
Naruto: Return Of The Flash // Ascendance of the Flash

What if Naruto was more intelligent than he was in the canon. What if he was more like his father than his mother, both in looks and personality? Smart and powerful Naruto! NarutoxTemari! Hiraishin Naruto! Stories created by Kamikaze132. ( fanfiction net/u/11429902 )

MkoPoland · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

Chapter 58

It had been almost two hours since they left from Suna, and while Naruto hid it well, the heat of the desert was starting to annoy him. He had seals inscribed on his clothes so that they kept him hot or cool depending on the surroundings, but there was nothing protecting his head. Not only that, but his eyes were constantly squinting due to the intense light.

He wasn't the only one suffering. Even though his outfit was relatively loose, Neji's clothes were sticking to his skin due to the sweat. Sakura was sweating as well, but she was toughing it out with a scowl on her face. Tenten was wiping her face with her sleeve ever once in a while. Kakashi was suffering in the back, needing Gai's support to walk, having exhausted himself with Kamui. Naruto wondered if Kakashi really should be using that technique, considering it tired him out with just a single use. The only ones who didn't seem to have any problems were Temari, who was used to making trips in the heat and Lee, who was better left unexplained.

That spandex seriously couldn't be that comfortable.

Naruto turned his head to glance back, a few snickers escaping him. The others copied him, varying amounts of amusement appearing on their faces as well as they watched the drama behind them.

Gai's frustration was mounting by the second as he was forced to go practically at a snail's pace along with Kakashi. The silver-haired jonin on the other hand, chuckled nervously as Gai began to literally growl in agitation. The energetic taijutsu master wasn't used to moving at such a slow pace.

"Ahahaha, thanks for carrying me Gai. The mangekyo sharingan takes quite a toll on my body, you see…"

Kakashi's ever lazy drawl, now even more enhanced by his exhaustion, snapped something in Gai.


That was the cue for Kakashi to begin panicking. "Ah! W-Wait Gai!"

But Gai had already thrown Kakashi into the air, only for the copy ninja to land…..right on his back.

So intimate….I guess they're closer than I thought. Sakura deadpanned.

Naruto had to press his fist into his mouth to prevent the snickers escaping from becoming full blown laughter. This was way too precious.

"That looks like a fun ride, Kakashi!" Naruto full heartedly teased the man.

Kakashi's glare could have scared off a full grown tiger, if he hadn't been in such a pathetic condition. Sakura looked a bit green though, pressing her palm to her forehead.

"Please don't say such things, Naruto. The images are hard to get rid of!"

Kurama was howling in laughter in Naruto's mind, who himself was having trouble containing himself. Temari looked a bit green like Sakura, thinking to herself.

Two years in the leaf and I'm still discovering new things every day.

Neji and Tenten were looking incredibly exasperated, no doubt used to the hyper activeness and weird actions of their sensei.

Kakashi spoke through gritted teeth. "Naruto…..get me off his back. Now."

"Not to worry, Kakashi!" Gai cheerfully maintained, adjusted Kakashi on his back. "I'll carry you everywhere if you need be!"

Naruto honestly thought that his stomach would burst from holding so much laughter within. It wasn't helping at all that Kurama wouldn't stop laughing. What he was about to say next wouldn't earn him any favors with Kakashi, but it would be so much fun. It had been so long he had played a good prank.

"Now we can travel much faster, eh Gai-san?"

Gai's answer was an ecstatic shout. "YES! LET'S GO!"

With that, Gai ran forward with a burst of speed that left a dust cloud behind him. Naruto turned to look at the one person who was happy with this development. Lee had his hands curled in fists, head bowed and trembling. When his head shot up, his eyes were swimming with tears.


Lee was the second streak of dust.

"Idiots, the pair of them," Tenten sighed, shaking her head.

Naruto took a deep breath, placing his hands on his hips. "At the rate they're going, the Hokage is gonna wonder what happened to the rest of the team."

Sakura slumped a little. "I really don't want to sprint across the desert and the forest."

"It's alright, you don't have to." Naruto placated her. "In fact, you don't have to move at all."

