
Naruto Online: The Strongest Shinobi

Michael, living in a dystopian world devastated by nuclear warfare, discovers a new VRMMORPG game called 'Elemental Nations.' Excited by the opportunity to escape his harsh reality, he purchases the Tier 1 headset and prepares to embark on an adventure. In his cramped living space, surrounded by the remnants of his previous life, Michael contemplates the hardships he and his family endure. The scarcity of resources and the confined conditions serve as constant reminders of the post-apocalyptic world they inhabit. As Michael watches the game's trailer, he recognizes familiar elements from the anime series Naruto. His passion for the show in his previous world fuels his excitement to explore this virtual rendition of the Naruto universe. However, in this new world, anime is not as popular, with people favoring slice-of-life stories over war-torn narratives. Equipped with the VR gear, Michael eagerly enters the game, expecting to unleash his knowledge of the Naruto world to become a powerful shinobi. The game's mechanics limit the number of players who can join as shinobi from the five great villages, adding a sense of exclusivity and competition to the experience. With the promise of potentially earning money through the game, Michael sees an opportunity to contribute to his family's welfare. Unemployment and limited opportunities in the real world have left him longing for a chance to make a difference. As the game servers go online, Michael finds himself transported to a new location, ready to embark on an extraordinary journey within the virtual world of Elemental Nations. Little does he know that this adventure will hold secrets, challenges, and the potential for him to become the hero he aspires to be.

Fat_Cultivator · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Chapter 27: World Quest

Chapter 27: World Quest

My brother was obviously able to create something that would greatly benefit our family.

He had done contracts with the United Federation, one off jobs to help solve some problems of theirs.

And now, he was solving a major problem of theirs.

My brother was a genius through and through. 90% of the human population lived underground, filled with clutter which the Federation was unwilling to discard to the surface since it costs too much money.

But now, they could just disintegrate the clutter.

It would take some time and careful preparation so that the Federation didn't just confiscate his work for their own, and he was able to build some minor connections of his own to help himself.

Our lives were looking up from now.

After being able to celebrate with my family, I logged back onto the game and went for training as per usual.

[Attention players, the world Quest has been unlocked]

[After the completion of the first World Quest, a new feature will be unlocked that allows the players to potentially earn money from the Elemental Nations]

[ World Quest

Rank: ???

Description: Change has come upon the Elemental Nations as the leaders of factions decided to make their moves. Each faction of the players have their own objectives for the World Quest, but the players goal is the same. Make an impact in the war.

The more value you bring to your faction, the greater your specific Faction based rewards and individual rewards will be.

Time Limit for the Quest: Maximum of 6 months

Current Faction: Hidden Leaf (Land of Fire)

Faction goal: 

1-Survive the assault of the Hidden Cloud 

2- Capture a valuable asset from the Hidden mist



Rewards for the World quest will be dependent on the Players performance and awarded after the Quest.]

After reading the system notification, I hoped the Hidden Leaf player base would be quiet regarding our objectives but I am assuming that is not going to happen. 

People liked to talk, and the Elemental Nations was the current biggest thing out there.

The only plus side is that I will be able to find out about the objective of the other factions too.

{Player Mathew, your Personal Quest has been re-assigned}

After seeing the personal notification the system sent to me, I opened the Personal Quest as well.

[ Personal Mission

Rank: S-Rank

Description: Upon reaching 300/300 for both Chakra and Physique, the player has the option to opt for a lower level mission and become a special Jounin, increasing 1 attribute, or do a total promotion quest. The player has opted for the later option. Complete whatever the system deems depending on the rank of the mission.

Mission Objective: 

Manage to defeat the following Shinobi ranks

Genin: 0/1000

Chunin: 0/100

Jounin: 0/10

Elite-Jounin: 0/1

Minimum requirements to become a Jounin:

 Reach a minimum of 300/??? Proficiency in 5 Jutsu

Complete 5 Missions


System Name (Special Effects)

Aspect: Depending on trial 

Additional information: No EXP will be provided for Personal Missions.

