you, and also to see our Uchiha geniuses." Uchiha Fugaku said with a smile.

"Thank you very much," Shisui said.

He wasn't very concerned about the so-called rewards. Although Shisui had no parents or grandparents, he was not short of money.

His parents left him a considerable inheritance, which would be enough for him to live on even if he didn't become a ninja.

"Haha, it's no trouble, and it's not far." Uchiha Fugaku laughed.

"Shisui, what are your plans for the future?" Uchiha Fugaku suddenly asked.

After arranging the items he was going to distribute, Uchiha Fugaku continued:

"I've heard that you already have the strength to defeat graduating Genin. Have you considered graduating early? The Academy's curriculum is no longer of much help to you."

"If you graduate early, I can apply to have you directly transferred to the police force. Then you can learn from the Jonin within the clan."

Usually, newly graduated Genin cannot directly join departments like the police force; they have to be mentored by Jonin for a period of time. However, Uchiha Fugaku is the leader after all, and he believes that applying to Third should not be a problem.

After listening, Shisui shook his head inwardly. He had already discussed early graduation with Mutsuki. He felt Mutsuki's suggestion was good, and he didn't think Uchiha Jonin could surpass Mutsuki in terms of strength and teaching ability.

However, with Uchiha Fugaku, the head of the Uchiha clan, personally coming to see him, Shisui felt it would be impolite to refuse too directly. So, after waiting for a while, he tactfully declined:

"Uncle Fugaku, I feel I still have some way to go before I'm ready in all aspects to become a full-fledged ninja. I don't have any thoughts of graduating early for now."

"Well, that's also fine. I didn't expect you to be so mature at such a young age, Shisui. You'll surely become a great asset in the future." Despite being rejected, Uchiha Fugaku didn't show any signs of displeasure; instead, he praised Shisui.

"Shisui, do you still have a good relationship with Uchiha Obito? I heard that Uchiha Obito has made great progress recently and has been recognized as an outstanding Uchiha." Uchiha Fugaku continued the conversation.

"Yes," Shisui admitted with a nod. Mutsuki only instructed them not to disclose that he was their sensei; he didn't require them to act like strangers among disciples.

"How do you feel about Uchiha Obito?" Uchiha Fugaku asked casually.

"He's a very outstanding Uchiha, diligent in his training," Shisui replied.

Uchiha Fugaku asked directly, so he responded in kind.

"It would be good for you outstanding Uchiha to interact more. The future of the Uchiha Clan will depend on you," Uchiha Fugaku nodded with a smile.

As Fugaku was about to leave, Shisui walked to the door to see him off.

"The police force..." Shisui shook his head.

What Uchiha Fugaku said didn't interest him in the slightest.


"Dad, I'm back," Guy, not seriously injured, returned home shortly after receiving treatment with Medical Ninjutsu.

"Guy, how was the exam today? Did you unleash your youth with all your might?" Duy asked.

"I lost to Obito today. I only got second place in the year," Guy replied.

"But Obito was really strong today. Even though I gave it my all, I still couldn't beat him."


Duy slapped Guy's shoulder heavily, tears streaming down his face as he said, "Guy, as long as you burn your youth with all your might, even if you fail, there's no need to be disheartened. And getting second place is also a good thing. It means that in the future, Guy, you won't lack opponents to fight."

"I'm not disheartened. I admit defeat in that battle, but overall, I've won more fights against Obito!" Guy said, giving a thumbs-up.

Today's battle with Obito was simply a matter of being slightly weaker in strength, and Guy was well aware of that. However, he believed he could catch up soon.

"That's how youth should be. Guy, I'm proud of you," Duy said, feeling comforted by Guy's demeanor, and he hugged him.

"After burning your youth, make sure to fill your stomach in time. I've already cooked, so Guy, dig in," Duy said, handing the prepared meal to Guy.

Just as Guy was about to eat, their door was knocked on.

