
Naruto: Rebirth in Sunagakure

In "Rebirth at Sunagakure," Raito's journey begins with a surreal rebirth experience. As a former emergency room doctor, he finds himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, specifically in the hidden village of Sunagakure, with his memories intact. Born to the Second Kazekage, Shamon, and his wife, Chibi, Raito is not an ordinary child. He quickly realizes his unique position within a village riddled with political strife and historical tragedies. Determined to survive and thrive in this new life, Raito embraces his inherited powers and exceptional talents. With three main chakra affinities—lightning, earth, and wind—alongside the coveted magnet release, Raito's potential is limitless. From his infancy, Raito is conscious of his surroundings and quickly learns the harsh realities of the ninja world. He is driven by a vision to transform Sunagakure into the strongest and most prosperous village, a dream fueled by his strategic mind and profound knowledge from his past life. His meticulous planning for the village’s agricultural and economic development reflects his foresight and ingenuity. As he grows, Raito rigorously trains in chakra control, ninjutsu, and medical techniques. His journey is marked by significant milestones, from mastering the mystical palm technique under Lady Chiyo's tutelage to integrating his magnet release with kenjutsu. His relationships with his family and friends, like his silent and awkward cousin Hue, further shape his character and aspirations. Raito's story is not just about power and strategy; it’s a tale of rebirth, rediscovery, and relentless pursuit of dreams against all odds. "Rebirth at Sunagakure" captivates readers with its blend of action, intricate planning, and emotional depth, promising a riveting experience in the rich tapestry of the Naruto universe.

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Chapter 4: A Father's and Grandfather's Love

Year 26 Konoha Calendar

Chibi sat, enjoying her afternoon tea with Chiyo, who wore a serious expression.

"I believe your son is a genius. I initially had no plans to teach him about pharmaceuticals and poisons, but I've changed my mind."

"What made you change your mind? I don't mind at all, but I recall you saying you wouldn't pass down your knowledge to just anyone."

"He is not just anyone! He is one of our future candidates for Kazekage. And to be honest, yesterday I saw him walking on the small pond behind your house!"

Chibi was taken aback. She had always known her son was special. He had consistently displayed a high level of comprehension over the years. Chibi had always felt proud whenever Chiyo expressed astonishment at how quickly Raito was progressing in his studies. But this was different. Walking on water was a skill typically achieved by Genin-level shinobi. To put it into perspective, the average age of graduation from the Suna Academy, after four years of training, was 10 years old.

I need to discuss this with Shamon.


Shamon's stoic face twisted into a frown upon hearing the news.

"I never expected our son to be hiding so much from us. How did he even learn to train his chakra control in the first place? We only introduced him to chakra a few months ago to prepare him for the Academy."

"Our son has always been an avid reader. Ever since I allowed him to venture beyond our family compound, the ANBU have reported that he visits the public library every day. I believe he has been gathering ideas from there," Chibi sighed.

After a lengthy silence, Shamon spoke up, "I don't think we should punish talent or his desire to improve. I just wish he would be more open with us about his life. I don't want to be the kind of father who spies on his child."

"What do you plan to do?"

"I will talk to him and personally oversee his training," Shamon responded, a smile forming on his face.


"I'm sorry, Father," Raito apologized, avoiding direct eye contact. It was a new feeling, and he felt a hint of fear. His father could be intimidating at times.

"I just wish you would open up to us about your dreams and accomplishments. Don't tell anyone I said this, but before I am the Kazekage, I am your Father."

Raito looked up, tears welling in his eyes. In his previous life, he had lived a lonely existence, an outcast from society. He had been distant from his parents for a long time, so he was taken aback by this unexpected warmth from his intimidating-looking father.

"As a form of punishment, I will personally supervise your training from now on."

"But Father, what about your work?"

"Well, technically, I'll be sending my clone to oversee you while my real body tends to work. It would be quite peculiar if the Kazekage sent a clone to work every day," Shamon chuckled.

"Now, show me what you've accomplished so far!"


(Somewhere in Konoha)

A baby voice was heard from within a building. Two men were seen to pace nervously by the garden next to it. 

"The baby was delivered successfully. Both the mother and the baby are healthy," an Iryo-nin walked out of the house with a tired smile. 

"Thanks so much for your work, can we come in now?"

"Yes, Lord First. Lady Mito is waiting inside with the parents," the Iryo-nin bowed to the man and she exited the compound. 

Hashirama and the other man rushed inside to find Lady Mito swaddling a baby. A tired young woman can be seen sleeping next to her. 

"Hanako just fell asleep. Congratulations Tsuyoshi you have a baby girl," Lady Mito remarked. 

Tsuyoshi Denshiki was so excited, he almost forgot that he stood before Hokage and his wife. "Thank you for your help, Lady Mito," He bowed. 

"Have you decided what to name her? As per what we have decided in the beginning, she would be a Senju," Hashirama suddenly exclaimed. 

"Yes, Lord First. I have decided to name her Tsunade. Tsunade Senju would be a fitting name," Tsuyoshi smiled. He was already grateful to be married into the first noble family of Konoha as a civilian ninja. 

"Tsunade," Hashirama muttered, "I can already see that this princess will invite some serious trouble in the future for this village." He then started laughing.