
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

8Ashes8 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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117 Chs

Chapter 45

"You!" Jiraiya was excited for no reason. He almost had a layer of his scalp shaved off in order to develop the Needle Jizo and Wild Lion's Mane, but in the end, this guy downplayed it as if it was very simple.

"Hahahaha..." Minato smiled happily, but also felt a little embarrassed. It took him three years to turn Rasengan's idea into reality. This cat was only nine months old, which makes him feel a little embarrassed when he thinks about it.

"Meow~ Actually, I don't know what's going on. It's like the usage of these Jutsu suddenly popped up in my mind. Do you want to learn? Massage me..." Takeshi rolled his eyes and started joking with Jiraiya. Besides, I am a kitten, so it is normal for me not to understand anything. If you understand things too well, you are not a cat. Cat's dont overthink stuffs.

"I am the Toad Sage of Mt. Myuboku. What technique in the world cannot this Sage know?" After Jiraiya said this, he formed a seal with his hands and flicked his hair, causing the hair to grow wildly. It was the wild lion's mane jutsu.

"Meow!" Takeshi yelled, and then the hair grew automatically. There was no need to do a simple seal like Jiraiya did, because these two jutsus fit Takeshi so well.

"..." Jiraiya and the little black cat stared at each other, and finally put away the effects of the ninjutsu feebly.

For some reason, he thought of Orochimaru when he was in Academy and had just become student under Third Hokage. In the past, every time he went to show off to that guy when he had made great progress, he would always be severely beaten.

The sense of deja vu is so strong! Jiraiya sighed softly, waved his hand dejectedly, and then looked at Kakashi who was standing aside. Of course, he had seen Kakashi before, but this little guy didn't like him very much. Orochimaru was doing better than he did back then. Although it was excusable, but...

"Jiraiya-sama." When Kakashi saw the other party looking over, he immediately saluted respectfully, and then showed hesitation on his face. Jiraiya is not stupid. None of the three sanins are fools, otherwise they would not be in the position they are today.

Kakashi is interested in his own jutsu. The Rasengan belongs to Minato, so it can only be a Wild Lion's Mane. He chuckled, knelt down and looked at Kakashi and asked, "What, you want to learn this jutsu?"

"Uh... um." Kakashi lowered his head, knowing that he was not liked by this adult.

"I'll teach you, this technique is like this, it's a technique that uses chakra to stimulate hair..." Jiraiya sat on the floor, while Kakashi knelt down and listened. Since Jiraiya is willing to teach and Kakashi is eager to learn.

They act like teacher and student in front of everyone. However, those who know the real relationship understand that there is a generation between them, so they don't think too much into it.

For example, Minato smiled brightly. His hand has been healed, and he is holding Takeshi and watching the lecture. Kakashi is a genius, but as long as you understand his nature, it is not difficult to guess what this child is thinking. Minato hugged the cat and unconsciously started stroking him with his fingers.

"Meow~" So comfortable! Takeshi felt refreshed all over. he thought that Kabuto was already the number one pet massager in Konoha, but it turned out that there was someone else who was even more powerful than Kabuto. He had already mastered it without any Sensei.

Not long after, the large forces began to retreat. Along the way, Kakashi followed Jiraiya to learn ninjutsu, and as they travelled, he and Jiraiya were in the rear, while Minato was in front just in case the Sunagakure ninja's were waiting in ambush along the way.

It wasn't until they were inside the camp that Minato went to find Jiraiya and Kakashi together. The two returned to the camp where Konoha ninjas were stationed and immediately continued to practice ninjutsu. When Minato arrived, Kakashi had just completed the technique of wild lion's mane...

"Hahahaha, how about it? This sage's technique isn't it amazing?"

"..." Kakashi let go of his hand and withdrew the attached chakra. The hair automatically retracted, and then the boy with the mask stood there deep in thought. Jiraiya asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"Jiraiya-sama, your technique requires maintaining a hand seal to keep the hair imprisoned, but I think Takeshi can also use the Rasengan when using it..." Kakashi frowned, although he didn't want to say anything.

After saying that, he was obviously a little dejected. What he wanted was the Wild Lion's Mane Jutsu that didn't require sealing, not the Ninjutsu that required two hands to maintain.

Jiraiya choked up immediately after hearing this, and didn't know how to answer for couple minutes.

"Well, this, I am still researching this, but sooner or later I will be able to figure out how to form a seal with one hand." Jiraiya was very arrogant and self-confident.

"When Takeshi attacked, all four paws were holding the small Rasengan's at the same time. There should be no need to form seals with one hand." Kakashi regretted a little after saying this. Although these words are true, the other party is one of the world-famous Sannin and his Sensei's Sensei.

If it weren't for this relationship, how could Jiraiya easily pass on this secret technique to him. But the words had been spoken and he couldn't take them back...

"He doesn't even need one hand seal? Impossible!" Jiraiya was dumbfounded. No matter how proficient this jutsu one is, it is unlikely that it can be directly release it without seal. If the cat is really released without seal, he really coulldn't beat it.

"Sensei." At this time, Minato came in with the cat, followed by the Obito.

"Meow!" Takeshi saw Jiraiya, even though Minato was holding him, his hair was still flowing wildly. Non-seal indeed.

"Sensei, this is another student in my class, Uchiha Obito." Minato introduced with a smile. Kakashi, Obito and Rin were Minato's first students, and he valued this team very much, so he brought them here one by one. Of course, on the other hand, he also relieved his Sensei from embarrassing conversation.

"Okay, very good, not bad." Jiraiya's smile was a little stiff, but he wasn't very happy anyway. This is normal. Anyone who has developed a personal ninjutsu would not be happy if a cat surpassed him. Not only would it be a loss of respect, but it would also be difficult to tell who was the first developer.

"Thank you, Jiraiya-sama." Obito was a little reserved. No one in Konoha doesn't knows about Jiraiya.

"By the way, who's the third one?"

"Meow!" Takeshi jumped on Jiraiya. This was a big benefactor. He had contributed more than 1,600 points from the time they met until now, which is the highest contribution of points from a single person so far.

"You?" Jiraiya didn't believe it at all. It was impossible for a ninja beast to be admitted to the class, let alone a kitten.

"Sensei, the third student is his owner. She is a medical ninja. I have a small request here. Rin and Takeshi have not signed a blood summoning contract yet. I would like to ask for your help. The child's family is poor and have no money and currently I am struggling too..." Minato lowered his head and took the little black cat to communicate with him for a long time before finally being able to say this.

Summon scrolls are not cheap, and keys are even more rare. Due to Rin's family background, it was impossible to get a scroll that was enough to complete the Summoning blood contract. Minato had no choice but to notice that his Sensei who was single, wealthy and loved him.

"You need to understand. The blood contract is no small matter. If you choose someone ruthless, the little guy will be ruined." Jiraiya stroked the black cat's head. Such a talented ninja cat cannot be wasted.

If he encounters someone who is not kind to him, he wont help. For example, Kakashi, this genius taught by him the secret technique but he still dislikes not being able to release it without a seal... How can he be so ungrateful! And how is this cat able to do it without any seals! That doesn't make sense!


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