
Naruto: Ryujin Jakka

Yusuke looked at the potential brother in law and smiled broadly, sharpening his sword: "If Izumi and Sasuke fall into the river, who will you save FIRST?" Itachi: "......"

Aseijuro · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Chapter 24 - Sharingan

Yuusuke took out a storage scroll from his pocket and folded the hand seal with one hand, pulling out a scroll as tall as himself. Then Yusuke's gaze shifted to the Nine-Tails, looking at him, he waved his hand and a large scroll flew up and hovered near the head of the tailed beast. Once the scroll was at the right height, Yusuke folded the hand seals one more time, only this time with both hands, causing the scroll to open and surround the Nine-Tails' body.

"Seal of Two Opposites!" Yuusuke's hands began to form hand seals non-stop. As Yuusuke made more and more seals, various runes began to appear and glow in turn on the inside of the scroll that surrounded the body of the Nine-Tails.

Surrounded by many strange seals, the Nine-Tails began to fight furiously, but Kushina's golden chains still firmly held him in place, and since even his mouth was in chains, the Nine-Tails Fox was unable to produce even the smallest Tailed Bomb.

"Seal of Two Opposites - Yin Element - Seal!" - when all the runes on the scroll lit up, Yuusuke closed both hands and completed the seal. Under the body of the Nine-Tails, a gigantic formation formed, the appearance of which resembled the seal of two opposites on Yuusuke's body. Under the influence of the runes and the formation, the Nine-Tails' body began to glow with a blue light and deform before finally transforming into a huge ball of energy that was sucked into the Yin Seal on Yuusuke's left chest.

The process of sealing and absorbing the Nine-Tails' Yin chakra was not pleasant, the entire left side of Yusuke's chest was burning with pain, it seemed that it was about to be torn apart. But Yusuke did not pay attention to this pain, it was nothing compared to the benefit he received. This time, his power will take a quantum leap!

Although the amount of the Nine-Tails' yin chakra was enormous, the absorption process did not last long. After the last thread of chakra entered the seal, Yuusuke calmed his mind and did not immediately try to use the Yin chakra to awaken the Sharingan. Instead, he turned around and looked at Kushina looking at her newborn son with tenderness.

Kushina naturally saw the whole process of sealing the Nine-Tails and already guessed that although Yuusuke said he was there to help them seal the tailed beast, his goal was actually to take over the Nine-Tails Fox's chakra.

"So this is your true goal." Kushina stepped between Yusuke and Naruto and furrowed her brows. She doubted the youth's kindness. Moreover, at that moment, Minato was unconscious, and inside Naruto was the Yang chakra of the Nine-Tails, all she could hope for was to hold out until the Third Hokage arrived, but knowing the strength of the opposite side, she had little faith in success.

Yusuke perfectly understood Kushina's feelings and therefore hurried to explain: "Kushina-sama, you misunderstood me. Yes, I really need the Nine-Tails chakra, but only the Yin chakra, don't worry, I won't harm you or this child."

Kushina stared into Yuusuke's eyes for a few more seconds, trying to find signs of a lie, but after thinking about the situation, she realized that the other side did not need to deceive her at this moment. Nodding to the young man, Kushina turned and lifted Minato in her arms, gently kissed his forehead and smiled softly, "Minato, thanks for everything, I leave Naruto in your hands, raise him well."

As soon as Kushina finished speaking, eight golden adamant chains wrapped around Minato's body, the life force and chakra visible to the naked eye continued to flow into the Fourth Hokage's body through the chains, at the same time, Kushina's beautiful, long scarlet-colored hair began to gradually turn pale.

"What are you doing! Kushina-sama, Minato-sama's physique is far inferior to yours even if you inject all of your remaining chakra into his body…" Yuusuke stopped and didn't say it, it was because he saw the determination in the woman's eyes. She was ready to give her life in exchange for the life of her husband, this deserved great respect. Yuusuke didn't say anything else, because he knew that everything no longer mattered.

Watching Kushina's originally bright red long hair gradually turn white, Yusuke was both delighted and dejected. In any world, there are such people, but they are few, this naive gullibility and willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one. Cowardly and weak-willed people will never understand the beauty of this feeling.

Looking at the sad scene in front of him, Yuusuke suddenly remembered something: "Kushina-sama, you want to see your child grow up, I have one way, would you like to try it?"


Some time later, when Yusuke had already left the scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen arrived at the scene with his subordinates.

"Sarutobi-sama, ahead of Minato-sama, Kushina-sama, and presumably their child. Kushina-sama is already dead, and Minato-sama is unconscious and very weak," the Anbu agent reported succinctly.

Hiruzen stepped forward and sighed sadly, looking at

the dead body of Kushina, wrinkled, with hair that has lost its color. He then shifted his gaze to Minato and breathed a sigh of relief. He also noticed a strange yin-yang seal on Minato's slightly heaving chest, but did not attach much importance to it, believing that this seal was left over from Kushina's sealing technique when she sacrificed herself to save Minato.

