
Naruto: Reborn With a System!

+ Kuro Shizumatta died. He was reborn in the Naruto World with a System. One very similar to the Gamer System. + ** Justification of errors: I write using a smartphone. English is not my first language and this is my first novel. ** Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Nutella_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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57 Chs

Chuunin Exams 8

Kuro was walking down the stairs to head to the arena when the voices of the previous fighters entered his ears.

"Why did I feel so tired when your insects surrounded me!?" Naruto yelled before calming down, "Could it be… You used poison!"

"No." Shino spoke immediately after, "When your chakra is absorbed, you experience a small period of fatigue. Still, I must admit that in your case it was much more serious."

"And then you attacked me when I was down; Man, isn't that fair- Eh?" Naruto stopped talking when he saw Kuro coming down the stairs.

"Good luck." Shino commented when he passed him, to which Kuro nodded.

"Kuro! Kick that idiot's ass!" Kuro heard Naruto's scream from the top of the stairs, however, he was more focused on the screen than appeared in his vision.

[Killing Intent Detected!]

Kuro jumped up and immediately after, a blast of sand came out of the corridor he was passing.

Standing on the ceiling, he watched as the sand returned to the corridor, before a head with red hair appeared.

Gaara stared at Kuro with bloodshot eyes, "You… Argh!" He screamed in pain and clutched his head. "Die!" He pointed his hand at Kuro and the sand shot upwards.

Kuro disappeared before the sand could touch him and appeared behind Gaara attacking his head with a kick.

The sand rose to protect him, however, Kuro had already moved in front of him and hit him hard in the stomach.

"Argh!" Gaara flew back into the corridor.

"What's wrong? Can't wait for the tournament?" Kuro looked at him as he stood holding his stomach.

Gaara looked at him, calmer this time, "They won't wait long enough... It doesn't matter anyway." He turned around and walked the way he came, "You will die soon."

Kuro stood for a moment before creating a shadow clone.




Genma looked at Neji and Kuro before speaking, "If you're ready; let the third match begin."

"You are very strong." Neji got into position and activated his Byakugan "However, don't expect to have any chance in front of me."

"I see." Kuro spoke and immediately hit the ground with his palms.

'Earth Release: Earth Wave Technique.'

The ripples were generated on the ground, but Neji was unaffected.

He was about to speak, however, Kuro used another technique immediately after.

'Earth Release: Mudslide.'

The mud arose from where Kuro's palms touched the ground and rose up like waves due to the moving ground.

"It's useless." Neji jumped back before the mud could reach him.

However, while he was in the air, Kuro used two other techniques.

'Earth Release: Rock Gun Technique.'

'Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique.'

Many stones shot out of Kuro's mouth and while they were in the air, they were surrounded by the fire technique.



'Cooperation Ninjutsu!' Hiruzen was surprised. 'His chakra control must also be amazing if he managed to switch elements so quickly and control that the fire is powerful enough to avoid destroying the rocks.' 



Neji was still in the air when the rocks surrounded by fire reached him.

*Bam!* *Bam!* Using his palms, he smashed some rocks and then struck one with his sole, propelling his body downward.

However, Kuro controlled the fireballs to plummet and with them, the rocks.

"Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven!" The moment Neji's feet hit the ground, he turned his body and a dome of chakra repelled all the rocks.

After a moment, he stopped the technique and looked at Kuro, "I have to admit that your mastery of Ninjutsu is amazing. However, I am destined to win this fight." Neji sprinted towards Kuro.

"Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!" He sped up and quickly came in front of Kuro to attack. "Two palms!"

The blows aimed at the tenketsu were swift, however, when they reached Kuro, they only pierced him.

'An afterimage!' Neji was shocked, but gritted his teeth and continued, "Four Palms!"

Kuro once again dodged his blows with incredible speed.

"Eight Palms!"




"What is happening?" Sakura muttered unconsciously.

"Neji can't touch him." Lee answered her question and turned to Gai."Right, Gai-sensei?"

He nodded earnestly as he watched Kuro dodge the Sixteen Palms. "He has incredible reflexes and his body can keep up with them. I thought he was just an expert in Ninjutsu, but now I see that his Taijutsu is just as advanced."

Sakura was surprised and looked back at the combat.




'It is impossible! The speed of the blows increases with the number of palms, but Neji is already using Thirty-Two Palms and he can't hit him! "Tenten couldn't believe her eyes.




"Sixty-Four Palms!" Neji's blows were blurry at this point, however, he still couldn't touch Kuro.

Right after throwing palm sixty-four, he wanted to jump back, but Kuro launched a high-speed blow that hit Neji's face that sent him flying.

He spun in midair and landed on his feet. 'What frightening speed!' He looked at his opponent, 'I couldn't even touch him…'

He took a deep breath and exhaled. "I underestimated you. You-" *Boom!*

Neji was interrupted by an explosion coming from where the Hokage and Kazekage were.

He looked up and saw that a cloud of smoke had covered the place. "What's going on?"

'So they attacked earlier…' Kuro thought, directing his gaze to the sleeping audience and the Shinobi who were beginning to move.




(Patr eon .com/Nutella_  .There will be no advanced chapters. I did this for anyone who wants to donate.)

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