
Naruto: My Unique System

Sakamoto Tatsuma found himself transmigrated as a war orphan in the world of Naruto, where he quickly realized his seemingly limited potential to become a ninja. Just as hope began to wane, an unexpected invitation arrived, inviting him to join the ninja academy, accompanied by a surprising sound. [Ding! The system has awakened!] Upon careful experimentation, he discovered that his system bestowed him with attributes through challenging and defeating others, be it in training, consuming food, or engaging in games. Victory allowed him to continually enhance his potential and even extract unique talents from those around him! Space-time talent! Ninja Tool Throwing talent! Sensory Talent! Gradually, the once seemingly untalented boy, destined for a bleak future, started unveiling boundless potential! ---- You can get advanced chapters on my Patreon patreon.com/HellGolt

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Chapter 28: When The Fat Cats Bite Back!

"Minato Namikaze! Sakamoto Tatsuma! Prepare yourselves for a challenge!"

In the midst of the first practical combat class of the new semester, Tatsuma and Minato, engrossed in a genial exchange, found their attention abruptly captured by Kushina. She stood nearby with an unwavering determination etched across her face. Intrigued, Tatsuma inquired, "What could possibly have provoked her?"

"I haven't the slightest clue. And you?" Minato responded.

Shaking his head, Minato pondered his recent interactions, realizing he hadn't given Kushina any cause for offense in the past week. If anything, the only possible trigger he could pinpoint was his amiable demeanor when they first crossed paths a week ago.

Disregarding the subdued conversations around them, Kushina's frustration reached new heights. The students in her vicinity began branding her as an irrational troublemaker, hurling derisive names like "tomato" and "blood-red chili" her way. Infuriated, Kushina's face flushed with embarrassment as she hollered,

"Hey, you two cowards! Do you have the guts to accept my challenge?!"

Tatsuma cast a helpless glance at Sarutobi Atoma. In a situation like this, shouldn't the sensei step in? However, when Tatsuma met Sarutobi Atoma's gaze, the teacher simply nodded.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why are you nodding? Are you endorsing classmates engaging in combat?!"

Tatsuma felt the impulse to address Sarutobi Atoma, but before he could take action, Minato Namikaze—subjected to taunts of being effeminate and a coward—gazed at Kushina and nodded, stating, "Alright, how do you propose we settle this?"

"In a genuine fight!" Kushina proclaimed, unveiling a harmless Kunai—popular at the Academy for its reduced risk, lacking a sharp edge.

However, Minato and Tatsuma found themselves without such Kunai, as they required an additional purchase, and both were unwilling to invest in them. The ninja tools they wielded were gifts from Sakumo Hatake a year ago.

Observing the Kunai in Kushina's grasp, Minato Namikaze expressed his regret, stating, "I apologize; I only have authentic combat Kunai, not the type you're wielding."

"Real combat." These words echoed in Kushina's ears, but in her mind, they morphed into a provocation. She interpreted Minato's words as a challenge, implying they were about to engage in a genuine fight, but she lacked the courage to use an actual Kunai. This perception caused her already flushed face to shift towards a deep shade of purple.

However, Minato's actions didn't end there. He promptly stowed the Kunai into his ninja tool pouch and, accompanied by a radiant smile, added, "No worries; I don't need ninja tools."

Minato's intention was to avoid causing harm to Kushina by refraining from using a real Kunai. However, to onlookers, it seemed like he was implying, "I don't need ninja tools to defeat you." Even Tatsuma shot Minato a look of "good luck with that" before silently retreating to the sidelines.

"Damn effeminate guy!"

As soon as Tatsuma stepped aside, Kushina, fueled by a surge of fury, charged at Minato, brandishing the Kunai.

In a quick and agile maneuver, Minato dodged to the side and deftly seized the fist that Kushina swung at him. Swiftly changing positions, he skillfully locked her from behind.

Surprised by her inability to withstand even a single round, Kushina found herself restrained by Minato Namikaze. Frustrated and seething with anger, she paid no heed to her right hand being held and started rolling, resembling a crocodile fiercely biting onto its prey and rolling uncontrollably.

Observing Kushina's persistent attempts to break free despite the pain and danger, Minato opted to release her. Swiftly regaining her freedom, Kushina wasted no time, launching a spinning elbow straight toward Minato's face.

