
Naruto: Shisui's Little Brother

Yasui reincarnated into the body of Shisui Uchiha's little brother on the day of the Uchiha Massacre. Yasui doesn't shy away from the main cast and tries his best to live to the fullest. He befriends Naruto and others, creating a bond that's thicker than blood. Even though he did not receive any godly power after reincarnating, Yasui felt that becoming an Uchiha is already a cheat by itself. He has good looks, and he also has a body that can become strong. When paired with his knowledge of the Shinobi world and the knowledge of the modern world, Yasui finds ways to have an edge over others.

Yasui · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs


Hiruzen was able to see the ordeal after Mizuki sneak attacked Iruka. He had been spying on them from a crystal ball since then, using the Telescope Technique.

At first, he was afraid that Naruto would defect from the village after Mizuki divulge the information of Natuo being the jinchuriki of the nine tails, but something that he did not expect to happen, happened.

With the combined speeches of Iruka and Yasui, Naruto seems to have found the meaning of his existence in the village.

This made him feel very good because he didn't have to do much to make Naruto find his place in the village.

Since it's like this, then he will continue as scheduled and pair up the new graduates into teams with their respective Jonins.

Kakashi walked on the streets with the Third Hokage, Hiruzen. He had served in the Anbu for a long time after the deaths of his father, friends, and teacher. It was just recently that he was relieved of his duties as an Anbu.

Hiruzen had placed two teams under him after he retired from the Anbu, but he failed all of them due to them not meeting his standards in teamwork.

At first, he wondered if what he was doing is even doing anything right. But, he recently saw that the students he failed had become better ninjas, and he felt a little relieved.

"Regarding the next group of genin that you'll be in charge of…"

"Me? Again?" Kakashi asked. His standards are very specific, and he wonders if the third Hokage knew that.

"I'm sure this new batch of genin will hold your interest," Hiruzen said as he led Kakashi down the street. After seeing what he saw, he knew that Kakashi would very much enjoy the group he was about to form.

"Where are we?" Kakashi looked up at a rundown apartment. Although the building itself is not ideal, it's in the center of the village, and it's very safe.

"This is Naruto Uzumaki's house," Hirzuen spoke and continued walking into the apartment.

"It's Lord Fourth's orphan," Kakashi whispered. He was a student of the Fourth Hokage, so he knew full well who Naruto is.

Both of them went into Naruto's room and observed the living condition of Naruto. This is the first time Kakashi ever came to see Naruto's living quarter, and he found that the kid had been eating nothing but instant ramen. There's even spoiled milk on the table.

"He's a bit of a fool, but I'm sure that you can look after him."

Kakashi nodded, but he wondered what he was getting himself into.

"Next up is Sasuke Uchiha, one of the remaining Uchiha." Hiruzen led Kakashi to a three-story apartment building that isn't too far from Naruto's place. Compared to Naruto's living area, however, the building is a lot more luxurious than the one that Naruto is living in.

Kakashi saw that there was a huge contrast in the living condition. It's as if Naruto is living on a budget, and Sasuke is living like he has all the money in the world.

"As you can see from the neatness of the room, Sasuke's father Fugaku Uchiha was very strict." Hiruzen looked around the room. Everything was neat and tidy from top to bottom.

"His older brother Itachi was very meticulous as well. I didn't have to teach Itachi a thing. His Sharingan was far better than mine," Kakashi remembered Sasuke's older brother–The same brother who supposedly massacred the entire Uchiha clan.

"The shadow of tragedy trails with this eye. It might be best not to activate the Sharingan at all." Kakashi also recalled Obito, a person who used to be on his team when he just started being a ninja. The Sharingan in his left eye is a memento of that teammate.

"That may be so, but you're the only one who currently has knowledge of the Sharingan." Hiruzen tipped his Hokage hat and sneaked a peek at Kakshi.

"I see." Kakashi didn't have a choice, so he didn't argue with the Hokage.

"That's why I am also putting the other Uchiha on your team. He is the younger brother of Shisui Uchiha the Teleporter–Yasui Uchiha" Hiruzen continued.

"Huh?" Kakshi was confused. The team imbalance is simply too obvious. It wasn't like the past where there were two boys and a girl, or to have at least one medical-nin on a team. Does the Hokage really plan on subduing the nine tails with the Sharingan?

He still vividly remembers the attack of the nine-tailed beast twelve years ago. At that time, its eyes had the glow of the Sharingan, making everyone think that it was the Uchiha clan who're controlling the beast.

