
Naruto : Shadows of Resurgence

A young man bound to a wheelchair due to a mysterious illness meets an untimely end while fervently pursuing a cure. However, his story doesn't end there. He awakens in the world of Naruto, not as himself but as a member of the Nara clan, on the day the Nine-Tails attacked. As Kazuki grapples with the shock of his reincarnation, he discovers that he now possesses the abilities of the Nara clan and more. Determined to make the most of this second chance at life, Kazuki sets out to rewrite his destiny and embrace the challenges of being a shinobi. Guided by his unwavering love for the Naruto series, he aims to emulate the resilience and determination of his favorite characters. As he navigates the complex world of ninja, Kazuki uncovers the secrets of the ninja world and confronts the shadows that linger over it. Along the way, he forges bonds with iconic characters, confronts powerful enemies, and learns to harness the unique abilities bestowed upon him. "Shadows of Resurgence" is an action-packed journey that explores Kazuki's quest for self-discovery, redemption, and the true meaning of strength. As he faces the challenges of the Nara clan's history and the threats looming over Konoha, Kazuki becomes a beacon of hope, proving that even in the face of adversity, one's spirit can burn brightly and leave a lasting impact on the world of ninja. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This work of fiction is based on the Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto. All characters, settings, and concepts from the Naruto series are the intellectual property of Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, TV Tokyo, and other respective owners. This fanfiction is a creative interpretation and adaptation of the original work, and no copyright infringement is intended. The author acknowledges the ownership of all Naruto-related rights to their respective copyright holders. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only, and no financial gain is derived from its production. Any original characters, plotlines, or concepts introduced in this fanfic are the sole creation of the author and do not claim ownership or endorsement from the original creators of Naruto. Readers are encouraged to support the official Naruto series and its creators by purchasing official merchandise and supporting authorized releases. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear readers and fans, I have set up a Patreon and Ko-fi accounts dedicated solely to donations. It's not about making this a profit-driven endeavor but rather a way for those who find value in my writing to show their appreciation and encouragement. Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward. Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure. Warm regards, Silent_stiele Patreon : patreon.com/Silent_stiele Ko-fi : ko-fi.com/silent_stiele

Silent_stiele · Anime et bandes dessinées
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140 Chs

Chapter 120

In the heart of the cosmos, amidst the ruins of a once magnificent planet, stood a grand chamber that exuded an aura of otherworldly power. Within this chamber sat a being of extraordinary presence, its form towering and majestic, radiating an energy that seemed to shape the very fabric of space itself. With eyes closed in deep contemplation, the being appeared serene, yet its subtle movements betrayed a sense of restlessness.


As if stirred from a profound slumber, the being's eyes twitched, a sign that something had disturbed its divine rest. Without opening its eyes, it emitted a pulse of energy that rippled through the cosmos, traversing time and space with effortless grace. In response to this cosmic call, two figures materialized before the being, their attire and demeanor marking them as esteemed members of the Otsutsuki clan, kneeling in reverence before their superior.


Upon opening its eyes, the supreme being regarded the arrivals with an air of regal authority. "There appears to be a disturbance in the east quadrant," it intoned, its voice resonating with power. "An anomaly in the threads of fate has been detected." The being's gaze bore into the Otsutsuki, commanding their attention as it issued its decree.


"I task members of our esteemed clan to investigate this anomaly," the being continued, its voice echoing through the chamber. "And while you are there, search for any trace of Isshiki Otsutsuki. Though his stature may be diminished, he hails from the main family, and his absence has not gone unnoticed."


With a wave of its hand, the supreme being dismissed the Otsutsuki, their mission clear and their reverence unwavering. As they departed to carry out their orders, the being reclined once more, its form bathed in the ethereal glow of cosmic energy. This being was not merely a member of the Otsutsuki clan, but one of the five supreme beings who had ascended to the pinnacle of godhood, their authority absolute and their presence awe-inspiring in the vast expanse of the cosmos.

In the cosmic tapestry of existence, the Otsutsuki clan emerges as a formidable force—an enigmatic race of devourers, driven by the primal instinct of survival of the fittest. Originating from distant realms beyond the stars, they are revered as celestial beings whose influence spans across galaxies. Yet, beneath their celestial veneer lies a darker truth: they are relentless destroyers, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake.


From the depths of their domain, the Otsutsuki clan embarked on a relentless quest for dominance, traversing the vast expanse of the cosmos in search of worlds ripe for harvest. Armed with advanced technology and formidable chakra abilities, they waged wars of conquest against civilizations across the universe. With each victory, they absorbed the chakra fruits of conquered worlds, bolstering their power and extending their longevity.


At the heart of Otsutsuki society lies a mastery of both advanced technology and supernatural abilities. Their technological marvels—interstellar spacecraft, dimension-warping portals, and more—far surpass the capabilities of any mortal civilization. Yet, it is their chakra abilities that truly set them apart. With the flicker of a thought, they manipulate elemental forces, bend reality to their will, and traverse dimensions with ease.


