
Naruto: Space manipulator

With a bloodline unknown to all. He, who has the forbidden blood will sweep the ninja world and make his own clan. A clan superior to all. ~Hello guys this is the author, I wanted to inform you guys that English is not my first language so expect disappointment. And this is my first fanfiction. As a matter of fact, this is the first time I have written anything like this. So, please go easy on me. And I would like some constructive criticism as well. Thank you and enjoy the fanfic!

crackbtained · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Beginning of a Legend

"I don't want to die"

"I don't want to die"

"I don't want to die"





A pale boy who looked around 15-16 years old kept whispering this sentence under his breath continuously. He sounded very desperate. He looked very sickly. His body looked very frail, like a glass. He was lying on a hospital bed wearing a blue hospital uniform for patients.

His name was, Eon, He was suffering from Fatal Familial Insomnia. A very rare disease that causes an inability to sleep which eventually leads to untimely death.

"Ugh!! God please, please let me live, at least wait till the last episode of one piece is aired."

He pleaded to God until his last breath. He knew all this was futile but he truly didn't want to give up, he wanted to live. He finally died with a pained expression plastered on his face.


After an unknown amount of time.

'Am I dead?.....no?'

'Why is this place so dark?. Aren't I suppose to be dead? I'm pretty sure I died. And why is it so sticky here. Wait! hold up ,this-this, am I in a fetus????'

'Did I fucking reincarnate with my memory intact?'


'This explains why this place is so warm, dark and sticky. I guess I really am an unborn baby now. But why am I able to think? Unborn are supposed to have not so developed brain, aren't they?'

'I'm feeling sleepy, I don't want to sleep and wake up realizing it was a dream all along. I want...'

Time skip - 9 months

'So this body's biological mother is finally on labour phase. Her womb is contracting. My head feels like it is getting squashed. It hurts like hell! '

'Never thought coming out would be this hard. My head feels like it is being bulldozed a truck.'

In an unknown forest, in the center of a valley lay a small hut made through straws and wood. The hut was surrounded by dense forest all around. Inside the hut there were two women, one was lying on a wooden bed and the other was standing beside her, holding her hand.

"Stay strong Aiko, you can make it. Push harder!" said the woman standing very anxiously.

The woman standing looked very old. Her faced was wrinkled and saggy. Her hair was very white.

Although her face looked very old her charm still remained which indicated that she was definitely a beauty in the past.

Aiko gave a huge cry and finally gave birth to the baby. She looked very tired and was drenched in sweat.

'Oww! This hurts like hell. I'm finally out now.'

The old lady picked the baby carefully and gave him Aiko.

"Aww my cutie, mom is sorry she will not be able to see you from now on"

Tears could be seen flowing down her eyes. Her face was filled with immense grief and sorrow. She looked as if she could break down at any given moment.

As Eon was scrutinizing his surrounding he suddenly he suddenly felt pain on his bum. He wanted to swear but all that came was cries and mumbles as he had yet to develop his vocal cord.

Eon looked at his new biological mother. She looked beautiful. She had a shapely figure, glossy skin, dainty nose and crescent shaped eyebrows. Her eyes were especially distracting, she had raptured-blue eyes.

"Moriko, I can die at any given moment. I want you to take my child somewhere far away. In a relatively safe environment." Aiko said while looking at her child.

"No miss, we should go together. I can leave you here" Moriko said anxiously.

"Don't worry about me, just go, I will act as a bait, the child is not safe here so please leave." Aiko said in an hurried tone.

Eon was giving cursory glances to both of the women and listening to their talk whilst not understanding anything as it was a completely different language.

Moriko gave up trying to convince her mistress and picked up Eon from her mother's embrace. Although the mother had a smile on her face, anybody could tell how sad and tragic she looked.

Aiko suddenly got up from the bed and kissed Eon on his forehead and said," Your name will be------"