
Naruto: My Shadow World

Yami spent his life living in the shadows of others despite his talent to excel at anything. He had influenced colleagues and politicians, even serving as the Prime Minister of Japan for two consecutive terms before retiring. As he spent his final days on his sofa, he reflected on how he had lived his life in the shadow of others when he could have achieved something on his own. With bitter memories haunting him, he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he realized he had been reborn into the cruel world of Naruto as a member of the Nara Clan. --- I wrote this fanfic back when I used to watch Naruto. I have quite a few chapters, so give it a try. But before reading it, keep a few things in mind: 1. The main character (MC) would be the same age as Shisui Uchiha. 2. For now, I won't be involving romance, but you can suggest some female main characters (FMC). No harem. 3. His mentality is that of an old man, but his young self sometimes emerges, so be prepared. 4. The MC doesn’t know everything; just some bits and pieces. He will spend his time finding things out and dealing with the butterfly effects of changing events. 5. His powers will involve manipulation of shadows. Nothing like Solo Leveling BS, though. But I'm open to suggestions on how to develop his abilities. 6. There will be politics. If you want to read in advance or support me, visit: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Taijutsu

Yami had already developed a strong physique due to regular exercise, so all he needed to do was practice taijutsu.

In the Naruto world, taijutsu is the bread and butter of any shinobi (ninja). It relies on raw physical prowess, painstakingly developed through brutal training. Unlike the flashy techniques of ninjutsu, which require chakra, taijutsu focuses on the core fighting skills: unarmed strikes, throws, and evasive maneuvers.

There are two main paths to acquiring taijutsu expertise.

The first is Academy training. Every ninja hopeful goes through this, learning the fundamentals - basic punches, kicks, stances, and movement techniques.

The second path is specialization. Post-Academy, some ninjas choose to delve deeper into taijutsu, developing their own unique styles or mastering specific techniques. This often involves seeking guidance from a skilled taijutsu master who imparts their knowledge and experience.

Yami, however, needed none of it.

"Ha!" With a battle cry, Yami launched a powerful punch at the small makiwara (striking post). He then pirouetted mid-air, delivering a devastating kick that sent the wooden post reeling, almost toppling over.

For a three-year-old to move with such power and precision was unheard of, especially without training. But Yami wasn't your average child. He was a former Muay Thai champion, with years of boxing experience under his belt.

During his past life, navigating the treacherous waters of politics often landed him in physical confrontations. To ensure his survival, Yami dabbled in various martial arts, eventually finding his calling in the lethality and brutality of Muay Thai. Boxing complemented his fighting style, adding a layer of technical finesse.

This past life fueled Yami's relentless pursuit of taijutsu mastery. Ninjutsu and genjutsu (illusionary techniques) had their limitations, but taijutsu was a constant. It was a weapon he could always wield, a permanent extension of himself.

With this philosophy in mind, Yami approached a taller training dummy. He launched himself into the air with a powerful push, delivering a swift kick that glanced off the dummy's head. The impact caused minimal damage – Yami knew he needed more force, but his young body wasn't ready for the full brunt of his power. He had to be patient.

"Oh my! My sweetheart is practicing taijutsu~"

Yami whipped around at the feminine voice, finding his mother, Aoi, clad in her clan's traditional battle attire.

"Mommy, why are you wearing that?" Yami queried, brows furrowed in confusion. Aoi's response was a gentle chuckle.

"Why, to help you with your taijutsu practice, of course!"

Surprise and a hint of confusion warred within Yami. He knew his mother had been a shinobi before retiring to domestic life, but the sight of her geared up sent a jolt through him. "You can do that?" A mischievous grin spread across his face. "I mean, not to brag, but I'm pretty strong already."

"Fufu~! Of course, my sweetheart is the strongest and cutest in the world!" Aoi teased, flexing her arm to reveal impressive musculature. "But your mommy's strong too. After all, I am a Jonin."

Yami's jaw hit the floor. He knew his mother was a ninja, but a Jonin?

For those unfamiliar, Jonin is the highest rank in the ninja world, just below Kage (leader). Imagine them as seasoned executives – the village's elite, granted special privileges. In the Naruto universe, during the War Arc, only 4% of participating ninjas were Jonin. It's a prestigious rank bestowed upon only a select few by the Kage themselves.

"I-I see," Yami stammered, scratching his head nervously. Jonin was rare, and a female Jonin even rarer. No wonder his father always seemed to defer to his mother's judgment.

"But can you even hit me?" he asked hesitantly. His mother's love was boundless, fierce enough to face down Kurama (a nine-tailed fox demon) itself. Except for the occasional spanking, she'd never laid a hand on him in anger. It was both comforting and a little concerning.

