
Naruto: Reborn with Kaguya Powers

Brian had just been confessed to during his sky-diving adventure which turned tragic. Now dead and presented with the choice of a world to reincarnate into he chooses the Naruto world with Kaguya's abilities. ═══════════════════════ │ DISCLAIMER │ This is a work of fan fiction based on the *Naruto* series. All characters, locations, and settings from *Naruto* are the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Viz Media, and their associated rights holders. Additionally, this story contains references to characters and elements from other anime and manga series. I do not claim ownership of any copyrighted material used in this fan fiction. The plot and any original characters are my own creation. This work is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe on any copyrights or trademarks. Please support the official releases and the original creators by purchasing or legally accessing their works. ═══════════════════════ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DISCORD: https://discord.gg/WBhjzyhuwD //// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Eclipse_Ranger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Spark of lightning


A/N: I learned a few things, so… here ya go.

Hiruzen standardized Ninja Academy so, it was no longer possible to graduate early.

Naruto was a special case who got admitted at 4 and was allowed to graduate early, but he still failed for 2 years, graduating along with the main cast.


I'm going to assume Kumo is the same but still allows early graduation.




The sun slowly ascended over the jagged peaks that cradled Kumogakure, the Village Hidden in the Clouds. The morning mist, thick and heavy, began to dissipate, revealing the towering spires of stone that surrounded the village like protective sentinels.


Wisps of clouds clung stubbornly to the cliffs, weaving in and out of the ridges as if the village itself was part of the sky. The air was crisp and charged with the energy that gave Kumogakure its name.


The village buzzed with life as morning activities commenced. Shops opened, shinobi prepared for their missions, and children ran through the streets.


At heart of this electrifying village, a young boy made his way through the bustling streets. Aki now three years older, had grown into his role as a budding shinobi. His innocent eyes were now sharp, filled with determination.


Today marked the beginning of a new chapter of his life.


The academy loomed ahead, a place where many had walked before him. The academy was village's core, a place that turned snotty brats into full-fledged shinobi.

Aki felt a mixture of excitement and anticipation as he entered through those gates, some familiar, some new, all sharing the same goal.


As the students gathered, a tall, imposing figure stepped onto the platform at the front of the training grounds. It was none other than A, the Raikage himself.


"Welcome, future shinobi of Kumogakure," the Raikage's voice boomed, deep and commanding, yet carrying a warmth.


"Today, you take your first steps toward becoming the protectors of our village, the guardians of the Will of Lightning."


The Raikage paused, allowing his words to sink in. The air seemed to crackle with energy as he continued,


"In this village, we are bound by more than just blood or loyalty. We are bound by lightning—unpredictable, untamed, yet powerful beyond measure.


The Will of Lightning is what drives us forward. It is the spark that ignites our spirit, the thunder that roars in our hearts, and the storm that we unleash upon our enemies."


As Raikage's voice echoed through the training grounds, the energy of his words ignited a spark of excitement among the young students.


The declaration of the Will of Lightning resonated deeply with them, infusing a sense of purpose and pride.


As the murmurs began, a Kumo Jonin stepped forward arranging and grouping students into different classes, while also assigning them an instructor.


"Please line up, we will guide you to your designated classroom," Jonin instructed with a voice of authority.


Aki joined the line. He watched as students ahead were guided into their respective classes; each group led by a different instructor.


It was soon Aki's turn, Jonin glanced at him and then pointed to a group of children, instructing him to join the group with the instructor bearing a flag with the letter `E`.


Aki's mind immediately went into his memories of a famous class E, the class from one of the greatest anime in existence… The assassination classroom.


'Well assassins are ninjas are kind of the same thing with ninjas being better'


Amidst his thoughts, Aki was guided into the classroom.


At the front of the room stood a tall, stern-looking ninja with a clipboard of his own. The instructor was clearly well-prepared, his demeanor suggesting he was not only experienced but also serious about his role.


"Welcome, Class E," the instructor greeted with a firm but welcoming tone. "I am Instructor Raida, and I will be guiding you through your studies and training. Please take your seats and make yourselves comfortable."


After Aki got comfortable at his desk, he looked around the classroom.


The classroom was bright and spacious, filled with rows of desks neatly arranged. His new classmates were a diverse group, some were excited, some were nervous, and there was even a student with cold eyes.


'Interesting… so every academy has to have one cold student'




As the students settled into their seats, Instructor Raida began to speak again, outlining the expectations for the year ahead.


"In this academy, you will learn more than just the basics of being a shinobi. We will cover combat skills, chakra control, geography, and general knowledge. Each subject is vital to your development as future protectors of Kumogakure."


He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle. "Remember, being a shinobi is not just about strength. It's about intelligence, strategy, and dedication.