"Someone's actually knocking? That's rare. Could it be a client?" Duy walked over, preparing to open the gate.

"No matter how you think about it, that's not possible," Guy commented. It's unheard of for someone to come to a Genin's house for a mission.

"Haha, it's not impossible. After all, I'm recognized by Hokage-sama as the expert cat finder," Duy laughed.

"Who are you?" After opening the gate, Duy saw two unfamiliar ninjas.

"Who's there?" Guy peeked curiously, his expression changing.

He didn't know the names of the two ninjas, but he remembered their faces. They were the ones who insulted his father not long ago and got a beating from him.

"Are they here for revenge?" Guy forgot about eating, putting down his chopsticks and rushing to Duy's side.

"What are you planning?" Guy asked cautiously, eyeing the two individuals.

As long as they made any preparatory movements to attack, he would immediately enter Stone Breathing mode to protect his father.

"Do you know them, Guy?" Duy asked, puzzled.

The tall, thin ninja and the slightly chubby ninja stood together, taking a step forward.

Seeing this, Guy quickly adjusted his breathing rhythm, scanning for a good direction to attack. He couldn't let them damage their house.

But something unexpected happened to Guy.

The two of them simultaneously bowed deeply, their movements synchronized, and said, "We're sorry!"

Guy silently retracted his leg, which was poised to kick, returning to normal breathing.

"Guy, what's going on? Why did they suddenly apologize?" Duy was still unclear why two unknown ninjas would suddenly come out and apologize.

"We shouldn't have mocked you for being an eternal Genin. As fellow Konoha ninjas, we should respect each other," the slightly chubby ninja apologized.

"Also, I shouldn't have resorted to violence against Academy students as a ninja," the tall, thin ninja also apologized.

After Guy left, they soon came to their senses. At the time, in their anger, they didn't feel they had done anything wrong, and were even defiant.

However, they gradually calmed down afterward.

Because Guy demonstrated remarkable strength. Although they didn't use ninjutsu or employ any malicious taijutsu techniques, Guy knocking out two Chunin was quite exaggerated.

Even if they underestimated Guy and didn't use their full strength, they were still Chunin, not newly graduated Genin.

After inquiring about Guy's latest news, they realized that the information they had heard about him being at the bottom of the class was outdated. The current Guy had already risen to become the top student in the Academy.

After discussing for a while, they decided to apologize to Guy at his home.

Guy now has such strength that fighting them in a few years will be nothing to him. Although village ninjas cannot kill each other, giving them a beating in the dark isn't a big deal.

They felt it wasn't necessary to offend someone who might become a strong individual in the future over such a trivial matter like trash-talking.

"These are our apologies. Please accept them," the tall, thin ninja handed over some supplements and a large bag of various vegetables from behind him.

"And take this money as compensation for medical expenses in case you need to visit the hospital," the slightly chubby ninja said, producing some banknotes.

Duy looked at Guy. Since he didn't know the ins and outs of the situation, he left the decision to Guy.

"We'll take the items, but you can keep the money. I'm not injured, so I don't need medical treatment," Guy accepted the supplements and the bag of vegetables but refused the money.

That's how Guy saw it. He had settled the score with the two who insulted his father with his fists. The supplements and vegetables could serve as compensation for their disrespect, but he definitely wouldn't take the money.

Although he knew his family wasn't well-off, he knew his father wouldn't accept this kind of money.

"Just take it, it's not much, just twenty thousand," the tall, thin ninja urged.

"It's a sign of maturity to recognize one's mistakes, but you should take the money back," Duy refused.

Since Guy had already made a decision, Duy wouldn't accept it either.

In the end, the slightly chubby ninja and the tall, thin ninja exchanged glances and reluctantly took back the money.

At this point, they had developed some admiration for Guy and Duy. Clearly, they were thrifty, even haggling over the price of meat, and they wouldn't accept money that wasn't theirs.