Above all, the pinnacle of Otsutsuki society is occupied by the Celestial Monarchs—divine beings whose power and authority are unrivaled. These cosmic sovereigns possess the ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality itself, shaping worlds and stars to suit their whims. With their celestial gaze, they oversee the affairs of the universe, guiding the destiny of civilizations and ensuring the continued dominance of the Otsutsuki clan.


But behind their facade of cosmic majesty lies a darker truth—a hunger that can never be sated, a thirst for power that knows no bounds. The Otsutsuki are not content to merely rule the cosmos—they seek to consume it, to strip it bare of its riches, and to leave nothing but barren wastelands in their wake.


In the annals of cosmic history, the Otsutsuki clan stands as a testament to the raw power of ambition, the unyielding drive for dominance that transcends mortal understanding. And as long as the stars continue to burn and the galaxies dance their eternal dance, the legacy of the Otsutsuki will endure—a reminder of the peril that lies beyond the boundaries of mortal comprehension.

As the two Otsutsuki rematerialized, they swiftly set about arranging for a select group of Otsutsuki clan members to scour the vast expanse of the east quadrant. The quadrant sprawled across unimaginable distances, and the search would likely span years before yielding any results. Additionally, Isshiki, a member of the main family, was tasked with assessing the conditions of worlds too damaged to be harvested immediately. Their duty was to monitor these worlds, ensuring they recovered sufficiently to be harvested at a later time.


For the Otsutsuki clan, who had reigned over the cosmos for millennia, time held little sway. Millennia passed in mere moments for them, and their clan members were scattered throughout the cosmos, each fulfilling their assigned roles in the grand design of universal domination and consumption.

As the Otsutsuki prepared to investigate the disturbance in fate, the catalyst for this disruption was engaged in a meeting with Tsunade, Minato, and Hiruzen. The gathering included several other notable figures: the Uchiha clan head and his youngest son, Sasuke; the Nara clan head and Shikamaru; Jiraiya and Yamato, the chosen Senju jinchuriki of the Five Tails; and the Hyuga clan head and Neji Hyuga.


These individuals had been selected to become the next generation of jinchuriki, entrusted with the power of the tailed beasts. Tsunade, after much deliberation, had decided to allocate the Three Tails to the Hyuga clan, recognizing the potential benefit of grooming the Hyuga clan once more. Additionally, the Uchiha clan had initially intended for Shisui to become the jinchuriki, but a persuasive argument led to Sasuke being chosen as the vessel for the Seven Tails instead.

Except for those already in the room, the entire chamber fell into a stunned silence. It was Fugaku, the head of the Uchiha clan, who eventually broke the tension.


"Hokage-sama, forgive me, but is this some sort of joke? To claim that he, a mere child, is the Fuin Grandmaster... it strains credulity." Fugaku's voice held a mixture of disbelief and incredulity. The news of Minato's return had barely settled in, and now they were confronted with the revelation that the prodigious Nara clan member held such a prestigious title.


Shikaku, standing beside Tsunade, couldn't help but interject with a light chuckle. "Fugaku, it's true. It was my nephew who designed the fuin defenses for your clan compounds as well," he revealed, amusement dancing in his eyes as he observed the reactions of the Uchiha and Hyuga clan heads.


Meanwhile, Hiashi Hyuga's mind was already working in a different direction. The notion of a potential marriage alliance between the Nara prodigy and his daughter, Hinata, resurfaced in his thoughts. Though previously discarded due to the tumult of the Hyuga clan's internal strife, now that the situation has stabilized, Hiashi sees an opportunity to revisit the idea.


In the intricate world of Shinobi politics, marriage alliances between clans were commonplace, often serving to strengthen bonds and ensure mutual prosperity. Hiashi pondered the potential benefits such an alliance could bring to both the Hyuga and Nara clans. If he could gain the agreement of the other parties involved—Tsunade and Shikaku—it could secure a prosperous future for his daughter while aiding in the steady growth of the Hyuga clan.


As these thoughts swirled in Hiashi's mind, he resolved to discuss the matter further with Tsunade and Shikaku, recognizing the potential for mutual benefit in such an arrangement.

According to Tsunade, Konoha stood as a bastion of strength and resilience, and its elders needed to embody that ethos. No longer could they simply be figureheads wielding authority through words alone. Instead, they must be active participants in maintaining the village's security and prosperity. Even Kenji Uchiha, despite his advanced age, embraced this expectation wholeheartedly. In fact, Kenji, who surpassed even Hiruzen in age, eagerly volunteered to return to active mission duty, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to Konoha's ideals.