"What are you talking about?" Neji questioned with an eyebrow raised.

Naruto placed his palm on the ground. "I marked the gates of Konoha. We can simply flash there," he explained with a grin, easily tracking the dynamic duo with his sensing. He pushed his sensing further until his mark on the gate was within his radar.

"But aren't you out of range? Konoha is quite far away right now," Tenten murmured worriedly.

"My senses have only improved in three years, Tenten," Naruto assured her.

Temari smirked as she knelt beside him. "Then you already have the mark in your sights, don't you?"

Her answer was a smirk.

She then stood up. "Then what are we waiting for? Grab on!"


Naruto's command stopped everyone in surprise. He then elaborated, speaking in a whisper as if disclosing an important secret. "We need to have the perfect timing."


Gai crossed the gates, coming to a halt. He pointed his index finger towards the sky in a gesture of victory, not even noticing that his head slammed into Kakashi's chin, knocking back the man painfully. "FIRST!"

"Not quite."

He turned around, eyes widening in shock when he saw everyone except Lee sitting against the wall. They looked quite comfortable, meaning that they had arrived quite some time ago, and were waiting for them. Naruto was the one who spoke, standing up. The other followed the suit.

"We have been waiting for quite some time, Gai-san."

Kakashi was glaring with every ounce of rage that he could muster in his exhausted state. He knew exactly what the blonde had done, and was cursing up a storm in his head. Naruto caught his eye and winked, telling the man that the blonde knew exactly what he was thinking.

Gai was completely floored, never having imagined that he of all would people would be the last in a race. In his shock, he didn't even think what had actually happened. A shout distracted everyone as they turned to the gates, seeing the last of group arriving. Lee raised both of his hands, shouting in a mix of victory and defeat.


Then he noticed the group staring at him.


Naruto nodded, completely serious. "Now that everyone is here, let's report to the Hokage."

He then set off, with the others following. Neji was the last, but only so he could pat Lee on the shoulder. "Sorry Lee, but you were last."

The Hyuga kept his poker face up until he was walking side by side with Naruto. He chuckled, "I have to say, that was quite brilliant."

Naruto smirked in response. "A good prank requires timing, my friend. Eventually though, he will know what happened. He's not a complete idiot."

"Thanks to you, they will now drive me and Tenten up the wall with all the extra training."

"You're welcome."


"Ah, now this is what I call a soak," Temari sighed happily as she sunk in the jacuzzi, the hot water soothing all her muscles.

"How come you are so tired?" Naruto questioned curiously.

Temari shook her head. "Not physically. All that stress of Gaara almost…..dying," she understandably hesitated a bit, "really had me in a pinch."

Naruto moved forward, putting both his hands on either side of Temari. He leaned in, putting fleeting kisses on her neck. He asked her in a suggestive tone, "Then perhaps you would like a massage to…..unwind?"

Temari smiled as she pretended to think about it. "Mm…..it doesn't sound like a bad idea at all."

Naruto's hand started drifting down. "Then what are we waiting for?"

"Because we need to talk."

Naruto stopped his advances, slowly leaning back to see his wife's serious eyes. He drifted back to his end, deciding that massages and sex could come later. "What do you want to talk about?"

Temari seemed hesitant, but she took a deep breath and spoke. "I know that the Akatsuki are a mercenary/terrorist organization that wants to collect all the bijuu for some nefarious purpose. This organization is made up of S-rank missing nin, right?"

Naruto nodded, motioning her to continue.

"To Konoha's knowledge, five people have been identified as a part of that organization."

Naruto shook his head. "Itachi, Kisame, Deidara and Sasori are the only ones that Konoha and Suna are aware of."

Temari interjected. "But Orochimaru is a former member of that organization, right? What's to say he still isn't supporting it?"

Naruto waved a finger at her. "Orochimaru left the organization to pursue his own goals of destroying Konoha and achieving immortality in an Uchiha body. In fact, Jiraiya believes Itachi is the reason Orochimaru left Akatsuki. The prick tried to play smart with Itachi, and got his ass handed to him. That is why Orochimaru shifted his interests from Itachi to Sasuke."

