
Naruto raging whirlpool

On the one month training period that leads up to the final round of the chunin exam. Naruto after constant failure at summoning a toad finally summoned an egg? Naruto isn't mine, pokemon isn't mine the images on the book cover isn't mine. I might take inspiration from other works of anime or use other people's art and and so on credit goes to them I only take credit for my work and ideas only. I will be using my own generated AI art. I am new at writing fiction so you'll see improvements in my writing as I go. constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.

Donedealdude · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

late sauke

Naruto and Ash remained unscathed through out the fight. Neji never managed to find the original Naruto, even with the Byakugan it was nearly impossible to find the original because the clones all possess Chakra signatures identical to Naruto. Defeating the number one genin with such ease drew everones attention to Naruto and his summon. For a while all they discussed was the fight they witnesses completely forgetting the next match was long overdue. A fight between Gara and Sasuke.

After the croud calmed down shouts of unsatisfactoon echoed through the collosenum like construct. Sasuke was still not present for his fight. In the raised platform where the two kages resided, a ninja walked up to the Hokage and whispered in his ear. Hiruzen's expression showed dissapointment "..., it can't be helped in accordance with the rules, Sasuke will be disqualified"

The Kazekage sighed keeping his eyes on the stage. " Lord Hokage, wait a little longer before making a decision".Hiruzen's eyes turned to look at the Kazekage. The Shinobi that informed the Hokage of Sasuke's absence spoke up " pardon?, with all due respect, anyone that takes punctuality lightly isn't qualified to be a chunin no matter how good they are, unless there is a good enough reason to convince the lords and Shinobi leaders to wait... Then we should go on with out him"

" In that case there's a more than satisfactory reason, the majority of the lords and Shinobi leaders myself included, are here mainly because we wish to see this next match"

After further deliberation in was decided that the maxh would be moved to a later time.

The ninja that was recently with the kages let Genma know the Hokage's commanded. "Ok I got it" the ninja flickered away and Genma took a deep breath " Ladies and gentlemen the contestant for the next match has not arrived yet and so his match will be moved back and we will continue on with the next match". A relieved sigh escaped naruto's lungs ' phew thank goodness'. Sakura on the other hand was still worried sick about Sasuke's absence.


Kankuro looked troubled, he looked at his sister and then " I FORFEIT" he surrendered seemingly without cause. Before a commotion could arise temari opened her fan she swung it down creating a gust of wind that she rode onto the field. Shikamaru was about to forfeit but Naruto gave shikamaru a little shove that sent him over the rails plummeting to the stage below" ALLRIGHT SHIKAMARU GO FOR IT". The match played out and ended with Temari's win because shikamaru surrendered after exhausting his options. Though shikamaru's performance was exquisite and he delt with his opponent perfectly up until he no longer could.

Naruto jumped down the stadium and yelled at shikamaru" you idiot, why'd you go and surrender"

"What a drag, keep it down Naruto"

Outside the stadium Lee and Might Guy made their way into the stadium. Two ninja at the front door noticed them " the first round is mostly finished only the Gara vs Sasuke match is left to be seen"

Lee limped closer to the talking ninja " then the Naruto and Neji fight".

" That fight was unbelivable,....Neji couldn't even land a hit on that kid, it was over once Neji underestimated Naruto" Guy and Lee couldn't believe their ears.

'naruto beat Neji' a smile adorned Lee's face "I see"...' you did it Naruto, and you've grown strong, I'LL HAVE TO WORK EVEN HARDER FROM NOW ON, ugh' Lee stumbled as he over exerted himself.


Inside the colloseum


The crowd growing fed up with Sasuke's absence began yelling demanding for the fight to begin. And just then a gust of wind and leaves created a miniature tornado and within stood kakashi and Sasuke .

" Your name" Genma inquired

"Sasuke, Uchiha"


Power stones pls