
Naruto : Solo Gamer

An Earthling dies and is reincarnated into the Naruto world. However, this world is unlike the one depicted in the comic/anime. In addition to humans, it is populated by numerous monsters and Dungeons. Our protagonist, Shin Kageyami, aspires to become the world's Strongest Hunter. Armed with knowledge from his previous life and fueled by his unwavering determination, will he be able to achieve his goal? This story takes place in an alternate universe filled with fantasy, adventure, and action.

Lotus_Zymeth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Becoming a Hunter

For a week, Shin had been grinding his stats, pushing his physical body to its limits and beyond. He had always been in top physical condition, even in his past life as an Earthling, but this time he was determined to take it to the next level.

The test was divided into three tests: a magical test, a physical and durability test, and a combat test. Shin was confident in his abilities when it came to the second and third tests. He had been training in various martial arts styles since he was a kid from this body memory and had honed his skills to near perfection. He was also well-versed in various forms of combat, including hand-to-hand combat and weaponry.

But the magical test was a different story altogether. Shin had always struggled with magic, never quite able to grasp it as well as he had with his physical abilities. He knew that if he didn't do well on this test, he would risk failing the entire test.

Despite his doubts, Shin pushed on, determined to do his best. He spent hours each day studying and practicing various spells and incantations, hoping that something would stick. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to get the hang of it. Maybe it was because his magic status is to low?

The first test was the magical test. Shin took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The proctor, a stern-looking woman with a thick book in her hand, looked him up and down before beginning the test.

"Alright, young man," she said. "First, we will gauge your magic abilities using the magic measuring crystal ball over there. Channel a small amount of mana into the ball to determine your magic level. And then teh second test, You will have one hour to complete this test. You must use your magic to complete the tasks written in this book. You may use any spell or incantation you wish, but you must do it successfully. Do you understand?"

Shin nodded, first he put his hand on the crystal ball and channel his mana, but the light only dim for a second and then died out. After that He took the book and opened it to the first page, his eyes scanning the list of tasks. They were all basic spells, things like creating a small fireball or summoning a light breeze. But no matter how simple they seemed, Shin just couldn't seem to get them right.

As the hour ticked away, Shin grew more and more frustrated. His fireballs fizzled and his light breeze was more like a slight tickle. He knew he was failing miserably and it was all he could do not to throw the book down in disgust.

When the hour was up, Shin handed the book back to the proctor, his head hung in shame. He knew he had done poorly and he couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment.

The proctor looked through the book, her face expressionless. Finally, she spoke.

"Well, young man. It seems you have failed this test. Your magical abilities are... lacking, to say the least. But do not worry, it is not the end of the world. You may still pass the other two tests and become a Hunter."

Shin nodded, feeling a sense of determination wash over him. He knew he still had a chance and he was determined to take it.

"Thank you," he said. "I will not let this discourage me. I will continue to work hard and do my best on the other two tests."

The proctor nodded and handed him a small piece of paper.

"This is your score for the magical test. An E rank. Not the best, but not the worst either. I suggest you focus on your strengths and do your best on the other two tests. Good luck."

Shin took the paper and tucked it into his pocket, his mind already racing with ways to improve his performance on the upcoming tests. He knew he still had a chance to become a Hunter and he was not going to let this setback hold him back.

With a newfound determination, Shin left the testing area, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He knew that with hard work and dedication, he could still achieve his dreams.

Shin Kageyami took a deep breath as he stepped onto the testing ground for the second time. He had failed the magical test, but he was determined to ace the physical test. He had to prove to himself and everyone else that he was capable of becoming a great hunter.

The physical test was designed to push the limit of the body's strength, agility, and durability. It consisted of a series of obstacles that the Hunter candidate had to overcome within a set time frame.

Shin approached the first obstacle, a large stone wall that he had to climb. He examined the wall carefully, looking for any handholds or footholds. He then, with a fierce determination in his eyes, started to climb. His muscles strained as he pulled himself up, but he didn't stop. He knew that he had to do this, and he was not going to let anything get in his way.

As he reached the top of the wall, Shin jumped down gracefully and landed on the ground with a soft thud. He then moved on to the next obstacle, a series of spinning logs that he had to navigate across.

Shin's agility and quick reflexes came into play as he dodged and weaved across the logs, never once stumbling or faltering. He knew that one wrong move could mean failure, and he was not going to let that happen.

The final obstacle was a large, metal door that Shin had to break through. He took a step back, gathered his strength, and then charged forward, shoulder-first, into the door. The door creaked and groaned under the impact, but it didn't budge. Shin gritted his teeth and tried again, this time putting all his weight into the attack. The door burst open, and Shin stumbled forward, exhausted but triumphant.

The proctor of the test, a stern-looking instructor, approached Shin and announced, "Shin Kageyami, you have successfully completed the physical test. Your strength, agility, and durability are impressive. You have earned an A rank."

Shin let out a sigh of relief and smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him. He had done it. He had aced the physical test, and he knew that he was one step closer to becoming a great hunter.

As he walked away from the testing ground, Shin knew that he still had a long way to go. He had proven to himself that he was capable of greatness, but he knew that there were still many challenges ahead. He was determined to face them head-on and become the best Hunter he could be.

