
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Graduation Exam




Kumo year 33

"I'm heading out"

"Kazu, don't forget your lunch"

Kazuto grabbed his lunch and the necessities and made his way to the dining room

"Today is the big day K, knowing you I don't have to worry"

Z who was still having breakfast watched as his son stuff his breakfast in his fast and then got ready to leave for school. He looked a bit older than he was but it wasn't that noticeable

Because he forced himself to perform [Indra] his chakra pathways were heavily damaged, after being brought back from near death

He could no longer be a ninja. Kazuto initially thought this was going to affect his father a lot but his father didn't mind

In his own words,"At least I know have more time to spend with my wife and kids"

Kazuto smiled and exit the house, he did simple parkour and moved freely through the village and headed to the Academy

Walking through the village it was lively as usual, but there was still a gloomy feeling hidden

It's been 2 years since the end of the great shinobi war. The death and destruction brought by this war were so terrifying that the war ended very early

After the betrayal of the Gold and Silver brothers. Kumo and Konoha went through with the signing of the treaty like the original, but some things can't be changed

The brothers still ambushed the village leaders in hope of reigniting the war and taking over Kumo, but it wasn't so easy

Tobirama anticipated their attack and came prepared for a battle and the brothers and village leaders fought

Unfortunately, the second raikage couldn't make it out, his body was found later at the scene

Tobirama also didn't get lucky, unlike the original he was very prepared to fight the brothers, using all his means he was able to kill the brothers at full strength. Sadly he died a year later because of injures

This wasn't surprising unlike A and Z, Tobirama could seal the brother and his Jutsus were unmatched even so the combined strength of the brothers was too strong for him, even though he survived that day he was very injured and wouldn't last long

The Senju brothers suffered a similar fate, it was a sad day for Konoha. Same for Kumo the death of the second raikage was a huge blow to the village's morale

A became the third raikage and he followed in his predecessor's footsteps and agreed with the treaty with Konoha, this triggered a chain reaction in the war, and other countries followed suit soon after the war ended

Kumo gained a lot in this war, but they also lost a lot. 141 was nearly destroyed because of the rebellion which puts some holes in the village's military strength, the death of the second raikage affected the village's morale, and most surprisingly the village's relationship with Konoha has crumbled

Kumo and Konoha weren't close but they also weren't enemies, the treaty between the villages should have brought their relationship closer, but the death of the second Hokage caused Konoha to bear hatred toward Kumo

Although justified Kumo would not give up easy, plus they didn't care about their relationship with Konoha, so they simply looked the other way and ignore the glares by Konoha acting like nothing happened

Because of all of this, the village was a bit down, but A was a good leader and the village condition was improving under him

Kazuto stopped in front of the academy gates and took a deep breath

Today was the graduation exam and after today he would become a ninja

Walking into a huge building Kazuto saw it was filled with soon-to-be ninjas

"Yo k, over here"

Kazuto spotted A(Forth raikage) and sat beside him

"Can't believe it has been 4 years and now we are officially going to become ninjas"

"yeah, today our goal to become powerful ninjas start now"

Kazuto was just as excited as A. he was a naruto fan, and although he never once thought he would come here, the chance to be a ninja was something he always wanted

Today was also the day things get serious for him

A and Kazuto talked for a while until a chunin ninja entered the building. The chunin ninja stood in front of the students

"Ok guys I think you all should know how the graduation exam works"

The man then went on to explain anyway. the graduation exam wasn't as easy in the original, living in a period of wars and conflict, the village only needs competent ninjas

Learning 3 E-rank jutsus for a graduation test was too easy

What the test requires you to was a simple race

Well it's not so simple

The goal was to see who could make it to the peak of the tallest, mountain in Kumo. This mountain had traps, and dangerous animals, and the terrain was very difficult to walk through

The students had 24 hours to climb to the top, those who reached in the time given, past those who don't, were either killed along the way and failed to graduate

Kazuto didn't feel the slightest pressure. The mountain used for the exam was is one he always trained, he had a good understanding of the geography of the mountain and his skills were adequate enough to make it through

"With that said we will go to the mountain in one hour if your no there in time then you're disqualified"


The chunin talked a bit more then disappeared in smoke leaving a reminder

All the children present ran out of the building and went to the mountain the sooneer the better

'Guess we should get moving'

"Come on A we leaving"

Although the test was easy for Kazuto, it was a bit troublesome

Actually, he could have avoided the exam, by graduating early and getting a personal evaluation test by a chunin

However, graduating early was a very dumb move

Even if you don't have anything else to learn at the academy the resources given were something that even professional ninjas would die for, not only that graduating early will ruin your foundation and stun your growth

A perfect example of this was Kakashi. His downfall as a genius ninja could be said to start the day he decided to graduate early

Early graduates are natural geniuses and they have high importance to the villages. This is why they go on missions inside the village at first instead of outside after graduating

Once you graduate from the academy, everything you need, from food to weapons to equipment all that you get for free is gone. The academy gives the children food and weapons they need to train, so they don't have to focus on unnecessary thing and only focus on getting stronger, but if you are no longer in the academy you would have to find money to buy those things yourself

Now you are stuck in a loop of doing a lot of missions to make money so you can buy your simple ninja equipment, even a single shuriken costs a lot of cash

You spend more time doing missions and now you are unable to find time to train to improve your strengths

Kakashi was probably the same, always doing missions in the village and he didn't get a lot of experience since he didn't go on a lot of missions outside, because he didn't have his ninja team

Even if he had his father's inheritance after he died, rent and paying ninja tools were very expensive, eventually the money would run out

On the other hand, staying in the academy gives you time to train and streaghtens your foundation

30 minutes later. Kazuto and A reached the bottom of the mountain, after another 30 min the same chunin appeared in front of them

"The rules are simple to reach the top before 24 hours, you can fight each out but you can't kill remember your performance here determines the ninja team you will be in"

"1 2 3 GO!"

Hundreds of soon-to-be ninjas speed off trying to get to the top first

"Wanna race"

Kazuto watched as the crowd of people get lesser and lesser and came up with an idea

"A race, sure winner has to give them half of their lunch"

A was interested, and spiced things up with a reward

"Such high reward, I'm getting a little pumped up"

Not waiting for Kazuto A dashed toward the mountain

"Wait we didn't even start"

"The examiner already counted down the race started long ago"

Kazuto looked at A with a surprised look

"Seems his brain cell are now being used, I'm a little proud"

Not to be outdone kazuto chased after him


Damn the competition in webnovel is very fierce before writing I never realized how strong the competition was

Because webnovel weekly fresh on the rankings, new books gain the opportunity to become very popular and gain a lot of fans

But the real problem is trying to stay on the ranking after it refreshes

To get more fans you need more collection and more collection means the more people willing. to give power stones

But to do all of that you need to get attraction of your audience. The best way to do that is to go on the release ranking

To keep up on the release ranking you need to write more

Damn well-played web novel you guys really know what yall doing


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