
Naruto: Saisu Kamano

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Gaspart · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

1. Digging a hole

The sensation of being born was a truly dreadful experience that I sincerely hope never to endure again. Nonetheless, for now, my attention must be directed towards the present moment. "Greetings, inner voices within my mind. I am called Saisu Kamano, son of Komiko. Alas, my father remains unknown to me. My mother hailed from Amegakure, an ordinary ninja in most regards, save for one intriguing aspect: her hair possessed a radiant blond hue. This peculiar detail leads me to ponder whether there exists a hidden significance behind it. As we are all aware, discerning importance within the realm of anime often relies on the vibrant colors of one's hair.

As of now, I dwell within the walls of Konoha's orphanage, for my mother departed this world mere days after granting me life. Yet, fear not, for a benevolent group of compassionate ninjas from the neighboring vicinity embraced me as their own. At present, I have just celebrated my first year of existence and possess an attention span that rivals that of a goldfish. However, I have recently acquired the ability to skillfully grasp objects with my tiny fingers, a truly remarkable feat! It is from this point forward that my journey toward greatness shall commence. I am destined to become a legend, and tales shall be woven about my extraordinary exploits!

In a sudden moment, I become aware of the creaking sound emanating from the opening doors, and behold, she appears - The Nanny, renowned among us as The Nanny. Stepping into the room, she immediately directs her affectionate gaze towards me. "Greetings, dear little one! It is time for supper. Let us partake before it loses its warmth!" Now, I must confess that I possess a certain amount of pride, not in the excessive manner of young Master Feng. Each individual carries their own sense of pride. Yet, I cannot deny that my pride receives a slight blow every time she "nourishes" me, whether through the act of breastfeeding or employing the "here comes the airplane" maneuver, which is anything but realistic. The notion of being fed by another became a significant incentive for me to diligently cultivate my manual dexterity, even at such a tender age, even when more delightful pastimes, such as slumber, beckoned. Yes, my training did not revolve around transforming into a formidable killing machine but instead focused on acquiring the ability to independently savor my meals. It may appear somewhat sad, but such is the nature of life - a series of humbling experiences one after another.

Without fail, the Nanny always employed the age-old airplane technique to feed me. Its enchanting effect never ceased to amaze me. However, I must admit that I refrained from acknowledging to anyone the ritual that followed each meal: the Nanny gently wiping my chin and expressing delight at my cuteness, affectionately referring to me as "little potato Saiso-kun." I feigned obliviousness to these occurrences, but deep within, I harbored a secret enjoyment of the attention bestowed upon me. It was my hidden pleasure, one that I would never openly acknowledge.

I should have mentioned this earlier, but I find myself within the Naruto world. How did I come to know this, you inquire? Well, as I previously shared, there are kind-hearted ninjas in the vicinity who possess astonishing abilities, such as breathing fire, and a grand mountain is adorned with the visages of the esteemed three Hokage. It becomes quite evident. As I lie in my crib after a satisfying meal, I come to the realization that this world is not all that terrible. After all, I could have been transported to the realms of the 40K or Nasuverse, which send shivers down my spine just thinking about it. Thus, I must say that I am genuinely content with my current circumstances. Now, my foremost task entails discerning the era in which I find myself and honing my chakra and physical abilities to such an extent that I may gracefully pass away from old age. That is my plan, indeed.

Considering the absence of Minato's countenance among the Hokage monument, I deduce that my current timeframe likely falls around the third Ninja War. I find this acceptable. Depending on the exact date, there is a possibility that I may be called upon to participate in the war. However, I possess ample time before encountering those overwhelmingly powerful individuals. As for the impending conflict and the specter of death, I shall face them when the time comes. For now, it is a shared reality that all must confront, and I shall not be an exception. My only desire is to maintain my sanity throughout the journey—or at least not plunge deeper into madness than I already am. Chuckling inwardly.

Now, let us delve into the realm of my chakra. I yearn to embark on the journey of refining it. Yet, I am apprehensive about venturing into this endeavor blindly, fearing the dire consequences of mishandling it and potentially causing an explosive outcome. Such an outcome would not bode well by any means. Therefore, I have postponed my chakra experiments until I acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.

As I lay in my crib, contemplation takes hold, and I begin to ponder my future. What kind of ninja do I aspire to become? I do not wish to be just an ordinary ninja. Instead, I yearn to transcend greatness and etch my name into the annals of history for centuries to come. However, to achieve such lofty aspirations, I must commence my training without delay. I must absorb every ounce of knowledge about the art of being a ninja.

But where should I commence this journey? Asking Nanny to teach me seems out of the question. Though she possesses kindness in her heart, she does not strike me as the quintessential ninja type. No, I must seek out an individual with genuine expertise in this field. And for someone like me, an orphan without guidance, there exists only one solution - the Ninja Academy. However, to gain admission, I must exercise patience and wait for a few years until the appropriate time arrives.

3rd year of my suffering

"Alright, my dear sweet potato, go forth and enjoy yourself," Nanny uttered, finally releasing her hold on me. Freed from her grasp, I set out towards the orphanage playground, anticipating little excitement. Casting my gaze across the area in search of amusement, my eyes settled upon the sand pit. It stood before me, a magnificent sight, an expansive stretch of untouched sand yearning to be explored. Without a moment's hesitation, I instinctively gravitated towards the sand pit, ready to embark on the noble task of digging a hole. Though I may not possess the mind of a mere infant, as a young lad, I understood the timeless pursuit of men—digging holes. And so, armed with my trusty shovel, I set forth on my mission to create the perfect excavation.

With each thrust of the shovel into the ground, a remarkable sensation washed over me—an indescribable thrill, a profound sense of purpose and contentment that only a true man could comprehend. Before long, fellow boys joined me in this noble endeavor, recognizing the shared joy that resided within the act of digging. Together, we toiled harmoniously, bound by our shared passion for unearthing the depths of the earth.

The remaining time was consumed by our dedicated pursuit of digging the hole. I even caught sight of a few older lads nodding in solemn approval of our laborious work. It became evident that they, too, comprehended the captivating allure of hole digging. At that moment, I felt akin to a king amidst a realm of men.

Meanwhile, the girls observed our endeavors with puzzlement, occupied with plucking flowers and engaging in their conversations. I failed to grasp how such pastimes could rival the magnificence of our grand excavation. They couldn't fathom that our hole was a thing of sheer beauty, an evolving masterpiece. It possessed depth, stretched wide, and belonged solely to us. A swell of pride and accomplishment welled within me as we tirelessly worked towards our shared objective. Indeed, the act of hole-digging surpassed all other pursuits, and I felt a deep sense of honor to be an integral part of it.

However, as time reluctantly slipped away, I was regrettably separated from our miniature paradise and escorted back to the confines of my crib. With a sad heart, I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to a peaceful slumber, where dreams of becoming a legendary ninja reverberated through my mind.