In response to the impending attack, Minato swiftly raised his arm to deflect it. However, Kushina's elbow strike inadvertently smeared Minato's hand across his own face. Momentarily losing his balance, Minato staggered in the face of the unexpected maneuver.

However, it lasted but a moment. Having engaged in sparring sessions with Tatsuma for an entire year, Minato was well-acquainted with Tatsuma's overly competitive fighting style. In such a scenario, Tatsuma wouldn't easily let an opportunity slip by. Thus, Minato swiftly and decisively rolled to evade.

Regrettably, Kushina proved to be a different adversary from Tatsuma. As her successful attack unfolded, a triumphant smile adorned her face. Observing Minato's awkward tumble, she couldn't contain her laughter and remarked, "Haha, is this the top student?"

Minato, rising gracefully from the ground without a hint of anger, casually dusted off his sleeves. Although the exchange of attacks and defenses had been brief, he had already assessed Kushina's skill.

Her strength eclipsed both him and Tatsuma, leaving Minato genuinely taken aback. After all, he and Tatsuma were widely recognized as the top two in terms of strength among their peers at the ninja academy. The arrival of a girl who had surpassed them was undeniably astonishing.

Yet, beyond sheer strength, she possessed no other commendable trait – Her speed, skills, attitude, and the mindset for victory were notably lacking.

Minato shifted his gaze to Kushina and offered a confident smile, remarking, "If that's all, then it won't be enough to defeat me."

"Hmph! You're just all talk," Kushina retorted, running her thumb under her nose with an air of arrogance. Yet, her good mood soured once again as she noticed Minato Namikaze showing no inclination to unveil any ninja tools.


Undeterred, Kushina pressed forward, thrusting her Kunai directly at Minato's chest. However, Minato, having discerned Kushina's strength, wasn't foolish enough to engage in a direct confrontation.

Employing both hands, Minato deftly slapped away Kushina's right hand wielding the Kunai, redirecting it to his right side. Simultaneously, he maneuvered his body, attempting to glide past Kushina. However, as he moved by, his right foot landed between Kushina's legs at the same time.


In a seamless motion, Kushina stumbled over her own momentum and the strategically positioned foot of Minato, hitting the ground. It was a technique Minato had acquired through a year of training with Tatsuma.

A frustrated Kushina, now prone on the ground, rose to her feet, casting an angry glare at Minato.

She refused to accept that she had lost to Minato. What caught her off guard was not just the defeat but the realization that Minato, who presented himself as effeminate, could deploy such cunning and subtle techniques. It was undeniably infuriating!

"You jerk!"

Once again, Kushina lunged at Minato, and a flicker of helplessness crossed Minato's face. If it were him or Tatsuma in such a vulnerable position, they likely would have conceded defeat voluntarily. However, Kushina seemed undeterred.

In the ensuing moments, Kushina charged repeatedly, only to be knocked down each time. Regrettably, Minato steadfastly refrained from striking back, intensifying not only Kushina's sense of not having lost but also her growing frustration.

"Enough! Kushina, Minato has emerged victorious," Atoma declared earnestly, fixing his gaze on Kushina. Then, he gestured towards Tatsuma, remarking, "Clearly, you have only one chance left."


Kushina, still resistant to acceptance, voiced her discontent, prompting Sarutobi Atoma to helplessly provide an explanation.

Inside the Hokage's office, Uzumaki Mito nodded and turned her attention to Tatsuma, whose infectious smile had caught her eye. She commented, "Minato does carry himself with gentlemanly demeanor. What about Tatsuma? He shouldn't be too different, right?"

In response, Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated momentarily before affirming, "Mito-sama, you should be prepared. Tatsuma is a good kid, but his drive to win is incredibly intense."

On the crystal ball's display, Kushina faced off against Tatsuma. Observing the resolute Kushina, Tatsuma remarked, "Truly a member of Mito-sama's clan. Your strength is indeed formidable, but I will emerge victorious."

"We'll see when you actually win! Seaweed-head!"

With these words, Kushina, fueled by her fiery temper, charged towards Tatsuma. Aware of Kushina's formidable strength, Tatsuma didn't underestimate her. As she lunged, he retracted his left hand, tucked it into his ribs, and deftly sidestepped, swiftly engaging in an arm lock the moment Kushina's right hand extended.

In a swift motion, Tatsuma's right hand executed a forceful punch, targeting Kushina's round face. Frightened, Kushina quickly defended with her left hand. However, Tatsuma's right hand adeptly changed course, honing in on Kushina's throat.



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