
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime et bandes dessinées
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203 Chs

Chapter 20: The Proud Sasuke

Sakura didn't think too much, she was just thinking from her own perspective. She had no idea about Naruto's real strength, nor did she know that Ino truly liked Naruto. She also ignored Hinata, the little chicken who was watching secretly. (She would bury her head at any sign of trouble)

"Stupid Ino pig, what are you doing? Aren't we competing fairly for Sasuke-kun? I don't need you to let me win in this way!"

Sakura continued to question her.

'Are you still messing around with Sasuke?'

Ino was both angry and amused at this moment, feeling very complicated. She really wanted to press Sakura on the ground and give her a good beating. Who is letting you win? I really want Naruto to be my boyfriend, what are you messing around with!

"I really like Naruto, it's my business, it has nothing to do with you, don't get in the way." Ino said seriously.

"How can it have nothing to do with it!"

Sakura shouted and then continued: "From childhood to adulthood, you have always been letting me win, like a big sister. Whenever there is something I like, even if you like it too, you will deliberately give in..."

"Do you think that's why I broke up with you? Stupid Ino pig, I just want to compete fairly with you, not to see you give in and confess to a guy like Naruto!"

'Confess to a guy like me? Hehe'

Naruto lowered his head and laughed, his expression noticeably colder.

"But I don't like Sasuke at all. I don't like Sasuke anymore. Why do you still want me to compete fairly with you?" Ino shouted at Sakura with her chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Don't like Sasuke?"

Sakura laughed in anger and continued: "Why don't you like Sasuke? He's strong and handsome. Which part of him is not better than Naruto! How could you possibly really like Naruto? That guy doesn't have parents or manners. What do you like about him!"

Naruto's anger level increased...

(Because of mentioning parents, not insulting himself)

Hinata's anger level increased...

(You can assist me, but don't slander Naruto)

Sasuke's anger level increased...

(I also don't have parents. And not having parents should definitely not be a point of attack!)

Ino's blood pressure skyrocketed...

She was feeling an unprecedented discomfort now because she wasn't just considering herself. She would also think from Sakura's perspective and could come to the same conclusion as Sakura.

But! But! But!

That's because she's ignorant. She really can't see that Naruto is strong or understand Naruto's goodness. Then she speaks from her own perspective and forcibly imposes the viewpoint of liking Sasuke on others.

Why do I have to like Sasuke?

Who I like is none of your business!

Ino really wants to explode and give Sakura a good beating, but Sakura is doing this for her own good. If she really does this, she won't be able to stand it herself, so she can't do this, which makes it even more unbearable.

To solve this, there is one solution, that is to prove that Naruto is really powerful, it's just that Sakura doesn't know it from beginning to end.

However, a new problem has come. Naruto originally wanted to hide his strength and not bother others. If she directly exposes his strength, will there be a chance to be friends in the future? Naruto must not feel comfortable...

So she can't expose him, but she wants to prove that she really likes Naruto. If she can't prove it, then Sakura might always hinder her in the future, and her once best friend will directly become the biggest stumbling block.

This is simply unbearable!

Now Sakura is very much like some parents, using the tone and tone of "I'm doing this for your own good!" to persuade Ino to follow her wishes, rather than what Ino herself wants to do.

I'm doing this for your own good!


"I like Naruto's gentleness, I like Naruto's strength, I like the feeling of being flicked on the forehead by Naruto. What do you understand!" Ino clenched her fists and stared at Sakura and shouted.

Hinata: Oh no, she's for real. And when was she flicked on the forehead by Naruto? I also want to experience that feeling. Ahhhhh!

"Don't joke! What's gentle about that guy Naruto? He only knows how to play pranks and pester people annoyingly. How could he possibly have a gentle side! And that guy is very weak. What happened that day was just a coincidence. I've witnessed it! I understand Naruto better than anyone! How could anyone like him!" Sakura continued shouting with great momentum.

Hinata: I like him, I like him! Although what you said really makes me want to beat you up, but... but... Ino you better not like Naruto-kun. One person who likes Naruto is enough for me!

Ino was furious but couldn't expose Naruto's strength. If she really did that, there would probably be no chance in the future. Even if she convinced Sakura, she would be wasted herself. It simply doesn't work.

She has no choice. How can this situation be solved?

Break off all contact with Sakura? If she could really do it and say such things, she wouldn't be so uncomfortable now. She's not someone who can easily say such things.


Sasuke stood up, gave Sakura a cold look, and then turned around and left.

Actually, he understands Naruto. When Naruto is alone every time, Sasuke occasionally watches him from not far away because he too has been forced to become alone due to some special things.

In the beginning period of time, Sasuke was actually very uncomfortable and at a loss because he had never lived this kind of life before. Under such circumstances, he naturally pays attention to those who are also lonely, such as Naruto.

Naruto's situation makes him sympathize but also feel at ease because he has been alone from the beginning. If he could learn some experience...

Oh, so he's also like this

Sasuke actually occasionally pays attention to Naruto but doesn't pay too much attention. As proud as he is, he will definitely not actively help Naruto without any reason but will do some things in his own way.

For example, when it's time to leave, just leave. And while leaving, say with a cold look and cruel expression: "You guys are really annoying."

Sasuke left without looking back

The atmosphere in the classroom cooled down with Sasuke's departure. The fiery atmosphere between Sakura and Ino was also affected by Sasuke's departure. Now Sakura is a little flustered. She fears that he will start to get annoyed with her. If such a thing happens then everything they had done before would have been wasted.

"I'm leaving too."

Sakura quickly packed up her things and then followed Sasuke out without saying anything more.

'Sasuke is also a good person.'

Naruto can sense the good and evil in people's hearts naturally he can see that although Sasuke appears cold and ruthless on the surface he actually cares about his situation and invisibly creates negative comments about him from Sakura.

But he is very proud and won't say it actively nor will he actively stop it. He will only use his own methods his own choices to influence events and help Naruto.