
Naruto: Six Realms of the Mist

What would happen if someone reincarnates in the world of Naruto, with an ability that doesn't belong to this world, discover how will the Sage of the Six Realms climbs the ladder of this world. I don't own Naruto, Katekyo Hitman Reborn nor the picture used on the cover (the creator can ask me to remove it) I only own my OC and nothing more.

Duskstar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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59 Chs

A New Cycle

I felt weightless, for a few moments everything was perfect, the world was quiet, the time froze just for me, sadly this moment of peace and happiness ended as fast as it came, time resumed, the world was noisy once again, I felt my body being crushed and pushed away, I felt every single bone on the right side of my body being broken due to the impact, and the skin on my face and arm peeling away while I was being dragged on the ground by the momentum when I thought it was finally going to end I impacted against a wall, breaking the rest of my bones.

"I don't know who was the idiot that said that being hit by truck-kun was a quick and painless way to die, but I hope he is suffering in hell for being a liar" those were my last words before falling unconscious.

I opened my eyes to a pretty light, which should be impossible considering I just died, maybe I was super injured and somehow managed to survive, but something feels strange, I'm moving but can't feel my legs or arms, it is like if I were flying... wait a second I AM FLYING! But how? I look towards my back without turning my neck, and I see a pair of wings similar to moths, oh great I was reincarnated as a moth, what a shitty life, at least I got to see a nice light, should investigate it.

I hate this, first truck-kun doing his thing, only to be reincarnated as a moth, dying because I was unable to control my instincts and touched one of those electric lamps designed to kill insects, and now I'm a ghost at least I have a humanoid form, bad things is no one can see me besides other ghosts, but they aren't friendly, and I have a terrible case of hunger, I've been feeding from the essence of things almost all day, and I'm unable to fell satisfied, I hope this ends soon, good thing I can mess with people making them believe their house is haunted.

Worst mistake I made, never mess with people as a ghost, I accumulated bad Karma and ended in Hell, the worst part I kept reliving my deaths, the pain, the shame, the impotence of dying over and over again, it's been like this for the last 100 years but is coming to an end I can feel it on my soul.

I'm finally out of hell, now I look like a humanoid with four arms and three faces, at the beginning I was being bullied by the older and stronger Asuras, but now I'm capable enough to stand my ground, made my own small group of friends we party all the time except when we fight, then is party again, unlike those that came before me, I'm trying to guide the newcomers instead of kicking their asses with no explanation, growing my numbers, wait I see a new light guess my time has come to move on.

Being nice has its perks, I'm in haven or the closer thing to, there is still a bit of conflict sometimes, but I try to keep myself away from that and enjoy my time on my little piece of heaven, that resembles a mountain peak surrounded by a few pines and a view to a lake in the valley, of course I have unwanted guest that need their assess kicked, so I handle that when the time comes.

" I see you are enjoying your time in this place" I heard a feminine voice behind me, time to take care of the trash.

"Well is a really pleasant and comfortable place, the only issue is the people that comes uninvited" I replied with a bit of annoyance on my tone.

"It's a shame really, you are unable to control your passions, and you grew attached to this place, your time in this realm is over" the God-like entity replied.

"I can feel in your aura that you are way more powerful than any of the Devas in this place including me, perhaps you come from the higher floors"

"That is correct" The entity replied.

"And why a High Deva like you came to this lowly place to visit and tell me my time is over? It isn't common for your kind to visit us, let alone saying goodbye when our time is over" I questioned the entity, after all High Devas spend their time meditating trying to reach the next step of Nirvana.

"I come here with a deal, you see my time is coming to an end as well, I have two centuries at most before my lifetime in this place comes to an end, and I encounter a wall in my path to Nirvana, so instead of depressing and wasting my time trying to break it, I would prefer to have a bit of fun before is too late" The High Deva replied in a friendly tone.

"I can't say that I have no interest in what you are about to say, but I don't know if I like the idea of making a deal with you without the details first" their goal was unknown to me, and even if it wasn't that big of a deal it would mean my next life would be attached in a certain way to this being, even if they didn't have bad intentions it didn't mean it couldn't be dangerous.

"Well, is easy, I'll trade a bit of my life force to send you to another world, I would say is going to cost me a century worth of life force, in exchange you get to keep your memories from all your six lives and get a new life as a human in the world I'm about to send you" They said with a smile, I was about to give my answer they cut me down.

"And before you ask what world, that's part of the fun, you won't know until you are there, but don't worry I won't send you to somewhere you have no chance to achieve greatness".

"Ok, I accept, I have nothing to lose, except maybe a life, but when you walk the paths we walked it means nothing" Flames of different colors were surrounding my body and soul, Orange, Purple, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow and Indigo, the Flames grew or diminished according to their symbiosis with me until the Indigo Flame consumed the rest of the flames and acquired a mist like texture and consumed my whole being, my world fade to black, and once again I found myself in the wheel of reincarnation, in a new cycle.

I'm not a buddhist nor an expert on the Samsara, i just read a few things on wikipedia and tried my best to represent the stages/cycles and their diferent tiers within a same realm.

hope you enjoy, keep yourself and families safe.

And as always with love, the author.

Duskstarcreators' thoughts