Temari had a surprised expression as she digested the new information. "I…wasn't aware of that." She ten waved a hand. "What I'm trying to say is, there is a probable chance that, and it might not even be true, Sasuke might join Akatsuki in the future."

Naruto folded his hands. This was a serious matter. It had occurred to him as well that Sasuke might join the mercenary organization. He knew that the Uchiha was hellbent on destroying his brother, and Orochimaru won't remain in his way for long. What he wasn't seeing was Temari's reasoning. Why would she think Sasuke would join Akatsuki now of all times?

"Come to the point, Temari," he requested, leveling a look of utmost seriousness at her.

Temari looked equally serious. "My question is, what will you do if you face Sasuke, after he has joined the Akatsuki?"

So that's what she wanted to know.

She raises a good question.

Indeed. Now that I think about, I myself am at a loss to what I would do.

You could simply cut off his head and end his life. It would solve most of the problems this world has been having.

The suggestion was spoken so innocently that it actually became part of a normal conversation for a second.

Naruto scoffed inwardly. Duly noted, though I would prefer not to do that.

Then what will you do?

That's the question, isn't it?

Temari watched Naruto thinking, though to her it was more like he was having an inside conversation with his prisoner. It was sort of impressive that his gaze was locked onto her, and actually seemed to be focused, when instead he was chatting to a completely different person.

Finally, after a long moment, Naruto spoke. "I would need to speak with him in person. Three years is a long time for someone to change, and Sasuke might have changed as well. Only by looking into his eyes, will I be able to tell my answer."

The answer was very vague, and it didn't satisfy Temari at all, evident by the small frown on her face. "That doesn't make any sense."

Naruto shrugged. "Maybe not to you, but it does to me."

Silence settled between them for a few moments which was then broken by Naruto clapping once. "Now that the serious talk is over…."

Before Temari could catch up with his thoughts, she was already out of the bath, in Naruto's arms and on the way to the bedroom. Earlier talk was put at the back of her mind as she giggled. "You can't help yourself, can you?"

Naruto's reply was fervent as he almost tossed her on the bed. "I've been waiting for three years. My patience is all but gone."


Two hours later, Naruto was walking to the hospital with a spring in his step, whistling cheerfully. He was also feeling noticeably lighter, and thoroughly satisfied, like some sort of stress that he had been constantly under was taken off from him.

Three years' worth of not having sex…..

He still had yet to wipe off the smile on his face that threatened to turn into a stupid grin. Temari would be feeling that ache in her legs for a while, which was why he had left her sleeping in their bed.

He entered the hospital, and headed straight to the room where Kakashi was. Opening the door, he saw that the jonin was sitting up, laying down, eyes closed.

Figuring he was asleep, Naruto kept his footsteps silent when approaching the bed. He keenly observed Kakashi and after a few moments, spoke. "You can stop pretending to be asleep."

"Ah, you caught me."

Kakashi opened his right eye, keeping the other one closed. "Have you come to visit me because you were worried, Naruto? I'm touched."

Naruto snorted. "Don't be. I actually came to see just how much that eye exhausted you."

Kakashi sighed, closing his eye. "It exhausts me quite much. My sharingan drains me enough as it is. Taking it to the next level and then using it…I'm not surprised I ended up getting exhausted."

"But you used it only once," Naruto pointed out.

"I haven't exactly trained my mangekyo, Naruto. Back in our fight, it took me took much time to just pinpoint my target," Kakashi explained.

"Maybe you shouldn't use it if only a single use tires you out," Naruto murmured.

Kakashi smiled. "It's simply a matter of getting used to it. After I'm out of here, I intend to train my mangekyo so I can at least last four to five before dropping."

Naruto tilted his head in acknowledgement. "Well, I'm out of here. Tsunade called me a few minutes ago, and I'm already late. See you later, Kakashi."


Tsunade had sent a summons fifteen minutes ago, but she would hopefully forgive him for being late. He reached the Hokage tower, waved to the guards and and ventured inside, absently checking over what everyone was doing. Some people were just standing around, talking with each other. Most were just carrying around paperwork, and he spotted four people playing cards not-so-discreetly under the pretense of doing paperwork.

