
Naruto: Strength through Sex

C_317 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Points Shopping

After enjoying his time with Sakura Kentō returned to his apartment to go through the store and see what he could buy with his points. Whilst walking back to his apartment he reviewed his rewards.

Host had accumulated 7200 points

Host has unlocked repeated sexual action with Sakura Haruno

Host can Buy Kyubbi level Chakra for 1500

Host can Buy Multi Shadow Clone Justu foe 2500

Host can Buy Giant Fire Ball Justu for 2500

Host can Buy Perfect Lightning Affinity for 6000

Host can Buy Perfect Wind Affinity for 6000

Host can Buy Perfect Earth Affinity for 6000

Host can Buy Perfect Water Affinity for 6000

Host can Buy Perfect Fire Affinity for 6000

Looking at what he could buy Kentō thought carefully before deciding on Kyubbi Chakra and Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu leaving him with 3200 Points. Knowing that the Rasengan was basically a ball of Chakra he purposely bought the two from the store before creating clones to go practice making the Rasengan without worrying about his Chakra being drained for a while.

Afterwards Kentō reviewed the Aphrodisiac Darts.

'They made Sakura into a moaning mess as well as turned her into a masochist for rough pleasure.' He thought before thinking of the of Inō and Hinata 'They'll grow up to be beautiful in a few years.' He thought before deciding on earning points with Sakura first since he thought it would be bothersome with Ino's family Justu and Hinata being a family heiress meaning their would be people monitoring her nearly everyday until she graduates.

After planning out his next action Kentō decided to try and remember what the previous Kentō was like.

2 Hours Later

Finally after 2 hours Kentō Finally remembered what Kentō's life was like.

Orphaned after the Kyubbi incident, being a loner at the academy, no friends, showed no interest or effort in practical exams, considered mediocre ans at the middle of the pack, 1 week left before the final school year started. These were what the previous Kentō remembered.

Trying to remember more he vividly remember going to the principal office with the principal saying that if he doesn't improve in this year then he will have to drop out due to complaints from teachers saying that he hadn't improved at all and would only be stagnant.

After remembering this memory Kentō opened the points story trying to see if their was anything that could help him improve.

After half an hour he saw something that interested him and would help him improve his Shuriken throwing and Taijustu.

Gambit Template 25% 20,000 Points

Seeing this Kentō decided that tomorrow he would meet with Sakura tomorrow and fuck her as hard and much as he could so that he could get the Gambit Template. Sighing Kentō made multiple shadow clones and had them go to the forest to practice making the Rasengan before looking out the window to see it was night out.

Yawning he decided to sleep to prepare for tomorrow so that he had the energy to enjoy himself tomorrow.

Author Notes

I don't know much about Gambit but I'll try my best not to enrage the Marvel fans when using his powers and abilities in this story.