
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

8Ashes8 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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117 Chs

Chapter 74

After running for a long time, when we arrived at a forest, Kosuke Maruboshi made a gesture and asked everyone to stop. He looked around and then said:

"Everyone, sit down and rest. You can go out hunting and cooking freely at this time, but don't steal what others cook and hunt."

"Kosuke-sama, we understand." they were all Genin and have run missions not just a couple but dozens of times. How could they not know the rules of being a ninja.

A group of people began to look for food. Rin's side was slightly different. She sat down and took out her pocket, then took out small pills from it and handed them to Obito and Guy. 

She said with a little shyness: "The soldier food pills I made by myself, though it doesn't taste good."

"That's okay..., Thank you." Obito and Guy thanked her and were quite touched. They thought it was great that Rin remembered to make soldier food pills for them when she was away from home.

Takeshi was thinking about whether to go out and use points for some food. But at this moment, Rin took out another pocket bag, took out some dried meat and fish from the bag and handed it to the little black cat and said, "Takeshi, eat this."

??? Obito and Guy looked at the dried meat and fish, and then at the soldier food pills on hand. Their faces were a little sad, and there was a trace of hesitation on their faces. Although the soldier food pills are good, they are definitely not as tasty as the dried meat...

"Thank you, meow~" Takeshi called out, then took the dried meat in his mouth and ate it happily and slowly. In fact, the taste was not that delicious, but his goal was to make it look delicious.

Surely enough, the points were slowly increasing. Obito simply turned his head out of sight, but Guy swallowed the pills in one gulp. 

He didn't think the pills were unpalatable, and even said something like "delicious". After taking the Soldier Food Pills, he ran all over the forest, helping others hunt and exercising at the same time.

There are many woods in the Land of Fire, and the most abundant thing in the woods is prey. Normally, you are not allowed to light a fire when you go out, but there were not so many rules when taking the exam this time.

Kosuke returned from hunting and went to grill the meat over the fire - he caught three fishes, a rabbit, and a lot of wild vegetables and wild mushrooms, which looked quite rich. Takeshi glanced at it and decisively threw down the dried fish and meat and ran over there.

"Huh?" Rin immediately got up and chased, but her speed couldn't catch up with Takeshi. When she arrived, Takeshi had already squatted down next to Kosuke, with a grilled fish in his mouth. 

She didn't know Kosuke's backstory, but for him to be the leader of so many Genin and to be respected by everyone, he was definitely not a simple Genin, so she walked to his side and apologized immediately.

Kosuke smiled and waved his hand, indicating that it was okay. This is just a minor issue. Takeshi didn't want to create nuisance just because of a fish, he mainly wanted to get some points from Kosuke. 

Sadly, Kosuke was good tempered. Instead of being angry that his fish was stolen, he invited Rin to sit down and eat together.

The ninjas hurried on quickly, and after having a meal, everyone continued traveling with all their strength. On the way, Rin made more food pills as much as she could and distributed them, so... When they arrived at Kikyo City, she almost became the most beloved little kunoichi of the group of ninjas.

Kikyo Castle is not prosperous. This is the junction of the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, and battles had often occurred here. The walls and buildings here have been destroyed by wars more than once, but have been rebuilt again and again.

What they see now is the Kikyo Castle that was destroyed and rebuilt in the last small-scale war with Sunagakure. 

Therefore, only a few people are doing business here, and there are not many people on the street. It looks quite desolated.

However, the holding of the Chunin Exams brought some business here. When they entered the city, they saw many ninjas from Sunagakure Village, Kusagakure Village, Amegakure Village and other places eating in the few remaining shops on the streets.

It seemed that they had added a bit to the city's popularity. Takeshi guessed that maybe it was because this place was destroyed. 

Even if peace during the Chunin exam failed and the fight finally broke out, this already desolate city would be destroyed again... Of course, whether the Land of Fire and Konoha thought so is still open to question.

The Chunin Exam officially started on the third day. But the previous day, the prelude to the exam had already begun - around the ninja residing here of various the ninja villages, there were ninjas from all major villages and some minor villages lurking to spy and gather information.

Takeshi quietly walked around and found at least a dozen ninjas spying. There were people from almost every village, including Sunagakure Village. 

Around two were frightened by Takeshi and therefore contributed some points... After that, he began to enjoy catching these lurking ninjas, earning more than 400 points. Barely enough for proper cat food, although not much, can still be regarded as a source of income.

Originally, this kind of day was quite relaxing, until in the evening, a person appeared in its sight. Orochimaru, one of the three sannins.

'Why is he here!?' Takeshi's heart skipped a beat, and he felt an inexplicable fear. Orochimaru looked over. The little black cat was not sure whether the Sannin saw him, but Takeshi thought that he probably was discovered, as the old snake seemed to smile a little.

The black cat fled back to Rin's residence. "Takeshi, why are you in such a hurry? Did you get into trouble again?" Rin subconsciously thought that her cat was being mischievous again.

She knew her cat too well. He was too naughty, and only Obito and Gai could tolerate him. Others like Asuma were so angry that they needed to get away to calm down again.

"Meow~ No..." Just as Takeshi was about to explain, there was a "Dock! Dock!" knock on the door, and he immediately walked over alertly. 

From the smell coming through underneath the door, there was no doubt that it was Orochimaru.

Takeshi understood. If he had human appearance, his face would definitely be pale now. Of course Rin opened the door, because there were Konoha's ninjas all around here, and no one who was remarkable or extremely strong would come to a place like this to kill genins at this time - and kill an insignificant child.

She opened the door and saw a handsome but cold face. The tall man stared at Rin, and then smiled politely.

"Lord Orochimaru!" Rin's face was a little stiff, and she immediately bowed. 

"Don't be afraid. I'm just here to see the child that Jiraiya values and bring some trivial gifts to this little fellow." Orochimaru's unique voice was particularly intimidating.

Not to mention Takeshi, even Rin, who didn't know him well, couldn't help but feel fear in her heart, yet facing this legendary figure, how could she dare to be disrespectful.

Orochimaru knelt down, touched Takeshi's head, and said with a smile: "I have been thinking about what gift to give you. I initially wanted to give you a big gift, but after thinking about it, you are still young after all, so I made it for you. I picked up something simpler."

Ninja tool? Takeshi was stunned for a moment, and then saw Orochimaru take out a sealing scroll, and after forming the seal, he released the contents of the scroll.

Takeshi froze. These are four claw sheaths. Each claw sheath is made of special material and has a sharp blade at the tip. It is obviously a ninja tool specially made for him. In addition, there is another thing - a cat scratching stick.

He couldn't understand why Orochimaru would make such a thing, and even hold it in his hand to scratch him in a serious manner. However, Takeshi's hands are always active and moving, so he can't help but smack it...

"This is the habit of cats I observed in Capital City. I made it with some tools from those ladies, is it fun?" Orochimaru chuckled lightly, and then threw the cat teasing stick to Rin.

Takeshi stopped and was secretly annoyed and worried. He is the legendary Sannin after all. Is it really okay for him to spend time studying the habits of cats? Is he planning something for me ?

"Work hard. If you perform well, I will give you a gift later." Orochimaru's voice was smooth. After speaking, he chuckled, stood up, glanced at Rin, nodded slightly, and turned to leave.


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