Naruto smirked before he quickly moved up the stairs. Walking briskly, he arrived right outside Tsunade's office and knocked thrice.

"Come in!"

He opened the door, and immediately took account of who was in the room. There was Sakura, Shizune, Tsunade facing the window with her back to him, and then there was jiji.

His mouth automatically stretched into a smile on seeing him. He hadn't changed much in three years, except he was far more relaxed than Naruto had ever seen him. Guess retirement does that you.

Tsunade turned around, scowling at him. "You're late! What the hell was it that took you so long?"

Naruto gave a short bow. "Apologies, Tsunade-sama. I was going under some therapy."

Sakura quirked a brow, as did Shizune. "You need therapy? For what?"

Naruto's grin stretched out in full force. "If you really want me to tell you, it goes something like-"

"Actually, we don't need to know," Hiruzen hurriedly intervened, knowing exactly what Naruto was going to say. Three years with Jiraiya, it was hard not to pick up when some perverseness was about to come into play. Naruto was obviously going to speak something that would terribly embarrass the ladies in the room, and Tsunade would probably throw the desk at him.

He really didn't want his late sensei's desk to be smashed to pieces.

Naruto's grin dropped. "Spoil my fun, why don't you?"

Then his demeanor turned serious. "What is it that you called me for then?"

Tsunade turned to face him fully. "Naruto, Sakura revealed to me some information given to her by Sasori of the red sands before he died."

Seeing him silent, she continued. "Sasori revealed to Sakura, just before he died, that he had a spy in Orochimaru's ranks. Six days from now on, at noon, Orochimaru will be there."

Naruto said nothing, but inside, he was sighing. I know what she's going to say next, and I can't fault her. But I can't be the only one who sees this is wrong on so many levels.

You're not. Information is like food in your world, and you humans are the greediest of the animals. You can't help but eat it, uncaring if it is good or bad.

Naruto ignored his partner's ranting. "Which team are you sending then?"

"Sakura has volunteered to go," Tsunade answered. Naruto took careful note that Tsunade used the word "volunteer", instead of "requested".

"Even though Kakashi is out of the commission, Team seven can be ready to go with a replacement team leader," Tsunade elaborated further. "Of course, if you choose to go, you might get a bonus as well."

Naruto said nothing for a moment, keeping his hands in pockets. He thought carefully about it all. He knew what bonus Tsunade was hinting at, and he fought back a scowl. This mission could possibly give them some information on Sasuke's whereabouts. His mind flashed back to his earlier conversation with Temari. It was highly unlikely that Sasuke was a part of Akatsuki right now, but the question still came up. What would he do, if he came face to face with Sasuke?

You could just kill him.

Naruto didn't reply. He wasn't sure of his resolve. Laws dictated that the missing nin should be killed with extreme prejudice, yet the small part of him that still considered Sasuke his friend, and not beyond saving, wanted to bring him back home. What should he do?

Maybe…I could just beat him black and blue like last time, and then bring him back.

While I would prefer you kill him, this is not an entirely unpreferable alternative. I look forward to your showdown, Naruto.

That decided, I need to confirm one thing before I agree to this mission.

"I agree to this mission," Naruto answered at last. But before everyone could take his statement as an unconditional agreement, he spoke once more. "But I need to check a few things first, if you don't mind?"

Tsunade didn't outright show it, but she was a bit confused. "Sure. What is it?"

Before she'd even finished speaking, Naruto turned and stared Sakura right in the eyes. The sudden scrutiny caused the girl to flinch a little at the intensity of his stare. He wasn't glaring at her, but she felt like he was searching for something in her eyes. After a few moments, she began to fidget, a sign that she was beginning to get uncomfortable under his stare. "What is it, Naruto?"

"Sakura," he began, fully turning to face her, "I need your word that…..you would be able to do the right thing when the time comes."

That statement brought a wave of confusion in the room, since there was a lack of context in his words. However, Sakura sensed a certain depth in his words, and her voice was cautious. "What do you mean?"

"There is a chance that you will meet our former teammate on this mission, and I am well aware of how you have feelings for him. Will those feelings interfere in the mission should we be required to kill him?"

