
Chapter 84: Haku vs Akio!

"Let the battle begin!" Shibi shouted, slashing his arm through the air as he gave the signal for them to begin.

Haku stood still as he watched his opponent, standing with a smile on his face. Akio on the other hand pulled out two kunai, twirling them around before holding one in each of his hands, as he got ready to fight.

Kaga and the others watched from the standing area above, all three of them excited to see how the battle would play out with Kaga being most excited of all.

"Is everything alright sensei?" Kimimaro asked, noticing that he seemed a little tense.

Kaga smiled not taking his eyes off of his student.

"Kid doesn't miss a thing." He thought before giving him an answer.

"I'm just looking forward to seeing Haku go all out," Kaga said, getting Kimimaro to also smile.

"He won't need to against this opponent." Kimimaro then said turning back to the fight.

Kaga knew how strong the three of them were to a point, having seen them in action on multiple missions and training exercises. However, Fuyōna had told Kaga that Haku tended to hold back due to his kind nature, always saying that his true ability was indeed amazing and once he shut off his emotion he was a force to be reconned with.

"I'm done standing around!" Akio then shouted as he charged forwards, crossing both kunai in front of his face.

Haku didn't even flinch as he waited until the last second, not even blinking as Akio sprang into action, aiming a cross x-slash with both kunai at Haku's face.

At the last possible second, Haku ducked under Akios right arm, spinning around with a perfect sidestep getting clear of him.

It all happened so fast that only those with a very keen eye had even seen what really happened.

"What's he doing just standing there? Come on Akio get him!" Hina, another of the hidden waterfall shouted, unsure why her teammate wasn't doing anything.

"It's already over Hina." Her sensei said as he watched with his arms crossed, not seeming happy.

She looked at him confused before turning back to look at Akio.

Akio stood still with his hands by his sides as Haku turned to Shibi.

"It's over." He said before he started walking away.

"So it would seem," Shibi said, having already seen what had happened.

Akio suddenly dropped to the floor, landing face-first as he dropped both of his kunai onto the ground.

Everyone who hadn't seen what happened was shocked, however, so was everyone who had.

Shibi walked over to Akio, taking a good look at the senbon needle that was sticking out of his neck, noting the perfect placement of it.

"To hit the pressure point with such speed and accuracy without killing him. Remarkable indeed." Shibi thought as he pulled the senbon needle out with one quick motion.

Akio's eyes suddenly opened wide as he jumped up to his feet, shocked at what was going on.

"Settle down. The fight is over." Shibi then said announcing the winner to be Haku.

"What the hell was that! He didn't even touch him! Look at him, he thinks he's so cool!" Kujira shouted, clearly pissed off.

"Didn't you see what he did Kujira?" Their sensei said giving him a hard look.

"Make sure you don't let your guard down against him." He then said through his sharp teeth.

Kujira and the others nodded, seeing that their sensei was being serious.

Everyone else was also talking about what had just happened, seeing how it had ended so quickly and without warning.

Even the Hokage was impressed at the demonstration of such fine skill.

"My, my. It would seem the Mizukage has trained his students well." He thought as he watched Haku from a distance.

Haku had walked up to the standing area, regrouping with his own squad.

"That was amazing Haku!" Koyuki said with a big grin.

"But just wait till it's my turn!" She then said with a cocky grin.

Haku smiled as he rubbed the back of his head as he replied.

"I don't doubt it." He said.

"Good work Haku," Kaga said, knowing he didn't even have to try in that last fight.

Kimimaro also smiled at him, knowing he would have no trouble.

"Alright, let us announce the next fight!" Shibi then said once Akio had also returned to his squad.

"Don't worry Akio, we aren't done yet." His sensei and other teammates said, giving him a pat on the back, trying to help him not feel so bad.

Everyone turned their attention back to the large screen as the names started to be shuffled at random before two were picked out.

"The second match will be, Chika Hōzuki of the mist, Vs Mushi of the hidden rain."

Chika didn't look bothered as she continued to sip on her water bottle.

"Come on Chika! Time to get fired up!" Kujira shouted, hating the fact that she never let anything bother her.