Shin Kageyami stood nervously in front of the combat arena, his heart racing with anticipation. This was the final test, the one that would determine whether he was truly worthy of becoming a Hunter. He had already passed the first two tests with flying colors, but this one was different. This test would push him to his limits, and he knew it.

The instructor, a tall, muscular man with a stern expression, stood opposite Shin. He was a veteran Hunter, one of the best in the business, and Shin knew that he would have to be at the top of his game if he wanted to pass this test.

"Alright, Kageyami," the instructor said, his voice firm. "You've made it this far, but now it's time to see what you're really made of. This test is not about defeating me, but about showing me your combat abilities and tactical prowess. You'll need to be quick, agile, and smart if you want to pass." Shin nodded, his determination renewed. He was ready for this.

The test began, and at first, it was slow. Shin and the instructor circled each other, sizing each other up. Shin was looking for an opening, a weakness in the instructor's defense that he could exploit. But the instructor was too skilled, too experienced. He anticipated every move that Shin made, and countered them effortlessly.

But Shin was not one to give up easily. He kept pushing, kept trying, and slowly but surely, he began to gain ground. He landed a few good hits, dodged a few of the instructor's attacks, and started to gain confidence. He was in the zone, his movements fluid and natural.

As the test continued, the intensity picked up. The instructor became faster, stronger, and more aggressive. Shin found himself having to use all of his skills and strategies to keep up. But he refused to back down. He dug deep, drawing on every ounce of strength and determination he possessed.

In the end, it was a close call, but Shin emerged victorious. He had landed a solid hit on the instructor, and had demonstrated his combat abilities and tactical prowess. The instructor nodded, a hint of respect in his eyes.

"You've passed, Kageyami," he said, his voice a little softer than before. "You've shown me that you have what it takes to be a Hunter. Welcome to the ranks."

Shin grinned, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment. He had done it. He had become a Hunter, one of the elite. And he knew that this was only the beginning. There were many more challenges ahead, many more tests to be passed. But he was ready. He was ready to take on whatever the world threw at him.

The instructor handed him a small, intricately carved wooden box. "This is your reward for passing the test," he said. "Inside, you'll find a small token of our appreciation. Wear it with pride, Hunter Kageyami."

Shin took the box, opened it, and gasped in amazement. Inside, he found a small, beautifully crafted silver pin in the shape of a crescent moon. It glimmered in the light, and Shin knew that it was worth far more than any amount of money. It was a symbol of his status, a badge of honor. He pinned it to his lapel, feeling like a true Hunter for the first time in his life.

Shin entered the Hunter license acquisition room, filled with anticipation. Hours of intense training had pushed his body and mind to their limits, and now he was eager to see his test results. A stern-looking test proctor greeted him with a curt nod.

"Shin Kageyami, I presume?" she asked, her voice firm but not unkind.

Shin nodded, gripping his weapon nervously.

She gestured toward a large screen that flickered to life behind her, displaying Shin's scores.

Magical Ability: E

Physical Ability: A

Combat Ability: A

Shin's heart sank as he realized his magical abilities were lacking. He had struggled with magic from the beginning, unable to fully grasp spellcasting. It seemed his hard work had only taken him so far.

The test proctor congratulated Shin. "Congratulations, Shin Kageyami. You have passed the Hunter entrance exams."

Surprised, Shin asked, "I... I did?"

She confirmed his success and explained, "However, your magical abilities are lacking. You have been granted a rank C Hunter license."

Disappointed, Shin had hoped for a higher rank that offered better opportunities. A rank C license was a decent starting point, but it wasn't what he had desired.

The test proctor sensed his disappointment. "Do not be discouraged, Shin. This is not the end. You can improve your magical abilities and apply for a higher rank license in the future."

Determined, Shin nodded. He refused to let this setback hold him back. He would work harder, pouring all his energy into improving his magic. He would prove that he was more than just a rank C Hunter.

Leaving the room, Shin set a new goal. He would use his hard-earned status points to enhance his magic, no matter the cost. He was determined to become the strongest Hunter.

The path ahead would be challenging, but Shin was ready. As a Solo Gamer, he would not easily be defeated.

Name: Shin Kageyami

Race: Human

Age: 17 Years old

Level: 5

XP: 600/800

HP: 370

MP: 30

Job: -


- Strength: 33

- Vitality: 37

- Agility: 42

- Perception: 40

- Magic: 3

- Luck: 15

Free Stat Points: 25


- Observe (Legendary) LV. 1: View target statistics, including inanimate objects. Level and skill affect the information displayed.

- Power Strike (Common) LV. 1: Enhanced Physical Damage. Damage Increased: 30 P. Dmg + (STRx2). MP Cost: 10

- Sprint (Common) LV. 3: Increases movement speed by 15%. MP Cost: 3/sec


- The Chosen One (Mythical): Increases leveling speed by 50%, skills by 50%, and stats by 100%. Able to withstand all attacks and restore HP when HP reaches 0%. The effect will always be active, even if the title is not used.

"Hi everyone, sorry for the late update. I've been very busy with work. I hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to leave a review. See you in the next chapter!"

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