"His residence is one floor above Sasuke Uchiha, so we can go check it out swiftly." Hiruzen pointed up to the ceiling.

Kakashi took a deep breath and said: "Alright."

He turned around and exited Sasuke's room first. Since there was no need for a guide, he took the lead and went upstairs.

Hiruzen followed behind him. As they walked up the stairs, Hiruzen noticed that Kakashi was not in the best of spirits. He truly wished that Kakashi could escape the dark hole that he was put in.

Kakashi arrived at Yasui's room and twisted the doorknob open, but he didn't expect that a naked woman would be inside! Furthermore, the woman is extremely beautiful. Even as he is now, he couldn't help but blush as he slammed the door closed. He's still a big fan of the Icha Icha series and the Shinobi Love Master after all! [A/N: Kakashi X Katsumi, anyone?]

"Hm? Is something the matter, Kakashi?" Hiruzen wondered what got Kakashi so flustered.

"Lord Third, we could have come to the wrong room, right?" Kakashi stuttered as he pointed at the door.

"Ahh!! W-who are you!?" Katsumi's voice came from the other side of the door. Although her body was seen by many before, she is a changed woman. She hadn't been seen by anyone else for the past four years. Now, a stranger broke into the house and saw her naked! It brought back her traumatizing memories.

Hiruzen was just about to say that the room is correct, but he stopped himself after hearing the voice from the other side of the door. It couldn't be that he's mistaken, right? He looked at the door number and confirmed again that it was the correct room.

That said… who the heck is the woman inside Yasui Uchiha's house? It couldn't be one of Danzo's men, could it?

"Open the door. I am the Third Hokage, and the person next to me is Yasui Uchiha's new jonin teacher." Hiruzen had to investigate things thoroughly.

"L-lord Third–!! Please wait a moment! Let me get dressed first!" Hiruzen hummed and waited with Kakashi, but they stayed on guard in case the person inside decides to escape.


The door opened and fully clothed Katsumi nervously greeted the two of them with a bow. She had never spoken to the Third Hokage before, much less being so close to him.

Then, she took a look at Kakashi and blushed a little. That man had seen her naked… Her body, from top to bottom.

"Please, come in and have a seat while I brew you some tea." Katsumi fidgety led the two to the table and went to brew some tea.

"So, who are you? And what are you doing in Yasui Uchiha's room?" Hiruzen interrogated. He had indeed been slacking in keeping tabs on the Uchiha kids. He didn't even know that this woman is living here. From her familiarity with the room and the clothes that are neatly arranged in the closet, it can be concluded that she had been living here for a while.

"My name is Katsumi Musume. I have been living here at the request of Yasui… and he is my employer." Katsumi didn't want to talk about her past. She never wants to talk about it, especially in front of important people.

"Employer?" Hiruzen frowned. How can Yasui employ anyone with the monthly allowance that was given to him? If he remembered correctly, it is only about 10,000 Ryo…

"Yes…" Katsumi then went on to explain a little more about their fast food business that's opening soon, and the civilian technology research facility. Even if she did not tell these things to lord third, he will not have a hard time digging the information up.

"Something doesn't add up," Kakashi commented. He was amazed when he heard about the two companies that were set up by Yasui, a person who is only twelve years old.

"Which part?" Katsumi patiently waited.

"How did he get all of the funds to run the things that you've described?" Kakashi stared straight into her eye, making Katsumi look down nervously.

"He… published some books, and he received a lot of money from them." When she thought about the books, Katsumi's hands became fidgety. She had read the books all the way from the beginning…

"What books?" Kakashi wondered.

Hiruzen also wondered what type of book can generate so much money.

"It's called… The Shinobi Love Master!"


Both Kakashi and Hiruzen felt their minds being blown. Shinobi Love Master!? They have both read it, and they even enjoyed it very much. To think that the author is a kid? Is this even right? How??

Had this young student already developed to the level of Jiraiya, the legendary Sanin? Is he that perverted? They felt that this Uchiha kid is rather… capable.

It's at this moment that Kakashi recalled a memory from four years ago. There was an Uchiha kid who turned into a naked man with a long… snake. He fought with three kunoichi spies and got injured.

His interest grew in the team grew a bit. Nevertheless, he wasn't going to go easy on them. If they fail his test, then he will send them back to the academy.

Ello. Lmk if you see any plotholes. ThankQ! :D

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