You are here to become the best, and we will push you to achieve that."


Aki felt bored as instructor's words continued to enlighten the students, he wanted the classes to begin already. So, he can learn those history and the basics he did not learn in last 3 years.


"Today, we'll start with an introduction to basic techniques and a brief overview of our training methods," Raida announced, bringing the room's attention back to him.


"After that, you will have a chance to familiarize yourselves with the academy's facilities and meet your fellow classmates."


Aki's excitement died down even more, these basics were ingrained into his mind, and he did not need to relearn them. Aki's eyes started to go vacant.


Raida's gaze swept over the room, making sure every student was following along. "I expect you all to take your training seriously.


This is your opportunity to build a strong foundation as shinobi. Work hard, support each other, and remember that every lesson is a step towards becoming the best."


Aki felt his excitement wane, as instructor Raida continued to elaborate the basics he had already mastered. His thoughts started to wander.


Aki reviewed his progress last 3 years, he had mastered quite a few Jutsu, including Genin-level taijutsu, and was close to starting with Chunin-level taijutsu.


Aki made the most progress on his chakra control, running over the water was now his second nature. Byakugan made him daring and he tried to use his chakra points like Neji.


Aki was near success in recreating the rotation jutsu and should succeed in about a month. Aki's training on ninjutsu wasn't too far behind either.


He had already mastered the three jutsu that define a ninja. Aki would consider you unqualified to be called a ninja if even one technique is missing.


1: Substitution Jutsu

2: Body flicker Jutsu

3: Shadow clone jutsu


He had mastered them all during the last 3 years, and these aren't all the jutsu he learned. Let's keep them a surprise for the future.


In Bukijutsu, he can throw both kunai and shuriken with pinpoint accuracy. He wouldn't miss bull's eye on a stationary target and on a moving target, his accuracy is a bit lower around 73% hit rate.


'When will this boring class be over?'


Aki wondered if he was running out of inner monologue.

Well, let's see what has happened according to Cannon in the last few years.


I'm just 3 years older than Naruto so... Hinata kidnap incident should have happened or will happen this year.

(A/N: I don't wanna send a 13-year-old kid in a ninja war so, I have decided to make him older.)

But it shouldn't happen because of Aki's existence


'How's that you mortals... I saved Neji's father' Aki thought to himself in amusement.


"Students let's go for kunai practice" Raida instructed, bringing Aki's attention back to the present, and guided students towards the combat training area.


All students were handed a kunai, "Ninjas always have a few weapons on them during the fights, most common being the Kunai, some of you might have trained already under your clans, but for some, this would be the first day holding a real kunai."


"Aki please come forward and demonstrate how to throw a kunai to your class" Raida suddenly called Aki over.


Aki stepped forward, taking the kunai with practiced ease. He glanced at the target, then at his kunai, and threw it at the target with a swift motion.


The kunai sailed through the air and lodged perfectly in the bullseye. His classmates watched in awe, some of the children were even jealous.


"Excellent demonstration, Aki," Raida praised, nodding approvingly. "You can return to your seat."


As Aki walked back, he noticed the respect in his peers' eyes. The class continued with Raida showing various techniques for kunai throwing, from basic to advanced maneuvers.


The lesson was more engaging than Aki had anticipated. Even though he was already proficient, observing his classmates' skill levels and the instructor's techniques provided valuable insights.


After a while, Raida wrapped up the practice session and gathered students for a brief discussion about the importance of weapons.


With that the class was over, and students filed out of the training grounds under Raida's supervision. Students were filled with excitement and shared their thoughts.


As they walked back toward the academy's main building, a boy with spiky blond hair and a confident grin approached Aki. "Hey, that was some nice kunai throwing back there! I'm Kaito. What's your name?"


"Aki," he replied, offering a small smile. "Thanks. You weren't too bad yourself."


Kaito laughed, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, but I still have a long way to go. My aim's all over the place."


Another student, a tall girl with dark hair tied into a high ponytail, joined the conversation. "It's all about practice. I'm Sayuri, by the way. Aki, your technique was impressive. Where did you learn that?"


"I've been training on my own for a while now," Aki said, keeping his tone modest. "Just trying to improve every day."


Sayuri nodded thoughtfully. "It shows. I've been practicing too, but I'm still working on getting my accuracy right."


Before Aki could respond, a boy with cold, calculating eyes—whom Aki had noticed earlier—spoke up from behind them. "Accuracy isn't everything. If you can't react quickly, all the precision in the world won't help you in a real fight."


The group turned to face him. His expression was calm, but there was a hint of challenge in his voice.


"And you are?" Kaito asked, raising an eyebrow.