
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

MorbidCuriosity · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs


Ladies and gentlemen, shinobi and citizens, welcome to the spectacular Preliminary Matches of the Chunin Exams! Today, we have an exhilarating lineup of promising young genin from various villages, gathered here to display their prowess and dedication. Get ready to witness battles that will leave you on the edge of your seats! Now, let's introduce our participants in the order they'll be clashing:

Match 1:

In the first corner, hailing from the Hidden Leaf Village, we have Kurosaki Hana! She's lightning-fast and a master of ninjutsu! Let's see if she can light up the arena!

Facing off against her, from the Mist Village, is the skilled water manipulator, Hanamura Ryu! The waves are about to crash in this electrifying showdown!

Match 2:

Get ready for a fierce fire-fueled fight! Stepping into the ring is Uchiha Haru of the Leaf Village, a fire release specialist from the renowned Uchiha clan!

And his opponent is none other than the Hyuga prodigy, Hyuga Megumi! Known for her precise and powerful Gentle Fist, this is a match that's bound to sizzle!

Match 3:

Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for a clash of elements! Coming from the Waterfall Village, we have Tsukioka Kaito, the water release virtuoso who's making waves in this competition!

Facing off against him is Yamanaka Sora from the Hidden Leaf Village! Get ready for a mind-bending match as she blends genjutsu and taijutsu seamlessly!

Match 4:

Hold onto your seats, folks! Saburo Yuki, the ice release expert from the Snow Village, is stepping up to the plate! Let's see if his icy techniques can cool down his fiery competition!

And in the opposite corner, we have the big and bold inuzuka Takeshi from the Leaf Village! With his clan's unique abilities, he's sure to shake things up in this battle!

Match 5:

Nature lovers, this one's for you! Hailing from the Grass Village, Yuriko Rei is all about controlling plant life with her unique abilities! Let's see if she can bloom in this competition!

Her opponent, the shadow-wielding Nara Shinji from the Leaf Village, is here to cast doubt and darkness! Get ready for a mind game like no other!

Match 6:

Get ready for a battle of elements in our sixth match! Representing the Rock Village, we have Riku Kenta, the master of earth release who's shaping the arena to his advantage!

And his opponent, Kusanagi Aya from the Hidden Leaf Village, is setting the stage ablaze with her fire jutsu mastery! The sparks are flying in this clash of elements!

Match 7:

The excitement keeps rolling! From the Cloud Village, we have Isamu Miko, the chakra sensor ready to detect every move her opponent makes! Get ready for some serious sensory action!

Facing off against her is Shirogane Kenji from the Leaf Village! Armed with an array of weapon-based jutsu, he's about to carve his name into this competition!

Match 8:

Last but never the least, we have a showdown that's bound to shake the arena! Representing the Sand Village is Kaminari Akira, the lightning user who's about to send shockwaves through this match!

And her opponent, none other than the lightning-fast sensation of the Leaf Village, Tasumi Rai! With his unique blend of lightning release, Rai is ready to electrify the audience!

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen! A thrilling lineup of genin, each with their own unique abilities, ready to showcase their talents in the Preliminary Matches of the Chunin Exams! Let the battles begin!

The stadium buzzed with excitement as the preliminary matches of the Chunin Exams unfolded. The Kage, positioned on a raised platform overlooking the arena, watched intently. Their experienced eyes didn't miss a single detail, analyzing each move, strategy, and technique displayed by the genin participants.

Hokage - Sarutobi Hiruzen:

Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen's gaze shifted between the battles, his eyes crinkling with wisdom. His attention fell on Takeshi, who fought with Inuzuka techniques alongside his faithful companion Kiba.

"Takeshi Inuzuka, a skilled Inuzuka clan member," Sarutobi mused. "His partnership with Kiba allows for versatile teamwork, but his emotions can be easily manipulated. He must learn to stay focused under pressure."

Sarutobi's gaze then turned to Uchiha Haru, noting his Sharingan's swift analysis of his opponent's wind jutsu.

"Uchiha Haru, the Sharingan grants him heightened perception and reaction. His analytical skills and fire jutsu proficiency are his strengths. However, he needs to diversify his tactics to avoid predictability."

Kazekage - Rasa:

Kazekage Rasa's eyes were sharp as he observed the battles from the Sand Village's contenders. He watched as a Sand genin used wind jutsu with precision.

"Wind Release techniques executed fluidly," Rasa noted. "This genin's control over chakra is commendable. However, relying solely on a single element may limit their adaptability in battle."

His gaze then shifted to Takeshi, who demonstrated his Inuzuka techniques with prowess.

"Inuzuka Takeshi from the Leaf," Rasa commented. "A strong bond with his canine companion aids his tracking abilities. Yet, his overreliance on close combat could be exploited by a more strategic opponent."

Mizukage - Yagura:

Mizukage Yagura's focus was intense as he assessed the battles involving Mist Village participants. He observed Hoshiko manipulating water jutsu expertly.

"Hoshiko's control over water is impressive," Yagura noted. "Her water techniques are well-suited for offense and defense. However, she must guard against opponents who specialize in countering water-based attacks."