The questioned surprised everyone in the room. No one expected such a question to come out of Naruto's mouth, who was well known for his fierce loyalty to his comrades. Sakura's eyes had gone wide with shock, and she had barely kept from gasping. She knew that Naruto didn't want to kill Sasuke, evidenced by how he had brought him back to the village alive, albeit barely.

But looking in his eyes, she found an unwavering resolve. She found it hard to believe that three years had changed him so much that he was willing to kill his former comrade now. She couldn't see a doubt in his eyes. What she was unaware of, was that the resolve was to do whatever was required of him. Should the situation arise, he would have to steel his resolve to do what was necessary.

Even if it meant killing Sasuke.

But in three years, Sakura had changed as well. There was a reason that Tsunade had agreed to take on her as an apprentice. Tsunade had begun teaching her the secret to her super strength technique, and in turn Sakura had to promise her that she would get rid of any feelings that she had for Sasuke. "I will not have any of my shinobi sympathizing with a known traitor," were her exact words.

At the time, the request was like a hammer straight to her heart. Sakura had been forced to evaluate her feelings for the Uchiha and as painful as it was, she had come to conclusion that she didn't truly "love" him, as she originally believed. She was infatuated, she was obsessed, but never truly in love. She had been living in a fantasy world back then.

Tsunade had ripped off the pink tinted glasses from her face, showing her the reality. Sakura had been forced to admit that Sasuke was not who she believed he was. He only had one ambition, and he didn't care who got caught up in his path.

The last straw was when Tsunade told her that Sasuke had been completely willing to kill Naruto. Naruto hadn't mentioned it in his report, but instead chose to tell Tsunade.

Naruto had to escape a chidori to the heart.

That was the strike that killed the last of the feelings she had for Sasuke.

From then on, she trained hard to become a kunoichi who could actually be useful in the field, instead of having to rely on her teammates to get her out of dangerous spots.

Taking a breath to steady herself, she replied while looking back into his eyes. "They will not, because they don't exist."

The succinct reply threw Naruto off for a moment, but he steadied himself. He stared hard in her eyes, looking for any sign of lie, but she stared back unflinchingly. His stare lightened, and the side of his mouth quirked up just for a moment.

"Then I don't need to worry," he said at last. Sakura found herself fighting down a grin. Naruto trusted her to watch his back in this mission, which was more than what she could say for when they were kids.

Naruto turned to Tsunade and Hiruzen. "You know very well that this is most likely a trap. Why are you authorizing this mission?"

Tsunade took a deep breath. "We have no illusions that it's not a trap. However, there is a small chance that it could prove to be otherwise. Which is why this will only be a reconnaissance mission. You are to only meet with the spy and no more. Avoid combat at all if possible."

Naruto nodded as he began to think of just how many ways this could go wrong. Orochimaru was no fool, but could he know about the spy in his ranks? The only reason he could think of Sasori having a spy in Orochimaru's village was to keep an eye on the snake. That means, the spy would have to be pretty close to Orochimaru to constantly keep track of his activities and whereabouts.

Who could it be?

His thoughts were interrupted when Hiruzen spoke. "Since Team 7 is two members short, me and Tsunade have come up with a replacement. However, you get a say in the replacement being on your team, Naruto, since you are the only jonin on the team right now. I would not recommend the refusal, however."

Naruto folded his arms. "You have someone in mind?"

"More like I was offered and not in a position to refuse," Tsunade muttered, a minor scowl on her face. "As for leader, maybe you can share the leadership with the jonin I appoint. As for whom, I need a bit of time. Dismissed."

Naruto took careful note of the scowl on her face as he exited the office. Whoever this person was, Tsunade was not that happy to take his help.

The one person that the Hokage hates…it can't be the elders. Those old coots don't command any shinobi.

But Danzo does.

Ah. That solves the mystery of the third teammate. It's a root member. Think we can get rid of him somehow?

She did say the refusal is up to you.

I meant in a permanent manner.

Naruto could almost see the grin in Kurama's answer. Never let your ruthlessness go, Naruto. As for how…let's just say Danzo really shouldn't be bringing out his rats in the open. Someone just might mistake them for…..an enemy.

