
Naruto: Sternritter Grandmaster of Konoha.

A boy was born an orphan in the world of Naruto, and at the right age, he inherited the template of Jugram Haschwalth. With this, he became a powerful ninja and joined Konoha. His primary objective in joining Konoha was to create the strongest Sternritter from the Konoha 12. ---- Patreon Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822

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39 Chs

Ch-29 I respect Hatake Sakumo.

You can read 16 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.




"What exactly do you mean?" Kakashi asked, his face remaining calm despite hearing about his father.

Jugram replied thoughtfully, "It simply doesn't sit right with me. Here was a man lauded for his incredible skill and hailed as the White Fang of the Leaf. He prioritizes the lives of his comrades, a core principle of the Will of Fire, and is ostracized for it. Not only that, but the mission's failure is broadcast throughout the Land of Fire, tarnishing his reputation further. It all seems incredibly unfair, especially considering the secrecy that often surrounds missions and the potential for misinformation to spread. It makes me wonder what truly transpired on that mission and why Konoha's leadership remained silent on the matter."

Kakashi remained completely calm after Jugram's explanation.

"Of course, these are just my own speculations," Jugram continued. "I wasn't even born at that time, so I can't speak to the exact details. Consider it idle chatter. Having heard tales of Hatake Sakumo's swordsmanship, I, as a fellow swordsman myself, can't help but admire him."


In response to this, Kakashi nodded, a hint of pride flickering across his features. "Yes," he said, his voice betraying a deep respect for his father's legacy, "my father was widely considered the best swordsman of his time. They called him the White Fang of the Leaf for a reason – his skill with a blade was unmatched."

Reaching the Hokage building, Jugram and Kakashi finally entered the Hokage's office.

Hiruzen looked at Kakashi and asked, "So, how did the survival exercise with Team 7 go? Did they pass your test?"

Kakashi replied, "They passed."

"That's good news," Hiruzen said. He then turned to Iruka and asked, "Iruka, you must be relieved, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Iruka replied.

Hiruzen nodded and then addressed Jugram, "Jugram, it seems you have something to discuss?"

"Indeed, Hokage-sama," Jugram said. "I came here specifically to request your permission for something."


"Intriguing," Hiruzen said with interest. "What kind of permission are you seeking?"

"I'd like to request permission for all members of Sternritter to utilize Shadow Clone Jutsu for their upcoming D-rank missions," Jugram explained. "These missions are typically assigned to newly graduated teams to build teamwork and coordination. My proposal would allow them to complete the missions while still doing their training."

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow. "That's an interesting idea, Jugram. As you mentioned, D-rank missions are designed to develop teamwork. Wouldn't using Shadow Clones potentially hinder that objective?"

Jugram nodded. "Hokage-sama, we both understand that Shadow Clones retain memories and experiences upon dispersing, effectively transferring knowledge back to the original user. Therefore, team coordination shouldn't be significantly compromised."

"However," Iruka interjected, "there are potential drawbacks to using Shadow Clones for extended periods. Perhaps we should discuss those as well."

"I'm certainly aware of the potential drawbacks associated with prolonged Shadow Clone usage," Jugram assured the Hokage. "However, the Sternritter members possess exceptional stamina. They routinely train with Shadow Clones for extended periods and demonstrate a remarkable tolerance for fatigue. As their leader, the safety and well-being of my team are paramount. I wouldn't prioritize short-term gains at the expense of their health."

"Would you be open to a demonstration?" Hiruzen inquired.

"Absolutely, Hokage-sama," Jugram readily agreed. "We'll be training intensively throughout the day. Feel free to observe us at any point and verify their capabilities firsthand."

Hiruzen nodded thoughtfully. "Very well. If your claims hold true, I'm inclined to grant your request. Having witnessed Sasuke's performance against Kakashi earlier today, it's clear his skills have improved significantly since his academy days. Your training methods seem quite effective, Jugram."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Jugram took his leave of the Hokage's office, permission secured.


In the evening, Hiruzen arrived at training ground number 3 where the Sternritter members were diligently training. Jugram, sensing the Hokage's presence, refrained from interrupting their session, opting to let Hiruzen observe them firsthand.

Hiruzen watched intently as the Sternritter trained, impressed by the intensity and focus they displayed. When they finally finished and sat down to rest, Jugram addressed them. "Everyone, rise. The Hokage has been observing your training."

As Jugram spoke, the air shimmered for a moment, and then Hiruzen appeared in front of everyone. He stood revealed in their midst, his presence both surprising and calming. The Sternritter members, their surprise swiftly yielding to respect, rose as one and bowed their heads in unison. "Hokage-sama," they greeted in a chorus, their voices filled with respect.

Hiruzen addressed the Sternritter members, a hint of pride evident in his voice. "I'm impressed by your dedication and hard work. It's clear that you've all been putting in a tremendous amount of effort, and that's exactly the kind of commitment that separates the truly exceptional ninja from the rest. Keep it up. I trust that with Jugram's experienced guidance and your unwavering commitment, you'll all blossom into formidable ninja of Konohagakure, ready to contribute to the village's security and well-being for years to come."

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)