Tsunade made it clear that the elders' role was not just about wielding power but about actively demonstrating strength and resolve. Any elder who felt their capabilities were insufficient or sought a quieter existence would be expected to relinquish their position. This decree ensured that the elders remained accountable and continually contributed to the village's well-being, reflecting Tsunade's vision of a dynamic and proactive leadership.

Kazuki, clad in his usual attire, paid no heed to the doubts and exaggerated questions swirling around the room. He was fully engrossed in finalizing the plans for the fuinjutsu seals that would be used on the new Jinchuriki. With his younger brother also involved in the matter, Kazuki took extra care in designing the sealing ritual, ensuring every detail was meticulously considered.


Meanwhile, Minato pored over the fuinjutsu scrolls, marveling at their ingenuity. Despite his own considerable skill in the art, he couldn't help but recognize the gap between his abilities and Kazuki's. Yet, Minato harbored only admiration for the Nara prodigy. Kazuki's selflessness and dedication to his craft impressed Minato, and he found himself grateful for the opportunity to share knowledge with such a talented individual.


Lost in thought about Kazuki's remarkable abilities, Minato was brought back to the present by Kazuki's voice.


"Minato-sama, you will have to take care of Yamato and Neji's sealing, while I will work on Shikamaru's and Sasuke's sealing. Let me know if you have any questions," Kazuki remarked, his focus still on his work.


"Kazuki-kun, don't you think it would be better if you performed the sealing yourself?" Minato couldn't help but express his concern, though he trusted Kazuki's expertise.


"Come now, Minato-sama. For a man who split Kurama in two, this should be child's play. I've detailed all the intricacies of the seals we're using, and you don't have to worry. These techniques originally belonged to the Uzumaki clan, so you have every right to access this knowledge.


You've already given your life to this village once; your contributions are immeasurable," Kazuki reassured, sensing Minato's unease.


But beneath his reassuring words, Kazuki harbored his own selfish motives. If Minato didn't take over his fuinjutsu duties, Kazuki would have to delay his training yet again—a sacrifice he wasn't willing to make. Determined to continue his pursuit of knowledge, Kazuki had uncovered a path leading to the secrets of creating nature beasts.


He had reached out to the Hell Beast Clan to learn the original Senjutsu, untainted by chakra and predating the diluted version taught in the three sacred lands. Refining his skills in this primal form of Senjutsu was Kazuki's next step toward unlocking the ancient mysteries he sought.

In the room where Kazuki and Minato worked, an air of reverence hung heavy, stifling any urge to disturb the two sealing masters deep in concentration. A plethora of scrolls, each containing potent sealing arts, sprawled across the table before them. If the clan heads had understood the true value of these scrolls, they might have succumbed to heart attacks on the spot. Yet, Kazuki seemed to treat them with casual disregard, some even slipping from his grasp to the floor. However, Minato absorbed the knowledge contained within them with the voracity of a parched man finding an oasis.


Tsunade had already forewarned Minato of the looming dangers that threatened the village, especially Naruto's future. This knowledge spurred Minato to enhance his strength exponentially, utilizing the newfound power of the Tenseigan. Additionally, he willingly assumed Kazuki's responsibilities in the Ninja Academy, a decision born partly out of necessity and partly out of Hiruzen's thinly veiled complaints to Tsunade about Kazuki's impact on the academy's reputation. With Minato's agreement to take over, Kazuki was finally relieved of his duties before the entirety of the student body banded together to hunt down poor Hiruzen in the future.

"Are you guys ready?" Tsunade's authoritative voice broke through the focused concentration of Kazuki and Minato as they made final adjustments before proceeding.


"Yes, sensei, we are all set," Kazuki affirmed, but before commencing, he expressed his desire to converse with the bijuu to prevent future conflicts. Minato, understanding Kazuki's intentions, promptly vanished from the office and reappeared with little Naruto by his side. Naruto looked around in surprise as more than half a dozen pairs of eyes fixed on them. Kazuki had already incorporated Minato's Hiraishin into the barriers, enabling him to use his Thunder God Technique within the village.


"Only the Jinchuriki remain here. Sensei, please escort the rest to the waiting area. I will call for you once we are done, and then we can proceed with the sealing," Kazuki instructed, turning to his master. Tsunade grasped the situation and quickly ushered the others out. There were certain secrets meant solely for the future Jinchuriki. Kazuki understood that they needed to comprehend the risks involved. Becoming a Jinchuriki meant becoming a prime target for the Akatsuki in the future, and even the Otsusuki clan would not spare them, as the bijuu were embodiments of chakra, valuable sacrifices for their god tree.

Dear readers and fans,

I have set up a Patreon and ko-fi accounts dedicated solely for donations. It's not about making this a profit-driven endeavor but rather a way for those who find value in my writing to show their appreciation and encouragement.

Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

Warm regards,


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Ko-Fi : ko-fi.com/silent_stiele

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