I see where you're going partner.


Tsunade stared at the door, reevaluating her thoughts on her fellow blonde.

Shizune came up to her side. "He has changed, hasn't he?" she questioned softly.

Tsunade sighed. "Not much, I believe," she answered, recalling how blunt Naruto was when he confronted her three years ago.

"I thought he would refuse the mission, considering how obvious of a trap this is," Shizune wondered.

"He knows this is a trap, Shizune," Hiruzen revealed, walking around the desk. "And if it does turn out to be a trap, Naruto is most suited to get his team out of it."

"That, or he is simply going on this mission because he wants to ensure Sakura remains alive," Tsunade speculated.

"Either way, he must remain cautious," Hiruzen said in a grim tone. "I have a feeling that something else is at play here."


Naruto was walking down the streets, lost in thought about the upcoming mission. Just as he was about to turn into a lane, he paused. A moment later, he smiled upon sensing the familiar chakra signature. He continued forward until he came under the shade of a tree.

"It's good to see you after so long, Shino."

Indeed, it was the Aburame. He wore a high-collar jacket traded in for a hooded one in the same color with the hood up, and the top he now wore under it extended all the way up with clasps to close it to just above his nose, and below his jacket to his knees, where black pants now adorned his legs and white tape disappeared under black shinobi sandals.

He had grown as well. Naruto was perhaps only an inch taller than the bug user.

"Naruto, glad to know you were able to recognize me." His tone really hadn't changed much, but Naruto was just able to hear warmth under the robotic voice.

"The shades give it away, I'm afraid," Naruto revealed with a grin.

He then sensed another chakra signature, his grin widening. He turned around just to see something large land right in front of him.

"Holy shit, Kiba! What happened to Akamaru?"

Kiba had changed as well. The fur-lined jacket was replaced with a black collared jacket without the hood to cover up spiky brown hair, a mesh undershirt peeking out from above the dip in the clasped collar. Black shinobi pants covered up to his calves and zippered black shinobi sandals.

Akamaru wasn't far behind. In fact, Naruto would so far as to say that Akamaru had the most impressive growth out of the rookies, despite not having seen them all. Gone was the puppy that would fit inside Kiba's jacket, and what stood in its place was an impressive hound worthy of being called a ninken.

Kiba blinked in surprise before breaking out in a grin of his own. "Yo Naruto! I knew it was you! Your scent has been popping up and I thought you were back, but never saw you," he exclaimed cheerfully, hopping off the dog to jog over to Naruto. They shared a handshake and hug, after which Naruto walked over to Akamaru.

"Actually, I just came back from a mission from Suna," Naruto informed him, scratching Akamaru behind the ears, earning a pleased growl from the dog.

"I'd say Akamaru has grown the most out of us all," he commented, chuckling as the dog stood up on his hind legs, licking Naruto's face enthusiastically.

"And you're now the tallest of us all," Kiba grumbled good naturedly.

Naruto looked around. "And if you two are here, then the only one remaining is-"


Naruto smiled as he turned around. There she was, and dare Naruto say it, Hinata was easily one of the most beautiful girls around here. She had filled out such even more than Temari and her hair was now longer, falling to her waist, but her bangs were still cut princess style. She still wore her jacket, but it was no longer bulky as it was, showing hints of her figure. The shinobi pants were long and her hitai0ate was still around her neck.

"I almost feel bad for your father," he said in a mock sympathetic tone.

She smiled and shook her head. "Don't be. He manages just fine."

Her voice was still as soft as ever, but it now held confidence and a pleasant lack of stuttering. The three years were good to her, it seemed.

After speaking some more, they parted ways, leaving Naruto alone once again. He wondered whether he should head home or not, but he decided against it. With Temari asleep, there wasn't much he could do except run over some fuinjutsu ideas.

Or, I could go visit someone else.

He stretched out his senses and found his target was back at his home. He changed directions and walked towards a place he hadn't visited since he was four. Walking for ten minutes, he arrived at his destination.