{Perform well player, this is crucial on your path as a Shinobi}]

Looking at the extreme difficulty in my task I couldn't help but cry internally.

Defeating a Jonin rank Shinobi was bad enough, but beyond that to have to fight an Elite-Jounin as well?

How the hell am I supposed to do that?

I was currently inside of my clan compound, playing shogi with Shikamaru and getting my ass handed to me.

This guy didn't even look at the board. Half the time he just turned to look at the sky.

At least respect your foe!

"Good. You are both here." Shikaku said, as he reached us.

The second he appeared, I ran my hands over the entire board, mixing up all the pieces.

"You're lucky, he saved you." I told Shikamaru, who just stared at me.

But I didn't back down and just stared at him shamelessly.

"What a drag…" He muttered as he looked towards his father. When he made eye contact with his father and saw the seriousness in his expression, Shikamaru decided to at least sit properly.

"What is it pops?"

"You are about to be deployed to the front lines. The Chunin exams have been canceled." He mentioned, as Shikamaru became shocked.

I already knew about the war, but decided to feign ignorance and act slightly shocked too.

"What do you mean deployed?"

Shikaku paused for a moment and thought about how he wanted to phrase his words.

"The Hidden Cloud has an army of 10 Million Shinobi marching towards us right now." He mentioned.

At his, I was also truly shocked.

Normally, each village only had around 20,000 shinobi, this number was way out of proportion.

But it did make sense, considering there were nearly 100 million players who joined the game this year.

This world is also 10 times the size of the normal Naruto world, with many characters that weren't supposed to exist.

But the main plotline was the same.

But when Shikamaru heard the number, evident fear appeared in his eyes, fear which unfortunately I didn't understand.

To me, death was not the end, just an inconvenience.

Pain was at a minimal, and I wouldn't even have trauma if i died in the game.

But if he died it was Game over.

"When are we moving?" Shikamaru asked.

"Well, your Jonin sensei will be contacting you soon regarding your specific tasks, and Kakshi will temporarily assume the mantle of commander while Lord Jiraya and Naruto have another mission to accomplish." He explained.

"Wait, Naruto knows Lord Jiraya?" Shikamaru asked.

After all it was not normal to have a relationship with the Sanin, well unless he was your godfather.

"It is a complicated relationship. Anyways, I am here to wish you luck, my son." Shikaku said, as he pulled his son into a hug.

Shikamaru still didn't know how dreadful war was, but Shikaku did, and he did not wish to see his son die.

Shikamaru found it awkward but managed to hug his father back.

Sjikaku then hugged Shikomu too and said his well wishes and left back to the Hidden Leaf headquarters.

Shikamaru leaned onto the floor and looked at the dark night sky.

"Man this is going to be a drag isn't it."

"Probably is." I thought as I myself looked at the sky.

We both sat in silence for a bit before I suggested something.

"How about we both go meet Naruto before he leaves?" I asked.

"Sure, but where would he be?"

"Is that really a question you need to ask?"

"You're right…there is only 1 place he can be at during meal time." He said, as he stood up and dusted his pants.

"Well, it beats destroying you in shogi." He continued.

"Hey I am not that bad!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

(Outside Ichiraku Ramen)

Shikamaru and I approached Naruto who was excitedly sharing about his mission with Pervy-Sage.

"OHHHH Shikomu! Shikamaru!" He called out excitedly as we walked into the store.

"We heard about your mission and wanted to say goodbye before you left." Shikamaru said as he sat down.

"Yeah, the Pervy-Sage said he would teach me lots of cool Jutsu on the way, and this is a month-long trip apparently." Naruto said as he slurped some soup and ordered another bowl.

I could easily guess he probably meant the Summoning Jutsu and the Rasengan.

Something that I should probably learn too, the Rasengan has insane synergy with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Maybe I should also look into getting a summoning contract with the toads, considering I had to eventually go there to learn Sage Jutsu.

Or maybe I should ask the 3rd Hokage for his, the Monkey King is a good summon.

"That is nice." I said as we enjoyed a nice dinner with Naruto before we sent him off.