
Naruto: Shisui's Little Brother

Yasui reincarnated into the body of Shisui Uchiha's little brother on the day of the Uchiha Massacre. Yasui doesn't shy away from the main cast and tries his best to live to the fullest. He befriends Naruto and others, creating a bond that's thicker than blood. Even though he did not receive any godly power after reincarnating, Yasui felt that becoming an Uchiha is already a cheat by itself. He has good looks, and he also has a body that can become strong. When paired with his knowledge of the Shinobi world and the knowledge of the modern world, Yasui finds ways to have an edge over others.

Yasui · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

Promised Truth

"Never EVER use that technique in front of me ever again," Kakashi warned Yasui after putting him next to one of the tree logs on the field. He swore that if Yasui ever used that technique on him again, he is going to show the kid the path to hell.

Next to Yasui are Sasuke and Naruto. Naruto wasn't tied up, but he is a little hurt due to Kakashi's kick.

The one that's tied up this time around is Sasuke–Primarily because he did not show teamwork, and he was beaten by Kakashi.

When Sasuke heard Kakashi, he looked at Yasui and Naruto, wanting to know what in the hell happened in the battle.

Yasui rubbed his neck in pain. Kakashi had used a bit too much force, almost making him faint. If he had not defended with chakra, he might've really fainted.

He was just playing a joke on Kakashi, and he didn't expect his sensei to use such force.


Kakashi heard the stomach growls of the three and coughed, trying to keep up his image of a strict instructor: "Oh, your stomachs are growling a lot now."

"By the way, about this exercise… you won't be sent back to the academy! But you three should quit being ninjas!" Although he had to use his Sharingan to win, Kakashi still stood firm to his standards. If the team did not display close teamwork between all of them, then he did not want them to become ninjas. The weak link here is of course–Sasuke Uchiha.



Naruto looked surprised when Kakashi announced his verdict. Yasui also pretended to be surprised after Kakashi spouted the words.

"Quit being a Ninja!? What do you mean!? Uh, It's true that we weren't able to take the bells, but why did you have to tell us to quit being ninjas!?" Naruto voiced out in protest.

"I also don't think that we should be sent back!" Sasuke also joined in and resisted. He wanted to rush up to beat up Kakashi and make him bite back his own words, but he was restrained, so he couldn't do so.

"That's because you're all squirts who don't have the qualifications to become a Ninja. Why do you all think you're doing this exercise in a team?"

"What do you mean?" Naruto didn't understand.

"To put it simply… It's as if you guys have no understanding of the answer to this test. Don't you guys get the meaning of the three-man squad?" Kakashi lectured.

"Jeez! What of the three people to a squad!? Can't you just tell us!?" Naruto continued his protest.

"Well, it's… teamwork! But it's too late for you to realize that now." Kakashi's eyes turned menacing and resumed.

"You three might have been able to take the bells if you had come at me all at once. Naruto and Yasui may have shown good teamwork, but you, Sasuke, had thought only of yourself this entire time. You did not prioritize teamwork at all." Kakashi's voice became stern, not backing down at all.

"Missions are carried out in squads! There's no mistaking that Ninjas need great individual skills, but "teamwork" that includes the whole team is crucial. This is so that the team is not thrown into a crisis!"

Kakashi went to the nearby "heroes" stone and gazed at it gloomily. It had the names of all of the ninjas who had died in battle. He explained that he did not want the name of the team to be carved on that stone.

"I'll give you guys one more chance!" Kakashi said as he looked back at the three.

"But, it'll be a harsher battle in the afternoon. Those who want to take the challenge can eat lunch. However! Don't let Sasuke have any!"

Sasuke's eyes had become dull. He wondered if he could get the bells later. He must become a ninja to accomplish his goals. Even if he couldn't eat, he will still try his best.

Kakashi came back to the three and he gave each and every one of them a threatening look: "If someone lets him eat… that person will be disqualified on the spot."

"Ehhh!?" Naruto looked at Sasuke pitifully. Although he didn't like Sasuke, he didn't want him to starve.

"I make the rules here, got it!?" Kakashi said these words and flickered out. Two bento boxes were left in front of the three.

Naruto opened his bento box and began eating, keeping Kakashi's words in mind. He didn't want to be disqualified.

"I'm sorry for before, Sasuke." Yasui looked at Sasuke. He opened the bento box, but he did not eat.

"What for?" Sasuke wondered. It should have been him who apologized. If he had worked together with Yasui and Naruto, maybe they would've passed by now.

"For what I said all those years ago–in the hospital. I understand what you're going through… you're following your own conviction, but at that time, I didn't like how you're going at it. You're simply looking for revenge without knowing the real truth." Yasui said.

He had thought about it long and hard. He wanted to keep Sasuke in the village in this life. Although he didn't like Sasuke's moody attitude, he felt that Sasuke ain't that bad of a guy if he just stops being so obsessive with Itachi.

"The real truth?" Sasuke felt irked. Is he implying that he–Sasuke–does not know the whole truth of the Uchiha massacre ordeal?

"Yes, the real truth." Yasui nodded. He planned to tell Sasuke, but he did not plan to do so at the moment. Letting Sauske know about it right now will do no good for either of them.

"Then tell me the truth!" Sasuke felt fidgety under the ropes that are tying him up, but he couldn't move from his spot.

"I promise that I'll tell you, Sasuke. But, you have to become stronger first. Way stronger than you are currently." Yasui gave the ultimatum.

"Fine," Sasuke grumbled as various thoughts went through his mind.


Sasuke blushed a little. He's trying to be serious, but his stomach is too empty to do so.

"Kahahaha!" Yasui laughed at Sasuke.

He got up and handed the bento to him while saying: "Do you want to eat, Sasuke?"

"No!" Sasuke refused firmly.

"What are you doing, Yasui?? What if Kakashi sensei finds out?" Naruto got up with the chopsticks in his mouth. He didn't know what they were talking about, so he just stayed out of it.

"It's okay, Naruto. There's no sign of Kakashi right now. The three of us will go after the bells later, and it'll be best if Sasuke fights while having a full stomach. He's strong after all. With him in our force, we will become unbeatable!" Yasui decided that he will end the test here. He's… kinda a cheat, so he knew exactly how to pass the test that Kakashi gave them.

Even if he didn't play along in this bell test, he is confident in forcibly taking the bells from Kakashi with his strength alone.

"I see! You are totally right, Yasui!" Naruto nodded in agreement and looked at his half-finished meal.

"Here, Sasuke! Eat mines too!" Naruto handed his bento to Sasuke and pushed the bento right onto his face.

Sasuke turned his head away, physically saying that he doesn't want it.

"It's fine, eat!" Naruto grabbed some rice with his chopstick and brought it to Sasuke's mouth.

"NO! I'm fine! I will do fine without eating, NARUTO! " Sasuke tried to turn his head away from Naruto's chopsticks! Even if he was hungry, he didn't want to eat from Naruto's chopstick! He felt nauseous after recalling the incident where Naruto accidentally smooched him on the lips.

"It's fine. It's fine. Here, Sasuke!!" Naruto didn't back down and continued to shove his saliva-filled chopsticks into Sasuke's mouth.

"It's NOT fine!" Sasuke cursed.

"Hehe! Open up, Sasuke!" Yasui mischievously grinned as he stood up, and he tortured Sasuke by holding his mouth open. Sasuke wouldn't be able to resist anyways!

"Stop! At least let me eat from Yasui's bento!" Sasuke begged. Those chopsticks hadn't been touched yet!!

The plot is definitely slow, right? XD

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