
Naruto: Reborn with the eyes of death perception

Awakening mystic eyes of death perception after his death, how will mc become strong in a gruelsome world of naruto where stronger enemy appears in each and every turn. Mystic eyes of death in not a panacea, mc will use it as trump card. This book is inspired by the book cursed with mystic eyes of Naruto as well as the fanfics of Holy joker. As a new author, please support(^ ^) ****Disclaimer**** - All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

KyuuSushi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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42 Chs


Konoha Hospital, Underground morgue.

The corpses of several ninjas can be seen lined up. However, it is not the corpse of the Konoha Ninja, but the corpse of the enemy collected by the Konoha ninja in various battles.

Through a series of methods such as dissection, analysis, and research combined with the information obtained from the enemy's battle, it is possible to replicate their ninjutsu.

Sora wore white gloves and fiddled with the cold corpse. Next to him, Tsunade was drinking a mouthful of alcohol as she pointed to the corpse in front of her and asked

"Look at his internal organs, some blood vessels, and chakra pathway is obviously thicker than rest of his body. What does it mean?"

Sora didn't look fazed by the question and replied immediately," It means that the chakra often flows in this place. We can get his approximate chakra flow rate through this."

Tsunade nodded satisfied. Then she again pointed to the corpse and said

"Come on, look at his fingers again."

Sora looked at the fingers of the corpse seriously.

"The three of his fingers on the rights are thicker?"

Tsunade nodded signifying that his observation was correct.

Tsunade opened the stiff finger and explained seriously, "Look at his ring and index finger of the left hand. They are slightly bigger than their counterpart."

"Similarly, Pay attention to the middle finger, to see how bent it is."

"And here..."

"Sora, do you still remember the sign to perform the ninjutsu."

Sora nodded. He pays great attention to the foundation so it is impossible to forget the twelve basic signs.

The hand sign performed together in different combinations can guide the flow of the chakra and help in releasing the jutsu.

When Sora thought of this, he understood,

"Teacher, Do you mean that you can copy the corresponding technique from the changes in the body of the corpses?"

Tsunade nodded the said

"You are right but restoring the ninjutsu is not that simple. But there are many steps involved in the process. First, we need to gather the information about ninjutsu then the professional will practice it little by little with constant trial and error. Even many times, the medic must be on the scene to take care of a potential injury."

Listening to Tsunade, Sora felt it was quite troublesome. Then went back to perform the autopsy of the hidden mist ninja's corpse.

Tsunade took out her jug of alcohol and took a gulp. Looking at Sora, Tsunade couldn't help but feel that her decision to teach him medical ninjutsu was right.

Tsunade felt that the talent Sora showed even surpassed her. If it was only talent then Tsunade would pay a little attention but he was very hardworking as well so, she felt it was only a matter of time until he surpassed her.

Tsunade then again took a big gulp as a reddish hue appeared on her face.

Sora also completed his autopsy and turned to inform Tsunade.

But looking at her drunken eyes as if she was about to pass out, he advised, "Teacher, you should not drink so much."

He took a cup of water and handed it to Tsunade. Tsunade drank the cup of water while Sora said a few more words to make his teacher lessen the amount of alcohol she consumes on daily basis.

Tsunade looked at the white-haired boy and uttered," Do you like to preach the same word as the old man Hokage? Be careful that in other eyes, this kind of preaching is also a trouble."

"It's like being lectured like I am inferior to others, and it's not the same way for everyone. It's normal to be hated in that case. So, Sora, Don't preach like this."

Yes, it's normal. He was clear about this from the beginning.

"Yeah! That's why I also choose the people to communicate with. If there is no possibility of communication from the beginning, I wouldn't say much." said Sora.

Tsunade was intrigued by the sudden turn of the conversation. So she asked," Do you judge me as someone who can be communicated with?"

"Of course, we are a teacher and students. So, I must remind you to take care of your health. Even if you disregard my opinions, I will not be unhappy, after all, I don't think you are the kind of person to get drunk for the hell of it but numb the hell of it."

The so-called communication and dialogue cannot be completed by one person. One is just talking to himself and the other is done by two people. It is also doomed that no matter how hard one person tries, if the other does not want to speak, or has no desire to communicate, the final result will be silence, not as they are now.

It is precise because they have the idea of communicating with each other that they can chat normally like this now. Maybe not happy, but still in the scope of normal.

"My opinion of you has changed."

"Change?" Sora suddenly stopped.

"I thought you would be the kind to meddle in other people's business. No matter whether the other party likes it or not, preaching to forcibly intervene in other people's lives like the old man. After all, I also have my reasons for taking this path." Tsunade said her thoughts, the small talk was just a way of testing Sora.

"Ignoring the feeling of others, forcibly applying my good intentions to others will only ferment into malice as time goes by. Although I like to say some truths and the like, I am not arrogant enough to convince people. I should say I've never persuaded anyone."

"Never convinced anyone?"

"Well, those people are actually waiting for a change. I just let them see their hearts and gave them a reason. It wasn't me who made the decision from the beginning, it was them."

Language has the power to change hearts. This sentence itself is not wrong, but the premise is that people are willing to listen and think about the meaning of the words.

The decision is in the hands of others from the start.

"Like now, if I just ignored you, we wouldn't have the conversation right now." Tsunade immediately understood the meaning and further understood the character of her student.

"Well, right."

"Well right. This tone makes people think that you are lecturing." At this point, Tsunade's words brought a hint of ridicule.


"I can't say arrogant, but it seems to be speaking from the standpoint of a generation higher, an elder. It is not an elder in terms of age, but a real elder."

"The word elder itself is a delineation of age, and theoretically there is no distinction between true and false."

"The name of an elder may not be there, but aspiration is there. Anyway, it is already late so go home."

Sora didn't deny it but bowed.

Under the last trace of the warmth of the setting sun, when the slanting light diffuses outward like a lacquer body, and finally, only a piece of bright red solidifies on the horizon, the white-haired boy slowly drifted towards his home under the black parasol.




A/N: First, I would like to apologize to all of the readers. For the next two months, my finals are coming up, so I would like to focus on my studies. I wouldn't be able to update regularly like now but I will try to update once or twice a week. I am really really sorry.

After my finals, I would update the novel regularly, though before that I really ask for your forgiveness.


*Ask for forgiveness.Jpg*

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