
Naruto: Spectral Code

In a world where mysterious technologies shape the future of shinobi, Naruto Uzumaki and his fellow students face relentless trials to prove their worth. As a hidden darkness rises within the village, a sinister force threatens to unravel everything. Amid intense rivalries and growing dangers, Naruto must navigate a path filled with secrets and shadows. The true challenge emerges when the line between hero and monster blurs: Who will control the power that decides their fate? Patreon: patreon.com /InstantKrater_K0

InstantKrater_K0 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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105 Chs

Chapter 86 - Who?

The fight was already in full swing. Kiba lunged forward, his fists moving in quick, calculated strikes, but the new challenger, Kenjiro, was proving to be more than he expected. Kenjiro didn't block or counter the way Kiba's previous opponents had. Instead, he moved—his feet light and fast, stepping just out of reach of Kiba's punches. Every time Kiba's fist shot forward, Kenjiro was already a step to the side, his body flowing with smooth precision.

Kiba growled under his breath, frustration building with each missed hit. He pushed forward, increasing his speed, but Kenjiro's footwork was impeccable. His movements were quick, like water slipping through Kiba's fingers. With every feint and dodge, Kenjiro glided across the ring, his eyes calm and focused, his body never staying in one place for more than a split second.

Kiba launched a powerful roundhouse kick, aiming for Kenjiro's side, but Kenjiro pivoted on his heel, slipping just outside of Kiba's reach. Kiba's foot sliced through the air, missing by a hair, and before he could recover, Kenjiro darted in, delivering a quick jab to Kiba's ribs.

The impact made Kiba grunt, and he staggered back, eyes narrowing. Kenjiro danced back out of range, his footwork smooth, almost playful. The crowd murmured in awe, watching as the usually dominant Kiba struggled to land a solid hit.

Kiba gritted his teeth, blood pumping in his ears. His opponents rarely lasted this long, and Kenjiro was making him work for every inch. He darted forward again, this time faking a punch before dropping low for a sweeping kick, hoping to catch Kenjiro off guard. But Kenjiro hopped back with a graceful twist, his feet barely touching the ground before he reset his stance.

Kiba's heart pounded in his chest as he pushed forward, refusing to let up. His fists flew faster now, aiming for Kenjiro's chest, head, ribs—anything he could reach. But Kenjiro's feet were always moving, light as air, shifting and sliding just outside the path of each strike.

For a moment, Kiba could feel himself starting to lose his rhythm. Kenjiro's movements were unpredictable, his footwork giving him an edge that none of Kiba's previous opponents had. Kiba's muscles burned from the effort, but he wasn't about to let this guy walk all over him.

Kenjiro darted in again, aiming a quick jab at Kiba's jaw, but this time Kiba was ready. He blocked the punch with his forearm, the impact sending a jolt through his arm. Without missing a beat, Kiba twisted his body, using the momentum to swing his elbow toward Kenjiro's midsection.

It connected.

Kenjiro grunted, his body buckling slightly as Kiba's elbow drove into his stomach. Kiba's eyes flashed with triumph, and he didn't waste the opening. With Kenjiro still off-balance, Kiba launched a follow-up punch straight to Kenjiro's chest, sending him stumbling back.

The crowd around the ring roared in excitement, sensing the shift in momentum. Kiba pressed forward, refusing to give Kenjiro a chance to recover. His fists moved with renewed intensity, each strike heavier than the last.

Kenjiro dodged the first punch, ducked under the second, but Kiba wasn't letting him slip away this time. As Kenjiro tried to sidestep, Kiba feinted with a low kick, forcing Kenjiro to move, then pivoted sharply and delivered a powerful spinning kick to his side.

The impact sent Kenjiro sprawling to the ground, his body hitting the dirt with a thud. For a moment, Kenjiro lay there, dazed, as the crowd erupted into cheers. Kiba stood over him, chest heaving, a grin spreading across his face as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

Kenjiro groaned, slowly pushing himself up onto one knee, but it was clear the fight was over. Kiba had finally broken through his defenses.

Kiba stepped back, giving Kenjiro space to rise, though the victory was clear. The crowd's excitement was palpable as Kiba raised his arms in triumph, Akamaru barking loudly beside him, tail wagging in excitement.

Kenjiro stood, breathing heavily, but he gave Kiba a small nod of respect before stepping back into the crowd. The fight was over, but it had been far from easy.

Kiba smirked, his confidence returning in full force as the students cheered his name. He had won, but he knew deep down that Kenjiro had pushed him harder than anyone else in that club ever had.


