
Naruto: Rebirth in Sunagakure

In "Rebirth at Sunagakure," Raito's journey begins with a surreal rebirth experience. As a former emergency room doctor, he finds himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, specifically in the hidden village of Sunagakure, with his memories intact. Born to the Second Kazekage, Shamon, and his wife, Chibi, Raito is not an ordinary child. He quickly realizes his unique position within a village riddled with political strife and historical tragedies. Determined to survive and thrive in this new life, Raito embraces his inherited powers and exceptional talents. With three main chakra affinities—lightning, earth, and wind—alongside the coveted magnet release, Raito's potential is limitless. From his infancy, Raito is conscious of his surroundings and quickly learns the harsh realities of the ninja world. He is driven by a vision to transform Sunagakure into the strongest and most prosperous village, a dream fueled by his strategic mind and profound knowledge from his past life. His meticulous planning for the village’s agricultural and economic development reflects his foresight and ingenuity. As he grows, Raito rigorously trains in chakra control, ninjutsu, and medical techniques. His journey is marked by significant milestones, from mastering the mystical palm technique under Lady Chiyo's tutelage to integrating his magnet release with kenjutsu. His relationships with his family and friends, like his silent and awkward cousin Hue, further shape his character and aspirations. Raito's story is not just about power and strategy; it’s a tale of rebirth, rediscovery, and relentless pursuit of dreams against all odds. "Rebirth at Sunagakure" captivates readers with its blend of action, intricate planning, and emotional depth, promising a riveting experience in the rich tapestry of the Naruto universe.

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Chapter 3: Tutoring and Knowledge

Year 25 Konoha Calendar

"Hello, Raito. I'm Chiyo, and I'll be your tutor for the next two years!"

Curiously, Raito observed the gray-haired teenager standing before him. Over the past few months, Chibi had started teaching him how to read, which he cleverly used as an excuse for his adventures in the family library. It seemed his mother believed he displayed a remarkable level of intelligence, leading her and her husband to seek further guidance. Chiyo, a chunin from the renowned puppeteer and pharmacology family of Suna, had been chosen as his tutor.

"Hello, Lady Chiyo. I am grateful for your guidance," Raito bowed respectfully to his new mentor.

"You're quite clever and polite! There's no need to be so formal with me. You can call me 'Nee-san,'" Chiyo smiled warmly at him.

"Okay, Nee-san!"

Over the past six months, Raito had gradually revealed glimpses of his intelligence to his parents. He engaged in advanced toddler conversations with them, enough to impress without raising suspicion that he was miles ahead of other children his age. This prompted Chibi to make the decision to hire a tutor for her baby, and her dear friend Chiyo, who was only a few years younger, seemed like the perfect fit. With her love for Raito and her esteemed background, she was an ideal choice.

"Raito, over the next year, we will focus on developing fundamental reading and writing skills. The following year, we will delve into herbology and history."

"I understand the importance of reading and writing, but why herbology and history, Nee-san?"

"I'm uncertain of your talent in medicine, but as a student of Chiyo, you should have a basic understanding of medicine for the future. Herbology is an excellent starting point. Additionally, as the son of the Kazekage, you need a foundational understanding of the politics in this world. You mustn't bring shame to your family in this regard."

While I'm eager to begin physical training, I can wait until I'm three years old to receive proper guidance in that area. For now, I can enhance my basic endurance by running and playing outdoors. Kakashi became a chunin at six years old. With a strong foundation in physical fitness and chakra control, I believe I can enter the academy at the age of four.


Year 26 Konoha Calendar

Raito's reading and writing tutoring took 1.5 years. This was due to Chiyo insisting on instilling basic calligraphy skill in him. He didn't refuse because he knew that fuinjutsu is a pretty OP path to pursue in the future. 

In the past 1.5 years, Raito had completed his leaf-sticking training, and now he is focusing on his tree-walking skill. He has been doing tree-walking exercises in the comfort of his room because his mother didn't allow him to go out much. Understandably, he was still a three year old boy. His training projection has been met ahead of time. He completed his leaf-sticking exercise in 8 months, and after a mere seven months wall-walking, he was almost ready to move on to the water walking exercise. The increase of his control really helped him to rotate his chakra faster. He is able to now focus his chakra at certain parts of his body for a long period of time. With water walking, he would be able to adjust his chakra very quickly at pinpoint accuracy anywhere on his body. 

His tutoring also gave him official access to the clan library. Although the library didn't contain any scroll about ninjutsu, it did contain scrolls pertaining history and the political landscape in the naruto verse. He is currently living in the year 26 post-konoha formation by Hashirama. This is a feat that was replicated by 4 other villages across the great countries, forming the five great hidden villages. With his limited knowledge of naruto-verse prior to the Konoha golden generation, Raito couldn't conclude whether this world is the exact same world as the one he knew. However, so far he couldn't find any glaring differences either. 

Konoha was formed by the Senjus and the Uchihas. They are located in the Land of Fire on the east part of the continent, a dry land that was transformed mysteriously into the fertile land that it is now with Hashirama's wood style. Suna on the other hand was located in the Land of Wind on the southwestern part of the continent. Land of Wind is a dry land separated from the Land of Fire by the tiny country called the land of Rivers. He remembered that the Land of Rivers is where Akatsuki hideout would be located in the future. Located in the north of Land of Wind, Land of Earth where Iwagakure is located. There are multiple small countries acting as a buffer between the two huge countries. Land of Lightning is located at the northeastern part of the continent, and Land of Water is an island nation located eastward of the continent and land of Fire. 

Focusing on the Land of Wind, it is a country governed by the Wind Daimyo with three fourth of its landmass being a desert. It is a poor country that was barely able to sustain itself from the small trading activities and the ninja missions. This economic plight would be the very reason it drives itself to war against Konoha and the Land of Fire. The country's hunger would eventually drive its tens of thousands of warriors to die by the blade. 

It seems like for me to slowly escape from dying early in this series, I have to solve the economic and food problem in this country. In the modern era, I think desertification is combated by agricultural processes that bring in the lost nutrients back to the soil. I also have to solve the problem of water drought. River formation and tree plantation might solve this in the long term. I need to figure out how to start bringing these changes to the country, fortunately I am of the Kazekage clan. 

To bring more rain into the country, planting thousands of trees is a good place to start. Modern scientists have evidence supporting the widespread perception that trees make rain, that by growing more vegetation, we get more rain. However, to sustain more trees, we have to pick certain kinds of trees that can grow in heat-extreme areas, and to bring in some water source to sustain them. 

For me to gain more power, I have to show them that I am a genius worth investing and following. I have to step up my training to really dominate the Academy. 

He resumed his tree walking exercise with a much higher intensity.