
Naruto Reborn in DxD

Naruto after death got reborn in DxD

GavienAster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Partners Until Next Life

My name is Naruto Uzumaki and... I am dying. We are fighting the rabbit goddess Kaguya Otsutsuki. All of my teammates died and they gave me their chakra and abilities. For Kakashi sensei it's his [Kamui] and [Susano'o]. From Sakura-chan it's her [100 Healing Jutsu] and chakra control. Lastly from my best friend Sasuke, he also gave me his [Sharingan] and [Rinnegan] eyes and his moon mark.

I did it, I won the match but at what cause? when I was sealing Kaguya and Black Zetsu she put all of her chakra into an last ditch effort. While I was focusing on healing her she created an ash killing bone and hit me. I successfully seal her into a new moon on one of her dimensions but I was dying.

I went to see my partner Kurama with the other tailed beast fusing into him to make him stronger. When they are done fusing Kurama has change, he now has 10 tails! and his fur turned into dull silver. He's trying to heal me and I smile. "Hey furball, don't bother. I know I'm dying, It seems this is the end huh? Sorry if I'm bringing you with me, you may reform or maybe not because of the seal but atleast I'm glad to have met you." I raise my hand to fist bump him and he sigh. The giant now 10 tailed fox also raised it's fist and we fist bump. After that I died.

When I opened my eyes again I was in a white room with... Kurama?! "What the hell? Where are we Kurama?" I ask but he also seem to be unaware of where we were. "Don't know brat, definitely don't wanna stay in a room like you. You'll just annoy me." he said with a grin. "Hey! I take offense to that!" before we can continue our argument there was a flash of bright light. When the light died down there were two people in from of us. The first one being super gramps and the other one also look old like super gramps. "Have you called us father?" Kurama ask curious on why we are here. "Yes Kurama, you and Naruto are going into your new life. I'm here to give gift before you too leave. And the one beside me is a God of Reincarnation. He'll be the one reincarnating you both. You both share a body and that is still going to happen in this new life but for the explanation I'll help him do it." gramps explain to us. Then the other gramps spoke. "Very well you both have done a wonderful job saving that world but now you'll be reincarnated into a new one, like the Sage of the Six Paths said you too will still share a mental link but Kurama can now come out of the seal but into an little form of himself. He can grow with training but that may take some years. Now into the world I'll reincarnate you two where do you want to be reincarnated?" he ask, I looked at Kurama and smirk. "The Highschool DXD please." I replied immediately and looked again to Kurama and he grinned like a maniac. "Very well that world it is then, I'll give the both of you 3 wishes because of what happened after saving the elemental nations but I'll let the Sage give his gift first."

After that the Sage moved forward and said. "I will let the both of you retain all the experience and abilities that has been given to the both of you before the both of you died. I'll also let you Naruto have every [Kekkei Genkai] and for you Kurama I'll let you have what your brothers and sisters abilities. That is all I hope you enjoy your next life." and he step back, me and Kurama are both shocked. We are OP we thought at the same time. But I quickly got over that and think for my wish.

After a while I spoke. "Hey God? Can I choose my parents or is that going to be a wish?" I ask the God who for a while didn't speak but after a few more seconds he said. "I doesn't count. Since you didn't have parents growing up I'll let you choose." Then he smiled and I smiled back. "Alright!!!" I shouted. "Then I would like to be born as Son of Sirzechs Lucifer with Grayfia but if I can request for Grayfia to be part of the real Lucifer clan, also as a daughter of the true Lucifer. Last to be born a day before Rias does hehe." I said rubbing the back of my head a little embarrassed of my request. "It shall be done then I accept it." I jump in joy because he let it happened. "Thank you Gramps God." While giving him a Guy pose with a shining teeth. and both of the gramps just laughed. "Alright alright kid, now let's proceed to the wishes."

I already know of my wish, I can still have all of the abilities that means it includes chakra and senjutsu so my wishes are: "First I want to have a system that can help me that has a helpful A.I. and a store which I can buy anything even if it isn't from that world while having infinite money if that's alright." I paused then continued "My second wish is to remove the disadvantages of being a devil so that I can be a natural holy sword wielder, have sacred gears, and not be so affected by light based attacks. My last wish is that I have the highest potential on every species with immense demonic powers that keeps growing. That is all if it is acceptable that is."

"A bit over the bord for wishes but alright I'll rumor you kid. Now Fox what is it that you wish." said the God gramps then Kurama spoke. "I want two [Sacred Gears] being Subspecies of both [Alphecca Tyrant] and [Forbidden Valor View] that has the ability to manipulate time, a much stronger one than the Vampire that looks like a girl. Both of them Also evolve into a [Longinus]. Second wish is to an infinite amount of chakra fruit for me and Naruto to eat so we can evolve our chakra and we must have instant control over it even if we eat as many as we want everyday. Last wish is for the brat Naruto to have a [Sacred Gear] called [Telos Karma] but a subspecies and can manipulate probability better alongside with fate. That is all if it is acceptable." Kurama said a little politely but we can see the excitement in his eyes. I was actually surprised that he wished something for me instead of himself so I said "Thanks" and he just shrugged.

"Very well the both of you, your wishes are acceptable and I hope you both can enjoy your new life." With another flash of light we are not in the white room anymore.