"It really hasn't changed much," he sighed nostalgically as he gazed upon the Sarutobi compound.

The last time he came here was the first time he felt like he had a family. Jiji had brought him here when it was his birthday. He had been introduced to Konohamaru's parents, who weren't expecting him back then. He had been introduced to Asuma as well. The jonin really didn't hate him back then, but he had no love for Naruto either. He kept his interactions with Naruto neutral, which his four-year old self was grateful for.

He approached the guards at the gates of the compound. "I'm here to see the Sandaime. Is he available?"

"He returned quite recently, in fact," the guard replied, escorting him inside. There were a number of people he spotted, either talking or training. Some people saw and started whispering to each other, but he ignored them.

Soon, they were right outside the Sandaime's home. Naruto told the guard that he can make it from here, earning a wary look from the guard, but was eventually allowed to go inside.

The inside of the house was something that Naruto always thought the old man was: simple, practical, old, warm and weary.

It wasn't that the house walls were crumbling, but Naruto knew for a fact that the old man lost his wife the night he was born. His eyes flickered towards an old photo of the old man and his wife when they were young. Even in the picture, his eyes held a love and joy that Naruto had never seen. His wife, Sarutobi Biwako, had been beautiful. No doubt her loss would have scarred the old man for life. Maybe it was also the reason the house seemed weary.

It had been missing one of its occupants for years.

"She was beautiful," the voice behind his spoke fondly.

Naruto slowly turned, giving no indication that he was surprised. Jiji was smiling at him, in the way that all old people did.

I know what you're thinking.

"You must miss her," Naruto commented, putting his hands in his pockets.

Hiruzen released a sigh that conveyed exactly how old he was. "Every day."

He turned around and gestured Naruto to follow him, which he did. "It just hasn't been the same after she died. It was like the heart of the family that kept it together broke, and with it broke away the family. Asuma took her death particularly hard, which wasn't surprising considering how he was always closer to her than me. Her death pushed Asuma further away from me."

He and Naruto entered his office, and sat down on either sides of the table. He put some tobacco in and lit up his pipe, taking a long inhalation. "I didn't even get a chance to bond with him again when I was Hokage once again, after your father passed away."

"If it reminds you of so painful times, why do you still hang that picture?" Naruto asked curiously.

Hiruzen smiled as he gave the answer. "It doesn't remind me of just painful times."

Naruto nodded and took a deep breath, suddenly wondering what to say. It had been three years after all, and he had matured. He could no longer ask anything without hesitation. "How are you, jiji?"

Hiruzen smiled a little more. "Better than ever."

Naruto arched an eyebrow. "Really? You are three years older and still smoke like there's no tomorrow."

Hiruzen gave a loud, heartfelt laugh. "You never fail to make me laugh, Naruto. Yes, I may be three years older, but I have felt decades younger ever since I gave the hat to Tsunade. In our world, people are lucky to reach my age and even luckier to retire at leisure. For me, retirement feels like I'm living in a dream."

Naruto chuckled at the last statement. "I'm sure it does. It is rare in the shinobi world for people to achieve their dreams."

They sat in silence for a moment, after which Naruto spoke up. "So how do you spend your free time now?"

Hiruzen released a puff of smoke, leaning back in his seat. "Well, even before I gave up the hat, Konohamaru had been begging me to train him. I have been training him quite regularly since the last three years."

Naruto smirked. "Is that right? Then he must have gotten quite good."

Hiruzen gave a noncommitting grunt. "He has improved, that's for sure. But he still has ways to go before he becomes chunin level."

Naruto smiled. "You have high standards, jiji."

Hiruzen snorted. "I'm the Sandaime Hokage, boy. Of course I have high standards. You think my students became the Sannin just like that?"

Naruto completely agreed with that argument. "No, they didn't."

"And I see that you have got quite the bingo book entry," Hiruzen said with a knowing look.

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually, it was something I never expected, to be honest."


"I didn't think that scaring a team of Iwa shinobi would bump me up to SS rank."

Hiruzen folded his fingers and rested his chin on top of them, leaning forward. "Would you mind telling me what happened?"

Naruto smiled and shook his head. "No, not at all."