He could say this because he saw the state of Kushina herself. Her hair was like snow, and her body was like a dry leaf from which all the juices were squeezed out. Knowing the girl's origins, Hiruzen Sarutobi quickly guessed that Kushina had probably transferred her life energy to Minato.

Raising Naruto, who was lying on a small altar, and looking at Minato and Kushina, Hiruzen could not help but blame himself for what had happened: "Really, I made a mistake by agreeing to Danzo request to limit the Uchiha clan? Would the result be different?


By the time Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared, Yusuke managed to reach the neighboring valley and, having found a secluded place, prepared to awaken the Sharingan.

"Seal of Two Opposites - Yin Release - Release!" Yusuke mentally spoke as he controlled the unsealing process. From the seal of the two opposites on Yusuke's left chest, ink-black runes spread, covering his entire body. Soon, Yusuke felt a slight push, after which, he felt his body being filled with an inexhaustible amount of chakra.

"Judging by the amount of Yin Release chakra alone, am I not now the equal of a Kage-level shinobi?" - Yusuke thought for a moment, but soon discarded all distracting thoughts and focused on his main task.

Yusuke sat down on the ground and leaned against the wall behind him just in case. Then, he focused all his attention on his spirit world and sent a huge amount of yin chakra there without hesitation. As soon as this was done, a sharp pain pierced Yuusuke's head, it seemed to the youth as if his soul was being torn apart. Despite the severe pain, Yusuke still did not stop, but decided to finish what he started.

Through his mental power, Yusuke could feel Ryujin Jakka absorbing all the incoming Yin chakra, but it seemed that the barrier he set up also prevented him from fully absorbing this huge amount of chakra that was pouring in an endless stream.

"Now!" - when the Yin chakra in the seal of two opposites used up one tenth, Yusuke suddenly found himself inside his spiritual world, which could only be reached with the help of the Sharingan. An incredible picture appeared before his eyes, in the sky, among the thick clouds, a small gap formed, inside which he saw the Sharingan, but unlike the usual Sharingan with three black tomoe, his tomoe were fiery gold.

"Is this my sharingan? Looks like Ryujin Jakka caused a mutation in them." Yusuke muttered looking at the pupils in the sky. In the next moment, Yuusuke's pupils changed, becoming exactly the same as those in the sky.

Although he couldn't see his own eyes, Yusuke knew that he had successfully awakened his sharingan at that moment. He clearly felt that his vision was different from before, it became sharper, thanks to which he could catch every detail around him, even the smallest one.

Now that he has awakened his Sharingan, Yuusuke has the ability to enter his spirit world at will. Apparently due to the abundance of Yin chakra, his Sharingan was much stronger than that of a typical Uchiha.

"So he mutated due to the influence of Ryujin Jakka, I don't know for better or for worse, I'm sure I'll find out soon. As for abilities, I think I need to take the time to test everything." The Sharingan was successfully awakened and although Yuusuke's heart was jubilant, he forced himself to calm down as he needed to welcome a new guest to his spirit world.

Looking to the side, Yuusuke saw a small Nine-Tailed Fox Cub huddled in a corner and stared at him in horror.

"Who are you?! Don't come!" - the little fox, despite his fear, got into a fighting position, ready to pounce on his opponent. Only the current appearance of the Nine-Tailed Fox, instead of intimidation, caused only tenderness.

"Is this the result of chakra depletion? How long will it take you to recover?" - Yusuke asked with curiosity, as if not noticing the hostility of the fox in front of him.

"I can't restore my chakra at all! What terrible sealing technique did you use on me?!" The Nine-Tails growled at him.

Normally, his chakra would regenerate quickly despite being sealed. This was well known to the Fox, as this was not the first time he had been sealed. But after being sealed in this strange seal, he was horrified to find that he was unable to restore the lost chakra.

Hearing the words of the Nine-Tails, Yusuke immediately understood the reason, and instantly removed the restrictions of the Two Opposites Seal. The Seal of Two Opposites was designed to have complete control over what was sealed. Therefore, once the Nine-Tails was sealed within the seal, his connection to the outside world was severed, and only when

Yuusuke himself will remove this restriction, the Nine-Tails will be able to replenish the chakra.

"Okay, I'll consider it an ordinary battery that needs a month to recharge!" "Although the Nine-Tails was not able to automatically restore chakra, it was still a valuable resource that was of great value.

After leaving his spirit world, Yuusuke opened his eyes and looked around. Now he must return to the village as soon as possible. If others discover the clone he left behind, there will be many problems.

"I wonder how powerful my attacks would be if I used Yin chakra to mimic soul power when I used Ryujin Jakku, would my power be close to Kage level?" Yusuke thought as he returned to the village.

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