The sun beat down relentlessly over the academy's training grounds, the heat pressing down on the group of students as they trudged up the steep hill. Each of them was strapped with a massive boulder on their back, their faces slick with sweat, muscles straining under the weight. The air was filled with the sound of labored breathing, the clinking of rocks, and the occasional groan of exhaustion as they pushed themselves forward.

Naruto, his orange jacket hanging loose, panted heavily as he moved up the incline, his legs burning with effort. The boulder on his back was rough and uneven, making every step a test of balance and strength. He glanced around, watching the others struggle just as much as he was. Kiba was a few steps ahead, moving with his usual determination, though even he looked worn down by the drill.

As Naruto caught up to Kiba, something caught his eye—a dark bruise around Kiba's left eye, swollen and purple. Naruto frowned, breathing hard as he closed the gap.

"Hey, Kiba," Naruto called out between breaths, squinting at him. "What's with your eye? Did you get in a fight or something?"

Kiba, his face flushed from the effort of hauling the heavy boulder, glanced at Naruto with a grin, though his expression was tired. "Oh, this?" He laughed, though it sounded strained. "Yeah, I went to that fight club we were talking about at lunch the other day."

Naruto blinked in surprise, struggling to keep his balance as the weight shifted on his back. "The fight club? You actually went?"

Kiba nodded, his grin widening despite the pain in his body. "Yeah, man. I cleaned the place out! Took on a bunch of guys, knocked 'em all down like nothing. But..." He wiped some sweat from his brow, still trudging up the hill, his voice dropping slightly. "There was this one kid. Gave me a hard time. What was his name again? Uh... Ken... Kenji or something? No, wait... Ryutaro? No, no, Kenjiro! That was it, Kenjiro Ryuga."

The moment Kiba said the name, something flickered in Naruto's mind. Kenjiro... The name struck a chord deep inside him, like an echo from the past. It triggered a flash of memories—Tanjiro. The face of someone he hadn't thought about in a long time appeared in his mind, bringing with it a wave of feelings he couldn't immediately place. For a moment, the heat of the sun and the weight on his back faded away, replaced by that image, that name. His heart beat a little faster, but he didn't know why.

Naruto's steps faltered slightly, his breath catching in his throat. His mind buzzed, memories swirling just out of reach. Why did hearing that name—Kenjiro—remind him so much of Tanjiro? He felt his chest tighten, as if something was trying to break through, but the feeling was muddled, unclear.

"Oi, Naruto," Kiba's voice broke through the haze, snapping Naruto back to the present. Kiba gave him a sideways glance, his brow furrowed with concern. "You good, man? You spaced out for a second there."

Naruto blinked, shaking his head quickly. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine," he said, trying to sound casual, though the tension in his voice betrayed him. He forced a grin, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Just... tired, you know? This boulder's killing me."

Kiba laughed, though his concern didn't fully fade. "Yeah, no kidding. Feels like we're hauling an entire mountain up this hill. You sure you're alright, though?"

Naruto nodded quickly, his usual bravado returning to his voice, but it sounded a little forced. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry about me. I'm fine." He adjusted the boulder on his back, forcing himself to keep climbing, but inside, his thoughts were still spinning.

Kiba shrugged, too focused on the climb to press the issue. "Well, anyway, this Kenjiro kid was tough. Real fast on his feet, kept dodging everything I threw at him for a while. But I got him in the end." Kiba grinned, clearly proud of himself despite the bruise. "Wish you'd been there, Naruto. It was wild."

Naruto barely heard him. His mind was still tangled in the web of memories the name had stirred up. Tanjiro. Why did it feel like that name—Kenjiro—was tied to something important? The images in his mind were blurry, half-formed, but the feeling of unease wouldn't go away.

The rest of the climb passed in a blur for Naruto. Kiba continued talking, recounting his fight club adventures, but Naruto's responses were short and distracted. He stayed quiet for most of the training, his usual energy dimmed by the thoughts swirling in his head.

As they finally reached the top of the hill, Naruto stood still for a moment, staring out at the horizon. His grip tightened around the straps holding the boulder in place, his mind still haunted by the strange memories. Something about Kenjiro's name had shaken something loose, but Naruto wasn't sure what it meant.

"Hey, Naruto," Kiba called, snapping him out of his trance again. "We're done. You coming?"

Naruto blinked, then nodded slowly. "Yeah. Coming."

But as they descended the hill, Naruto stayed quieter than usual, the weight of something far heavier than the boulder still pressing on his mind.


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