
Naruto: Sensei System

"The only thing I need is a teacher" That was the last thing that reincarnated soul said before drifting to sleep. Little did he know, he had just unlocked a Sensei System. Watch how he rises to the top of the world with the most powerful teachers.

BetaPirate · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs


It has been 5 years since I reincarnated into the world of Naruto

My name was now Natsu Yakamura, a boy from a civilian family. I had always loved Naruto so when I was reincarnated here, I was happier than even. That had soon changed though as I realized my dream to be a ninja was far away.

It has been another eye opening day for me. I have 3 more months until the entrance exams for the academy started. I had trained my hardest with physical training but I knew it isn't going to be enough. I needed more.

I had heard from other civilians that clan kids get talented teachers assigned to them. Either by paying them or the teachers already in the clan's servitude. I wished I had a teacher like that.

Someone to guide me in everything. Someone to teach me techniques, strategies and more stuff. Someone like a Jiryaya of sorts. Just someone who I model myself after.

It was pretty weird that me, an adult soul in a kid body, wanted guidance but it was just because I didn't have that in my previous life too.

It was just so unfair! I killed myself because I had a shitty and unprivileged life just for a god to drop me in another.

I can't lose hope though. It's not over until it is 100% over, am I right? I just need to keep my head high and give it my all. There are a lot of ninja who are civilians, like Iruka.

Just not good ones.


As I went back home after physical training, I immediately went to bed. I got into bed and closed my eyes, trying my hardest to suppress my frustration.

Is there really any hope for me as a ninja? Even if I succeed, the 3rd Great Ninja War will happen and I will probably die as some fodder unknown. I don't want that for me though. I want to be a name that will known throughout time as a great.

Like Hashirama, Tobirama, and even Madara.

What am I missing? Then my mind reminded myself: I needed a teacher.

'I needed a teacher', was the last thing I thought before I went to sleep.


My eyes opened, but I was not in my bed. I was sleeping on a hard floor .

As I got up, my eyes graced my new sight. I was on an unidentifiable silver floor. As I looked into the distance, the silver floor went on for miles with nothing in sight. The sky was white as well. All I knew is that wherever I was, I wasn't in Earth.

As I had just woken up, I was disoriented by the sight. It took me a few minutes to fully wake up.

I tried to figure what was happening to me but I realized I didn't know. It wasn't a dream, the way it felt so real, it just couldn't. I pinched myself trying to wake myself up but it was to no avail.

That's when a voice boomed throughout this new world." Welcome host. This is your mindscape, and I'm a system, the Sensei System to be exact". The voice was monotone and it felt so uneasy to hear.

That's when my mind heard what she said. Mindscape? Sensei System? I had to be put in a genjutsu the way this felt so wacky.

I spoke after a few minutes of freaking out." Could you explain more clearly"?

"This place is a concept in your mind. You are currently sleeping. The god had decided to give you what you wanted after he heard your complaints.".

That makes more sense. It likes Naruto's mindscape with Kuruma. I thank the god who has done this for me. Your not as bad after all.

"The Sensei System is me. I have been designed to give you the teacher so that you have desperately wanted to have. You will be given teachers when you accomplish something the god seemed worthy of one. Right now, you'll be given a free teacher at the start. This mindscape is a by product of this system", the system continued.

I smiled just after hearing this. A teacher is all I wanted and now I'll be given multiple of them?

"You will also, a by-product of this system, unlock your hidden potential. You are no longer bounded by the confines of a citizen", the system announced to me.

I stopped myself from crying happy tears. This is all I ever wanted since I reincarnated and now I have it. I won't let it go to waste, I promise!

I was finally given some hope. A hope that I won't die as an unknown. That I could be something different, something special.

I smiled the widest grin I ever had in this life and my past one. Potential, that's the second thing I ever wanted in my life beside a teacher. Thank you random god for giving me this gift.

Exitement and suspense was eating at me as I asked." Well, what are you waiting for? Where is my first teacher".

The system responded immediately." He will be introduced shortly. You might know him if you were a fan of Naruto".

My heart was beating out of my chest in excitement. Who will it be? Who will be my first teacher.

A portal appeared as a man stepped out.

The man before me was a tall man with lightly tanned skin and dark eyes. He had waist length black hair that looked amazing. He wore dark red armor which he wore over a black suit and he had sandals. The armour that he wore was organized with multiple metal plates. Each collar of his shoulder guard fashioned a symbol I know quite well from history books.

The Senju symbol. The man standing in front of me is the most known shinobi ever to exist. His name struck fear,anger and hate through the other villages as he led the Leaf Village.

"Hello there, young man. My name is Hashirama Senju and I'm going to be your teacher", the newly identified God Of Shinobi spoke with a smile.



The prologue is done. Tell me what you think in the comments because I love to read them.