
Naruto: Reborn as Boruto

Adam Davidson dies after being hit by a truck, and he finds himself in a white void where a God let's him reincarnate into any world he wants as anyone he wants. (The main character will have both female and male love interests. deal with it.)

High_Priest6 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Seventh Hokage: Naruto Uzumaki

"Boruto, Himawari, wake your father up, we're gonna be late!" Shouted Hinata from the Uzumaki kitchen, "Kay, will do mom!" Boruto replys.

"Himawari, you wake him up." Boruto asks, "Okay." Himawari replies. Himawari walks over to her father and gently touches him, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy wake up." "That's not how you do it, here, let me do it!" Boruto says with a mischievous grin on his face.


Boruto lands his feet on Naruto's stomach, Naruto lets out this strange noise as the air in his lungs escapes his body "BUAHHH".

"HAHAHAHA!" Boruto laughs as Naruto clenches his gut, "What'd you do that for?" Naruto asks confused, "Why do you think? we're gonna be late old man!" Boruto says with a smile.

Boruto has been waiting for this day almost as long as Naruto has, the day his father becomes Hokage, as a former otaku he has been with Naruto since the beginning.

"Oh shit." Naruto whispers, "Don't tell your mother I said that."

(in this boruto doesn't make Himawari mad ruining the inauguration ceremony)


Kakashi stands on the balcony of the Hokage office, "We will now begin the inauguration of the Seventh Hokage. I, Kakashi Hatake, the Sixth Hokage, will be presiding over the ceremony today." looking back at Naruto, Kakashi smiles through his mask. Reaching his hand to his right side with his head slightly turned, "Alright then, let's bring up the man of the hour himself; the man who's about to become the Seventh Hokage. The man you all know, Naruto Uzumaki.

Cheers erupt in the crowd, people waving hands in the air, people clapping, people screaming with joy and excitement. Naruto speaks. "Thank you, Thank you. Actually, I prepared a speech." The crowd grows quiet.

Naruto fumbles around his jacket looking for the piece of paper. 'Looks like I lost it, fine, I can do this from the heart.'

"Ehem.. Hey everyone! I never thought I'd be standing here as the Seventh Hokage, but here we are! You know, back when I was just a kid, I used to dream about this day. Becoming Hokage wasn't just about having a fancy title—it was about protecting the village and the people I care about.

I've come a long way from that troublemaker who just wanted attention. I've learned that being a Hokage means more than just being strong or having cool jutsu. It means being there for each and every one of you, understanding your struggles, and working together to make our village the best it can be.

I'm not alone in this journey. I've got my friends, my mentors, and all of you by my side. Konoha is like a big family, and families stick together through thick and thin. We've faced some tough times, but we've also celebrated victories that nobody thought were possible. And that's because of our bonds—the ties that connect us and give us strength.

I promise to lead with my heart, just like I always have. I might not have all the answers, and I might mess up sometimes, but I'll never stop trying my best. I believe in the power of change, in the potential of each and every one of us to do great things. And together, we'll shape a future that's even brighter than our past.

Let's keep believing in ourselves and each other, and let's keep working towards a world where our kids can grow up safe and happy. Thank you for trusting me with this incredible responsibility. Believe it!"