"Yeah, yeah I got this." She said as she walked away, lifting her hand up to shut him up.

"Don't worry about her Kujira," Rokuro said trying to calm him down.

Mushi of the hidden rain also walked down towards the fighting area. He was tall with black spikey hair. He had a breathing apparatus on his face, (Like Hanzo) he also wore a full-length cream coloured bodysuit with his headband around his forehead.

The two of them now stood face to face as Shibi announced the two of them, allowing them some space now to prepare for battle.

"Alright you two, let the battle begin!" He shouted, giving them the signal.

Mushi didn't waste any time as he quickly started to form a bunch of hand signs.

"You never had a chance." He then said as his body started to phase in and out, becoming all wavey.

Chika was very surprised and watched as his body sank into the ground, seeming to melt into it before he vanished altogether.

"Well, that's not right." Chika then said as she placed her water bottle onto her belt clasp.

Suddenly ten copies of Mushi solidified out of the ground, surrounding Chika with their kunai drawn.

"Nowhere for you to run!" Mushi shouted as he threw the kunai at her, aiming for vital spots.

Chika didn't bother moving and simply yawned as the kunai hit her body, sinking into her flesh as if they hit water.

"That won't work on me." She then said as she only counted five kunai, while noting ten copies of Mushi.

"Also your genjutsu is way too obvious." she then said as she let the kunai fall out of her body, allowing it to become solid again.

"Why you! I'll make you pay for that!" Mushi said as he suddenly charged at her from all directions.

Chika didn't bother looking and instead closed her eyes while making a hand sign, focusing on her flow of chakra to break the genjutsu.

"Done." She then said as she opened her eyes again, seeing that the ten copies of Mushi had become only five, as she suspected.

Chika suddenly let her legs turn to water as she dropped to hip height, avoiding all of the attacks from Mushi.

Mushi was surprised and shocked as she broke out of his genjutsu and dodged his attack all at once.

But not as surprised as when his clones were all disposed of by one quick circular swipe of her own kunai, bursting all five of his water clones.

Chika stood back up to her full height, licking the water off her kunai, tasting it before taking a look around.

"Come out come out wherever you are." She then said, looking for her prey.

Mushi had to be careful about revealing his exact location while he tried to formulate a plan on how to attack her. He wasn't sure how she had negated his kunai attack, allowing her body to turn to water, but after seeing that he had devised that physical attacks wouldn't quite cut it with her.

Mushi decided to create more clones, hoping that he could devise a plan while he watched them battle her, trying to figure a way to beat her.

However, Chika smiled, showing her pointed teeth.

"Found you." She said as she pointed her finger right at where he was hiding.

"Water pistol Jutsu!" She shouted, firing a shot at blinding speed that hit Mishi in the stomach breaking his invisibility jutsu he had been using to hide.

Mushi hit the ground hard, rolling a couple of times until he fell onto his back. All of Mushi's clones also burst and vanished, unable to take solid form any longer as he fell unconscious.

"The fight is over," Shibi shouted, announcing the winner.

Chika smiled before unclipping her water bottle and taking a sip.

"Yeah!!! Go Chika!" Kujira shouted as he flexed his bicep.

Chika sighed as she watched him from a distance, continuing to sip on her water.

Mushi was dragged away to the medical bay, leaving Chika to slowly return to her squad.

Once clear Shibi gave the announcement for the third fight with all eyes falling once more to the large screen as they waited to see who was next.

The names started to slow down again and two were picked, showing who was next to do battle, getting a surprised reaction from everyone.

"Next we have, Homoto Munedao of the hidden grass vs Iseto Uchiha of the hidden leaf!"


Alright thats the end of that chapter. Thank you for reading as always.

Remember if you want more then head over to my P.a.t.r.e.o.n page and check it out. Link is in the story Bio. Others quicker updates and a new character creater option, in which I will draw you as a Naruto character!

Also some new news. I have started a Discord for the story, if you want to chat about it, ask questions or have anything to do with Naruto or this Fic then please head on over! I will leave the link here and in the story Bio
