
Naruto: Saisu Kamano

Just have a look

Gaspart · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

4. Speech

In the plaza before the Ninja Academy, a gathering of children awaited their fate, their parents observing with apprehension and pride. Whispers among the women revealed their concerns, pondering if it was too late to spare their children from this day's proceedings. Meanwhile, the men, their weathered faces etched with the marks of battle, regarded the youngsters with nostalgia and a flicker of joy. Perhaps they delighted in witnessing the next generation embark on their journey as warriors, or maybe they felt relieved to release their little ones into the world. Whatever their thoughts, the seasoned warriors couldn't help but reminisce about their own experiences at the academy. They remembered the thrill and uncertainty of their early days, facing challenges that seemed impossible. Yet, they persisted and emerged triumphant. As they cast their gaze upon the fresh faces before them, a fond smile graced their lips, evoking memories of their own struggles.

Those chakra exercises, homework assignments, and friendly rivalries seemed so daunting in their youth. But now, compared to the weighty burdens they carried in the present, those memories felt insignificant. They recalled the days of their academy, the innocence of their first crushes, and the mischief they stirred with their gang, skipping classes to indulge in harmless pranks. Oh, those were indeed good times. Yet, the harsh reality of today reminded them that they were the lone survivors of that merry gang. The recognition that those carefree moments had faded into the distance gradually erased the traces of their smiles, revealing the bittersweet truth.

Here I stand before the academy, awaiting what lies ahead. Word has it the Hokage will deliver a speech, but who truly pays attention to speeches anyway? Certainly not me. So, I survey the crowd, searching for a familiar face. Unfortunately, no one stands out among the sea of strangers. Some of the kids bounce with uncontainable excitement, their energy palpable. Conversely, others maintain a stoic demeanor, their gazes fixed ahead, lost in contemplation.

As we stood in anticipation of the Hokage's speech, my thoughts drifted back to the previous year's events. The village's atmosphere remained tense, even after the Third Shinobi War had come to an end. Just twelve months ago, disaster struck our home. The Nine-Tailed Fox, a fearsome creature, had unleashed its wrath upon our village, its malevolent chakra reverberating throughout the land. The Kyubi's assault had sent shockwaves through the hearts of all who resided here. Like many others, I sought shelter in the bunkers, witnessing in horror as the beast rampaged through our beloved village. People fled for their lives, seeking solace in safe havens and underground sanctuaries. Homes were reduced to rubble, loved ones were lost, and livelihoods were shattered.

The losses we endured were immeasurable. The devastation caused by the attack had been catastrophic, leaving the village in disarray. The passing of our Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, struck a deep chord within every villager's heart. He had been an esteemed leader, cherished by all, and his absence left an irreplaceable void. The Nine-Tails' rampage only intensified the anguish and suffering. In the aftermath, our once vibrant village lay in ruins, demanding an arduous reconstruction effort that touched nearly every corner of our existence.

In this dark hour, my mind drew parallels to the city of Warsaw after the ravages of World War II. The resemblance was a somber reminder of the harrowing consequences that war could unleash. It was a sobering reminder of the devastation that war could bring and a call to action to ensure that we did everything in our power to prevent such destruction from happening again.

I noticed a few kids from the different clans as I scanned the crowd. It was easy to spot the Uchiha clan kids, with their severe and mature demeanor, though it seemed like they were trying a bit too hard. The Inuzuka clan kids were also quite noticeable with their distinctive physical features, much like the Akimichi clan. Other than that, I made assumptions, such as assuming that all the blonds were from the Yamanaka clan, but I could be wrong as I was also blond.

I didn't care about being in the canon generation or part of a powerful clan. I never really watched or read Naruto, so my knowledge of the canon could have been better. Most of what I knew was from fanfiction, which was only sometimes reliable.

As I pondered my existence within the village, a unique perspective took hold of my thoughts. While many subscribed to the notion of the butterfly effect, believing that small actions could lead to significant consequences, I found myself questioning this prevailing belief. I saw life more akin to a game of dominos, where each action sets off a predictable chain reaction.

Embracing this mindset, I consciously decided to forge my own path, disregarding the traditional narrative expected of a ninja and discarding notions of a predetermined destiny. My ultimate aim was to live life on my own terms, guided by my desires, rather than succumbing to external pressures or societal expectations.