During the meal, Guy knew he couldn't hide it any longer, so he told Duy about the situation.

"If someone talks behind your back, it only means you're living much more skillfully than them.

Sarcasm is praise for you, and gossip is applause for your skill. They're just singing victory songs for you. Because, you're not living to please them" Duy said with deep meaning.

He always maintained this attitude. No matter what others said, Duy didn't care; he saw it as their support because those people weren't important to him.

Guy didn't respond to Duy's words. Though it was said like that, he could tolerate others calling him an eternal Genin, but he couldn't accept insults directed at his father or seeing his father being looked down upon.

"But to gain an advantage in battles against official ninjas means your youth is continuously advancing!" Duy exclaimed, giving a thumbs-up.

"You've grown to this extent; it seems it's time to pass on that responsibility to you," Duy said.

Although Duy himself was a Genin, he believed Guy's future wouldn't be like his own. Guy was more talented than him, and he had always been preparing to pass on the Eight Inner Gates to Guy.

However, because the Eight Inner Gates were extremely dangerous, Duy planned to teach Guy after he became a ninja. Now he felt that Guy was ready to formally begin training in the Eight Inner Gates.

"What's that?" Guy asked, puzzled.

"You'll find out tonight," Duy replied.

That evening, Duy brought Guy to the place where he practiced. With a serious expression, he said to Guy:

"What I'm about to teach you is the Eight Inner Gates, not ordinary taijutsu, but one of the forbidden techniques!"

"The Eight Inner Gates!" Guy was surprised.

Mutsuki had once told them that their Breathing Technique could be considered a secret jutsu or even a forbidden technique.

Guy knew the power of the Breathing Technique. Even though he hadn't successfully trained in it yet, he knew it could greatly enhance his strength and training effectiveness.

The fact that his father might possess a taijutsu technique on par with Stone Breathing surprised Guy because he knew his father was a ninja who couldn't even advance to Chunin.

"That's right, it took me a full twenty years to master the Eight Inner Gates, and it's the only taijutsu technique I can teach you," Duy continued.

"Gate of Opening, open! Gate of Life, open! ... Gate of Joy, open!"

In one breath, Duy opened six gates in succession. At this moment, he unleashed an extremely formidable chakra, enveloping his entire body in a dense green aura. The sudden surge of power stirred up the air, pressing down the surrounding grass and rustling the leaves.

"So strong!" Guy sensed the terrifying aura emanating from Duy and widened his eyes in disbelief.

"This forbidden technique is very powerful, but also very dangerous. That's why I'm only teaching it to you now," Duy said solemnly.

The Eight Inner Gates were too dangerous, and he had to make it clear to Guy.

That night, Guy had trouble sleeping.

Today, Duy truly shocked Guy. Although he had always liked and respected his father, he had never considered him particularly strong. When those two ninjas came to their door, Guy intentionally stood in front of Duy.

He hadn't expected his Genin father to unleash such terrifying power; Guy was both excited and happy.

However, he also had worries. Last night, he spent the whole night learning about the Eight Inner Gates and realized why it took his father a full twenty years to master this forbidden technique—it was no simpler than Stone Breathing.

Guy was concerned that practicing both Eight Inner Gates and Stone Breathing together might slow down his progress even more, disappointing Mutsuki.

Guy was someone who took action. The next morning, he told Mutsuki about it.

"Yumi-sensei, I'm sorry, but my progress with the Breathing Technique might be slower in the future," Guy said.

"Not necessarily. Perhaps the collision of two forbidden techniques will produce a beneficial reaction," Mutsuki said with a smile.

"The Eight Inner Gates require a strong body, and Stone Breathing is the best for training the body."

"By the way, I also know a bit about the Eight Inner Gates. If you have any questions while practicing here, feel free to ask me."

"S-sensei, you also know the Eight Inner Gates!" Guy was extremely shocked. He remembered Mutsuki wasn't even twenty years old yet, but he mastered several forbidden techniques.


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