
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

Hkj · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Ch-30 First mission.

You can read 16 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.




Hiruzen then continued, "Jugram came to me earlier in the afternoon and asked for permission to allow all of you to undertake low-ranking missions with your shadow clones. I was quite worried about whether you would all be able to handle the fatigue from using shadow clones, but it seems my worries were unfounded. You will all be fine, so I hereby grant permission for you to engage in low-ranking missions with your shadow clones."

Upon receiving this permission from Hiruzen, everyone's faces lit up with joy. Just at that moment, the fathers of Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji arrived.

"Oh, Shikaku, Choza, and Inoichi, have you come to see your children?" inquired Hiruzen.

"Yes, Hokage-Sama, we came here to pick up our children and also to express our gratitude to Jugram for teaching them," said Shikaku with a salute.

"I see. I am also impressed by their progress," replied Hiruzen.

As Hiruzen conversed with Shikaku, the father of Shino arrived, along with the mother of Kiba and Hiashi, the father of Hinata.

Observing their unexpected presence, Hiruzen's surprise deepened into suspicion. Pondering the situation, he couldn't help but wonder if there existed some additional knowledge regarding Jugram that the parents of the 'Sternritter' members possessed, yet had remained undisclosed to him. However, he harbored the realization that the likelihood of them divulging any such information was slim, given that they could have done so earlier if they had desired.

Hiruzen glanced at everyone present and remarked, "It seems you've all come to retrieve your children."

Respectfully, they saluted Hiruzen and confirmed their intent to collect their children, expressing gratitude towards Jugram as well.

Hiruzen nodded in acknowledgment. "Very well, then. Carry on with your discussions. I have a few matters to attend to."

Once Hiruzen had departed, Choza remarked, "He must have grown suspicious upon seeing all of us gathered here."

"I agree, but who could have predicted his presence here? Besides, if not today, he would have grown suspicious tomorrow. There's no need to fret too much," reassured Shikaku.

After Hiruzen left, Hiashi spoke up, saying, "I am grateful for what you have done for my daughter."

Every parent present expressed their gratitude to Jugram for imparting new abilities to their children.

Jugram responded to everyone, saying, "You all don't have to thank me. What I aim to create is a powerful group, and a powerful group is comprised of powerful individuals. Thus, bestowing new abilities upon them is, in a way, advantageous for me."

Although Jugram made this statement, deep down, every parent felt gratitude towards him for enhancing their children's abilities. After expressing their thanks to Jugram, each parent departed with their child. Jugram and Sasuke also left for their respective homes.


After receiving permission from the Hokage, every member of the 'Sternritter' focused on their training. Whenever they had to undertake low-rank missions, they utilized their shadow clones for the task.

Time passed in this manner, and one month elapsed since Naruto's graduation.

The fruits of the labor invested by each member of the 'Sternritter' became increasingly apparent. It was now evident that every member had acquired the fundamental skill to manifest their preferred weapons from chakra. This unmistakably signified that all 'Sternritter' members had attained mastery over chakra control to an exceptional extent.

Jugram's strength also experienced a significant leap, bringing him closer to the ranks of the Kage.


[Character Status]

[Name: Jugram Haschwalth]

[Ninja Level: Jonin (8700/10000)]

[Strength: S-Rank ninja]

[Skills: Master Swordsman, Skilled Archer, Reishi Manipulation.]


Soul Distribution Power (Unlocked)

The Balance (Unlocked)

The Key (Unlocked)

Almighty (Locked)]


After engaging in low-rank missions for the past month, Naruto grew bored and decided to approach the Hokage for higher-ranked assignments.

"Naruto," he addressed Hiruzen, "Old man, give us a few challenging missions. We're tired of these petty tasks."

"These missions are crucial for your development," Iruka interjected, countering Naruto's plea. However, Naruto completely disregarded Iruka's words.

"Alright, if you want a tough mission, you shall have one," Hiruzen acquiesced.

"Really?" Naruto's eagerness was palpable in his tone, his anticipation evident as he leaned forward.

"Indeed," confirmed Hiruzen, a hint of intrigue lacing his words. "It's a C-rank mission—a significant step up. Your objective will be to escort someone."

"Escort someone?" Naruto's curiosity surged, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Like a prince or princess from another country?"

Hiruzen set describing the mission to Naruto, "Your mission will be to escort Mr. Tazuna to the 'Land of Waves' safely."

Afterward, Tazuna entered the Hokage's office and made a few remarks about Naruto that offended him, sparking a heated exchange between them. Finally, Kakashi intervened to calm them both down, and Hiruzen instructed Kakashi, "Also, call for Jugram and inform him that he will be part of this mission as well."

Kakashi nodded and turned his attention towards Sasuke's shadow clone. With a subtle nod, the shadow clone vanished into a plume of white smoke.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)