
Naruto: Never Die Twice

[A Naruto Fanfiction] ------------------------ A college student's life taken -- just like that... In the blink of an eye, he was another person with a different identity. He woke up with a new name; a new face... and especially -- a new family. Most importantly, it was Naruto -- a world where children were brought up to be killers... a twisted ideology instilled in them from birth surrounded him. Regrets slowly seeped in.... if only he never got caught cheating; if only he could go back to his previous life. The feeling off losing everything shook him -- and a new seed sprouted in the core of his being... Death... A deep fear of this was instilled into his mind... his heart and soul. "This is why I cannot die again!... No, I won't die again; I have to survive no matter what. I will live life to the end!" The shinobi world only gave him one option: Survive.... --- My first fanfic so don't expect the best work. In the future, my writing will improve so if you see mistakes, point them out please. Release Rate -- 1chp/day Word count/chap - 1500 - 1800 Time: 4:00 PM GMT/ Power Stone reset Warning: Non-Wish Fulfillment --- ** Disclaimer** - All copyright content is owned by their respective owner(s). - Book cover is owned by their respective owner(s)

Outlier · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

[28] Battlefield (2)

A/N: Shittt I forgot to update... to busy watching the world cup ffs... sorry, anyways, enjoy the chap.


Chapter 28: Battlefield(2)


This time, he never stayed still, not even for a second as he quickly rushed back to cover. Afterwards, he revised his situation.

'I have about seventy percent of my chakra left; I used most of the jutsu inefficiently.'

This was why experience was important. Akio knew he wasn't going to perform his best in this environment, it was all new to him. This is why, at the end of this, his strength will improve by miles. Through the tempering of constant battle.

As soon as he revised over some stuff, Akio never stayed in that same spot. Instead, he scouted out his next targets. This was by staying on the outskirts of the battlefield, although, still keeping his guard up.

The battlefield was a chaotic place which was in the centre. It was surrounded by various flora and nature — this was the outskirts.[1]

Akio specifically stayed in these parts but this also meant other people would do the same as him.

Currently, his strength was high-genin level or a bit less. Although this was still decent for the time being as he could fend off chunin, using some other means.

Suddenly, something caught Akio's eye — a leaf shinobi being pressured by two opponents. Without hesitation, he stealthily rushed in, and before the opponents knew it… their teammates neck had been slit open.

The other, who had seen this, widened his eyes in surprise before trying to flee. But to his demise, he stepped back in what he felt to be some spikes.

This caused a stinging pain for a second, distracting him from the enemy. In that split second, Akio slit his neck; his body limply dropped, not knowing what had happened to him.


Just as he was about to speak, a kunai flew from the back, impaling his skull.

'Shit… shit… think, think. What shall I do?"

His thoughts were in a stammer and he didn't know the situation. Instinctively, he grabbed the body of his teammates and the enemies — then put it in front of him like a meat shield.

Having this moment in time, Akio put down an explosive tag before fleeing backward. As he reached a suitable distance, he set the explosive off, causing a huge distraction for him to escape.

In this time, he also used his clone jutsu and created some sort of illusion. However, with everything he did, a wind jutsu came from behind him and when he looked forward… another Suna enemy was in front.

Oh no. Akio was truly trapped…

That was until he reached in his pockets, pulling out some sort of black oozing vial. It looked extremely corrosive.

Looking at the suna shinobi in front of him, he smirked as he threw it straight in his direction. A large cloud of smoke came out, enveloping the target. It was a huge gassy aroma which spanned across a kilometre.

Distinct coughing could be heard inside this smoke, but Akio didn't pay any attention. He simply dodged the wind jutsu thrown at him, and made some hand seals of his own.

[Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet]

As the dragon's head poked out of the ground, ready to shoot it's mudball, Akio flanked to the side and threw a kunai coated with a paper bomb.

A huge explosion rang out. This was combined with the earth dragon bullet that shot out before.

Akio was sure the opponent was dead.

Confirming that he killed both, Akio checked up on the vial that he threw earlier. This was one of his final products after continuous experimentation.

A corrosive gas — when inhaled, eats at the opponents insides until there's nothing left. It was like an acid in gas form.

All that was left of his body was just a skeleton… the rest of his body looked chewed up with only a few parts left to spare. This was a ruthless vial, only to be used in dire circumstances; it cannot be used in any situation.

Through continuous experimentation, Akio's whole fighting style had changed. It now consisted more of equipment based and miscellaneous items fighting for him, rather than his own strength. This was the modern mindset back from his previous life.

He still had a lot of chakra left: 15% — this was more than enough to keep fighting, and he did.

Akio dashed in toward two people who threw a jutsu at him. One put an earth wall up to my mudball jutsu whilst the other came to fight me head on. Alas, this was a brutal mistake as the poison coated kunai simply scraped him. Even a little dose of this could cause fatal injury.

The other behind the earth wall came out. Akio simply threw his paper bomb kunai, blowing the whole thing up. Just in case, he flickered over there to check his corpse.

Things like this happened for the whole time. Akio is just running through most people on this battlefield.

He was just too careful to get caught so off guard. His senses were always on full alert, no matter the circumstance.


Everyone was now on their way to camp. At this time, the trio had also joined together – all three of them — having an exhausted look after constant battle.

"So, guys. How was your first day," Tsume probed.

Arise was first to speak up, "We're going to be doing this everyday aren't we. Good, I need stronger people to be able to test myself."

She rolled her eyes at this. "What a brag. Just look at your state first."

Arise never made eye contact. This didn't go unnoticed but Akio spoke up.

"Sigh, it's too tiring. Constant fighting does take some sort of a mental toll on you."

Tsume nodded. "I'm glad I'm not the only one."

"Hmph, get used to it. This is nothing," Arise chimed in arrogantly. His arms folded with his chest puffed out.

Akio just chuckled at his antiques. 'Uchiha and their pride, it is an interesting thing to see.'

After the crowd reached the camp, everyone split up. First, Akio headed toward his tent to heal his minor injuries. These were just simple cuts, bruises and other things. All he did was put some ointment and wrapped it in a special bandage.

His goal was to make these injuries recover as soon as possible. However minor they may be.

And so… Akio thought of his days ahead, not looking a tad bit forward after experiencing what he did today.

[1] Flora – Wildlife/ Habitat — just imagine green.