Yagura's attention then turned to Megumi, who showcased her Byakugan's advantage in taijutsu exchanges.

"Hyuga Megumi's Byakugan grants her unmatched sight," Yagura observed. "Her gentle fist techniques are refined, giving her an edge in close combat. Nonetheless, relying solely on taijutsu might expose her to ranged attacks."

Raikage - A:

Raikage eyes gleamed with intensity as he observed Cloud Village genin in battle. His attention was drawn to a genin utilizing lightning jutsu.

"Skilled manipulation of lightning chakra," A commented. "This genin's speed and lightning affinity are assets. However, overconfidence in their elemental prowess could lead to vulnerability against earth-based techniques."

Raikage's gaze then shifted to Rai, whose lightning-based tactics intrigued him.

"Tasumi Rai from the Leaf," A noted. "His diverse jutsu repertoire showcases adaptability. His use of fuinjutsu in battle is unique. But he'll need to manage his chakra resources wisely, given his varied techniques."

As the matches progressed, the Kage continued their silent assessments. Each genin's strengths and weaknesses were scrutinized, their potential weighed against the challenges they faced. The preliminary matches were more than just battles; they were a canvas on which the future of the shinobi world was being painted. And the Kage's watchful eyes were determined to decipher every stroke of that painting.

Takeshi vs Kai

In the heart of the arena, Takeshi faced his opponent, Kai, with a mixture of determination and unease. The battlefield was a wide expanse, scattered with large boulders and patches of rough terrain. The audience watched eagerly, sensing the intensity of the confrontation.

Kai's smirk was as infuriating as ever. "Inuzuka Takeshi, isn't it? You must be the one who fancies himself as the pride of the Inuzuka clan."

Takeshi's grip on his kunai tightened. He had always admired the Inuzuka clan leader and yearned to impress him. However, his attempts had often fallen short, leading to frustration and self-doubt.

Kai continued, his tone dripping with mockery. "So, let's see if you can prove your worth here. Show us the power of the Inuzuka legacy."

Takeshi's eyes locked onto Kai's, a fire igniting within him. Kiba, his loyal companion, stood at his side, a reflection of his determination.

The battle began with Kai launching a barrage of wind-based attacks. Takeshi and Kiba moved with practiced coordination, dodging and weaving through the gusts of wind. Takeshi knew that his forte lay in close combat, where his Inuzuka techniques excelled.

Leaping forward, Takeshi activated his Transformation Jutsu, merging with Kiba. The duo transformed into a formidable two-headed wolf, charging at Kai with feral determination. Their synchronized attacks were swift and fierce, overwhelming Kai's defenses.

Kai's expression shifted from arrogance to surprise, his wind jutsu struggling to keep up with Takeshi's agility and teamwork with Kiba. As the battle raged on, Takeshi's determination grew stronger. His movements were fluid, his attacks relentless, and his focus unwavering.

In the audience, Aya clenched her fists, her heart a mix of worry and pride. She had seen Takeshi's struggles, his unspoken desire to prove himself. As Takeshi fought with an intensity she had rarely witnessed, her respect for him deepened.

Back on the battlefield, Takeshi and Kiba executed a perfectly timed maneuver, using a combination of Fang Passing Fang and Dynamic Marking to corner Kai. Their synchronized assault left Kai with little room to maneuver. Takeshi's eyes burned with determination as he delivered the finishing blow, a powerful strike that sent Kai crashing to the ground.

As the dust settled, Takeshi stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion. His eyes met Kiba's, a silent exchange of triumph and camaraderie. The audience erupted in cheers, impressed by Takeshi's resilience and growth.

Takeshi's victory was more than just a win in a battle; it was a triumph over his doubts and insecurities. And as he stood tall in the center of the arena, he felt a newfound sense of confidence, knowing that he had earned his place among the genin contenders.

akeshi's victory was met with cheers and applause from the crowd, the arena vibrating with the energy of the moment. As the dust settled and the announcer's voice echoed through the arena, Takeshi's gaze shifted to where the Inuzuka clan head sat among the spectators. For years, he had yearned to earn the clan head's approval, to prove his worthiness as an Inuzuka.

Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, Takeshi felt a surge of emotion. It was a silent exchange, a connection between a young Genin and the leader of his clan. The corner of the Inuzuka clan head's lips lifted in a subtle nod of acknowledgment. Takeshi's heart swelled with a mix of pride and fulfillment. His efforts had not gone unnoticed; his determination had led him to this very moment.

As Takeshi descended from the arena, he was met with the joyful celebration of his teammates. Rai clapped him on the back, a proud smile gracing his features. "Great job, Takeshi! You really showed them what you're made of."

Aya joined in, her eyes shining with pride. "You did it, Takeshi! Your partnership with Kiba really paid off."

Takeshi's chest swelled with gratitude, his victory amplified by the support of his friends. Their camaraderie had been solidified through training, challenges, and now, triumphs. As they congratulated him, Takeshi couldn't help but steal another glance at the Inuzuka clan head, a feeling of validation settling within him.