
Naruto: Sasuke's Resurgence

Reincarnated into a world not completely unfamiliar and haunted by memories that are not his own. Watch on to see how a new Sasuke Uchiha, armed with knowledge of the future takes the ninja world by storm. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters. This will also be an AU to an extent but not a crossover with anyother series. No harem Some romance? Not completely sure how much to include. Patreon: patreon.com/Perma_Frost £2 for 5 advanced chapters Cover image generated via the Canva app.

Perma_Frost · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

[Real Combat (Part 2/2)]


(WARNING: The fighting scene is a bit more gore filled then I aimed it to be.

Oh, Sasuke also thought of some rather 'intense' words in this chapter too. 

Though, that shouldn't be too much of a problem here I think?

I'm also not really sure if I'm meant to give a warning here, but i'll do it just in case.)


Glancing to his side, a sudden realisation struck Sasuke like thunder—Kurenai had vanished, leaving him alone to confront the formidable and very much aggressive beast below.

Summoning a deep breath to steady his nerves, Sasuke focused on channelling his chakra. His training under Kurenai, culminated in him gaining a potent B-Rank Genjutsu. This advanced technique had been revealed to him only after he had painstakingly solidified his understanding of illusion formation and maintenance.

Dog → Snake → Monkey → Ox → Tiger

'Demon Illusion: Tree Binding Death'

Caught off guard, the bear found itself ensnared by tree branches, weaving around it like a constricting python. The sturdy limbs held the bewildered creature in a firm grip, rendering it bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

As Sasuke prepared to dispatch the bear using his Fire Style techniques, an unexpected change seized his attention. The bear's eyes, once clouded and confused, now gleamed with newfound clarity, locking onto Sasuke with an intensity he had never before witnessed. How could Sasuke not understand what was happening after seeing this situation.

'Kurenai, you f****** b-'

Sasuke's less-than-wholesome thoughts were abruptly shattered as the colossal claws of the enraged bear swung perilously close to his face.

Perched on the branches above Sasuke, Kurenai observed the unfolding spectacle with a focused gaze. "Now that you've demonstrated successful Genjutsu application in battle," she mused, "it's time to handle the bear more conventionally." Kurenai harboured no desire to make the confrontation too easy for Sasuke; she understood that true growth emerged from challenges.

Her intentions were truly selfless in her opinion, driven solely by the desire to foster Sasuke's development. Nothing like just to make him suffer the same pains she felt when she trained here. No, Kurenai adamantly believed she would never impose such a harrowing experience on another.

'I'm such an outstanding teacher, constantly going above and beyond what is expected of me,' Kurenai drowned in her narcissism, a look smug satisfaction painting her features. Lost in her own narcissistic reverie, she continued to watch the unfolding spectacle with a sense of accomplishment, seemingly unaware of the intensity of Sasuke's struggle below.

While Kurenai basked in the glow of her perceived excellence, Sasuke, on the other hand, was wholly occupied with the immediate threat posed by the bloodthirsty bear in front of him.

Dodging the incoming bear claw with a Body Flicker Jutsu, Sasuke executed a seamless retreat, his senses heightened amidst the electrifying chaos of battle. As he distanced himself from the towering beast, a quick survey of the situation revealed the dangerous atmosphere in the stand-off between them, the very air taut with tension.

Eager to strike first, Sasuke drew upon his chakra and took a deep breath, and conjured forth a colossal dragon-shaped flame. The searing inferno roared towards the bear, casting an ominous glow as it lit up the surrounding forestry. In a desperate attempt, the bear raised its massive paws and stood on two legs in an attempt to shield itself from the impending Jutsu, only to find the relentless heat closing in on it.

After the Jutsu dissipated, the bear got back on all fours and undeterred by the pain, the bear, now partially singed, retaliated with a furious charge toward Sasuke. Sasuke however, seized the opportunity presented by the bear's focus on his Ninjutsu. Suddenly, he materialised beside the charging beast, a kunai gripped tightly in his hand. With precision and finesse, he launched the ninja weapon, aiming for the bear's eyes. A roar of agony echoed through the forest as the kunai lodged itself in the animals eyes.

Before the wounded creature could exact its revenge, Sasuke vanished into thin air, leaving behind a bewildered bear to confront a mere wooden log through the use of the Body Replacement Jutsu.

Roaring in pain and disoriented, the bear unwittingly became the recipient of a searing hot ball of fire that shot into its open maw. Instinctively, the bear clamped down, trapping the fireball within its jaws. The relentless heat seared through its internal organs, rendering the once-mighty creature motionless as it lay down from its agonising defeat.