This newfound approach didn't imply recklessness or a lack of direction. On the contrary, I remained focused on my personal goals and aspirations. Still, these objectives were rooted in my innermost desires. I had taken hold of the reins of my own life, experiencing the exhilaration of autonomy. As for the broader impact my actions might have on the world, only time will tell. Yet, for now, my primary focus lies on embracing my individual journey and navigating the unpredictable paths ahead.

My musings were once again interrupted by the arrival of the Hokage. I noticed the commotion and assumed it was because the Kage was here. Sure enough, Sarutobi Hiruzen himself stepped up onto the stage.

The crowd slowly began to quiet down, though it took longer than usual because most attendees were children. Finally, the Hokage started his speech.

"Congratulations to all of you on being accepted into our academy. Strive with all your might to realize your dreams and become great shinobi". And at that moment, I turned off my brain.

I couldn't wait for the ceremony to be over. I returned to reality again when Hokage walked off the stage, and the crowd started to clap after his speech.

"Class 1-A, gather 'round!" The booming voice of our instructor echoed through the air, capturing my attention. I joined my classmates and followed the teacher as we made our way to the classroom. The room resembled a cozy university lecture hall, creating a sense of anticipation within me.

Taking my place as the protagonist, I settled into the last row on the far left, positioned just below the window. I had decided to approach school like any other popular yet slightly above-average student. The only challenge would be interacting with classmates who seemed to have attention spans shorter than a blink of an eye. Patience, they say, is a virtue, but it would undoubtedly put mine to the test.

"Alright, class, let's calm down now!" A commanding voice resonated across the auditorium, and to my surprise, the students promptly hushed. 'Well, maybe things are a bit different here,' I mused, observing the scene.

"I am Daikoku Funeno, your sensei for the foreseeable future," Sensei Funeno introduced himself. However, while he spoke, the boy sitting in front of me leaned toward his desk partner and whispered, "What does 'foreseeable' mean?" I couldn't help but let out a sigh. "Looks like it's going to be long few years," I thought to myself.

"First things first, let's do introductions!" Sensei Daikoku announced, capturing the attention of the entire class. "We'll start with you," he pointed towards the student closest to the door, "and go from left to right. Once we finish one row, we'll move on to the next. Let's get started!"

And so, the introductions began one after another. I listened attentively, but they were mundane and uninteresting. Each student expressed the same desire and dream of becoming a formidable ninja and safeguarding their village. The introductions from the girls were especially disheartening, as they seemed to perpetuate sexist stereotypes that I had hoped we had moved past.

Finally, it was my turn to introduce myself. I stood up with confidence, facing the class.

"My name is Saisu Kamano," I stated firmly, projecting my voice across the room. "I am determined to become a skilled shinobi, capable of protecting my village and the people dear to me."

As the introductions continued, I grew more intrigued by my classmates. While most of the introductions were lackluster, a few individuals stood out.

Hana Inuzuka's fiery spirit and determination to be the best resonated with me. Her energy brought a spark to the otherwise dull introductions, and I made a mental note to observe her closely in the coming days.

But then, as if fate had a strange sense of humor, it was Itachi Uchiha's turn to introduce himself. The room seemed to hold its breath as he confidently stated his name. My eyes widened, and a mix of emotions flooded over me. Itachi Uchiha, the name that carried weight and legend, was now my classmate. The same Itachi who had played a significant role in the history of our village, both revered and feared.

A wave of curiosity and caution washed over me. Itachi's reputation preceded him, and the stories surrounding him were shrouded in mystery. His involvement in the tragic events concerning his clan and the burden he carried were well-known. Yet, here he was, sitting amongst us, seemingly just another student embarking on the path of becoming a ninja.

I couldn't help but wonder about the complexities hidden within Itachi Uchiha, the enigma who shared the same classroom as me. How had his experiences shaped him? What motivations drove him? As much as I wanted to know more, I also felt a sense of reverence and respect for the personal journey he must have endured.

I gazed around the classroom, noticing the walls adorned with posters and the neat rows of desks. It looked just like any other ordinary classroom, but now it had become where I would train to be a ninja. The thought filled me with pride and excitement, yet a touch of nervousness crept in. What if I struggled to keep up? What if I failed? I pushed those worries aside, determined to focus on the present and give it my all.

At long last, the introductions ended, and our Sensei began explaining the lessons planned for the semester. There was a lot of information to absorb, but I listened attentively and scribbled down notes. The first lesson was about chakra control, which sounded dull. After all, I already know the basic stuff from the orphanage.