In an attempt to confirm the bear's demise, Sasuke hurled several shurikens at it. Receiving no response, Sasuke, content with his victory, vanished and perched himself on a tree branch, taking a moment to recollect and breathe after the battle. 

As Sasuke gazed at the lifeless form of his former foe below him, a moment of introspection seized him. 'Well, I didn't expect to kill something so soon after entering this world,' he murmured to himself. His tone held a detached realisation, an acknowledgment that at the pace things were heading he might have to take a human life sooner or later.

'At least this didn't feel as bad as I expected it to be. Then again, my body might just be too tired to take that information in,' Sasuke pondered, his thoughts echoing in the solemn aftermath of the battle. 

"Well, despite this being a bit more brutal than I thought it would be... Congratulations on winning?" Kurenai suddenly appeared beside Sasuke, eliciting a less than impressed gaze from the Uchiha. 

However, the undeterred Kurenai continued speaking.

"Though, I do have to ask, couldn't you have just sat on top of a tree and attacked it from there."

"First of all, that method would take too long to deal the bear and it would consume far too much chakra. For this battle, all I did was use 1 C-Rank and 1 B-Rank Ninjutsu to attack as well as some other minor Jutsu to help me in battle like the Body Flicker and Body Replacement Jutsu. Secondly, you make it sound like bears can't climb trees which they obviously can. Thirdly, I do not for a second believe that you weren't prepared for that situation." Sasuke replied, exhaustion tinging his voice, finishing his final sentence with a pointed glare towards Kurenai. 

"What? No, you're just imagining that, I would never." Kurenai gave a dry chuckle as her eyes shifted around.

"Anyways... I'm truly surprised by you winning that fight unscathed. Despite the bears inability to deal with Genjutsu I would say that most Chunin couldn't kill it without suffering severe injuries themselves. Then here you are, apart from the beginning of the fight, you didn't rely on Genjutsu at all. I would say you already possess the strength of an average Special Jonin." Kurenai continued.

"However, did you recognise your weaknesses from this battle?" Kurenai asked, now fully serious, as she sat beside Sasuke.

"Yes..." Sasuke sighed softly before continuing. "My Taijutsu is geared toward dealing with other ninjas, not animals. That left me defenceless in close combat, except for when I threw a kunai into its eye. Additionally, my Ninjutsu, which would normally end a fight upon impact, served more as a distraction here. Further more, throughout the battle, I struggled to defend myself from the bear because I lack a defensive Ninjutsu as well," Sasuke admitted, highlighting the vulnerabilities he had uncovered.

"See, you've learned something from this." Kurenai replied, giving Sasuke an encouraging look as she clapped her hands with applause.

Sasuke nodded reluctantly, acknowledging the lessons learned from the previous encounter, though not amused by the process. Despite his victory, the battle had exposed gaps in his abilities.

"Your offensive capabilities and intelligence are indeed commendable, but as you've identified, a well-rounded ninja must also possess defensive skills and be versatile," Kurenai remarked. "Consider this experience as a stepping stone for refining your techniques and addressing those weaknesses of yours."

Kurenai then shifted to a more reflective tone. "In the unpredictable world of shinobi, you'll encounter a variety of adversaries, each presenting their own unique set of challenges. Animals, rogue ninjas, and other unforeseen situations will constantly test your abilities to their limit. It's crucial to remain versatile and refine your skills continually. Always bear this in mind, in the journey called growth, there is no final destination."

Sasuke absorbed Kurenai's advice, a determined expression settling on his face. He began to realise that honing his defensive capabilities and expanding his repertoire of jutsu is indeed necessity for him, especially if he wants to become a competent ninja.

The forest, once a battleground, now served as a mere backdrop to the ongoing dialogue between teacher and student. The corpse of a giant bear lay motionless below the duo, its once-mighty form now a testament to the fierce confrontation that had unfolded prior. The scent of charred flesh hung in the air and traces of a fierce battle littered the ground, adding an eerie ambiance to the forested clearing.

I think my main character is slowly becoming more unhinged.

The fight was also a lot shorter than I expected, then again I didn't want to make it longer at the expense of ignoring all of Sasuke's previous training.

Btw any thoughts on Kurenai?

She was kinda plain and boring when it came to her persona from the anime, so I thought I could spice up her character a bit to make her more interesting.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Perma_Frostcreators' thoughts