"Of course not, silly. I would never hit you," Aoi assured him, a proud smile gracing her lips. "But I do have excellent control over my strength and expertise in taijutsu. This will be a defensive battle, but trust me, I know what I'm doing."

"Alright then, no holding back!" Yami declared, assuming a fighting stance before launching himself at Aoi. He aimed a punch at her stomach, but she effortlessly blocked it with her palm. Unfazed, Yami used her hand as a springboard, leaping upwards and unleashing a powerful Thai kick.

For a fleeting moment, Yami thought he'd landed a blow. However, the Jonin reacted with incredible swiftness and grace. Spinning on her heel, she gently deflected his kick with a minimum of force. Yami landed on his feet, slightly dizzy from the maneuver. Regaining his composure, he found his mother standing in a unique fighting posture, a determined glint in her eyes.

"I can see you already have a set of moves in your mind. However, a shinobi fights based on his instincts, and his chakra remembers," Aoi said.

"Chakra remembering moves? How?" Yami asked, intrigued.

Aoi smiled before explaining, "Ninjas don't usually learn specific fighting styles, but we do have to learn specific moves for every scenario. For example, just like today when you threw your punch. I had almost 100 different moves to block your fist, but I had to narrow it down to just one when you threw your fist."

Yami realized what Aoi was trying to explain.

Scenario 1: Imagine a person coming your way with a fist. What choice will you have? You can block it, parry it, dodge it, or counterattack it. If you choose to do anything other than block it, the set ends here as the next set will start whether you strike or let the other strike.

Scenario 2: Similar to the above, if you were to block the punch, you would now have two other choices: block your enemy's kick or next hand punch, or strike the enemy. If you strike the enemy, the set ends here.

Scenario 3: Similar to above, now you have blocked two of the enemy's limbs. You will now have some, but enough choices, like whether to strike the enemy or push the enemy away.

Therefore, according to Aoi's explanation, a Ninja has to remember these sets of moves for every single scenario.

"But that's impossible to remember. Unless someone has eidetic memory, it is impossible to be prepared for such moves," Yami responded.

First of all, a person has to remember so many different scenarios while in a fight, and applying them would be much harder. Also, let's not forget the set of moves; they could number in the thousands.

"Precisely," Aoi agreed, "and that's where chakra truly shines. When you train with a controlled flow of chakra coursing through your body, your body starts to integrate those movements into your instincts. It's a two-step process. First, you master a fighting style, and then you practice those techniques repeatedly with increased chakra flow." Her gaze landed on Yami. "Since you already have a foundation in Muay Thai, all you need to do is release a small amount of chakra while you practice. Viola! You'll be well on your way to becoming a formidable shinobi."

Yami's eyes sparkled with excitement. "This is incredible! But why isn't this method more popular?"

Aoi sighed, a hint of helplessness in her smile. "While effective, taijutsu is often seen as time-consuming in combat. Ninjas are trained for swiftness and efficiency. Prolonged hand-to-hand battles aren't ideal. Besides, when faced with powerful ninjutsu or weapons, taijutsu can sometimes seem insignificant."

She was right. Yami, a Naruto enthusiast himself, knew that characters like Rock Lee and Might Guy were the exception, not the rule. Most ninjas relied heavily on ninjutsu and dojutsu (bloodline eye techniques) like Sharingan and Byakugan.

"It's similar to the chakra induction paper exercise," Aoi continued. "Focus on letting chakra flow through your body. Calm your mind and body, and move as if fighting is second nature."

Yami nodded, closing his eyes to focus. As his mind and body entered a state of calm, he felt a familiar yet unknown energy coursing through him. He sprang into action, launching a punch towards Aoi.

Just like before, Aoi effortlessly blocked it. Yami instinctively followed up with a jab, which she also blocked. However, this time, his body seemed to move on its own, prompting him to unleash a surprising uppercut kick.

Aoi was caught off guard for a split second. Due to Yami's small stature, the kick grazed her shoulder instead of connecting with her face. Yami flipped backward, marveling at the way his body moved with newfound fluidity.

"What is this?" he whispered, a mixture of confusion and awe. This was a sensation entirely unique to this new world. "This is truly a magical place."

His musing was cut short as Aoi swept him into a crushing hug, showering him with kisses. "Yami! My sweet boy learns so fast! I can't contain my love!"

"M-Mommy! I can't breathe!" Yami sputtered, his struggles proving futile against his mother's ironclad embrace. His vision began to blur around the edges.

Aoi, oblivious to his distress, continued her outpouring of affection for a few more minutes before finally realizing her son had fainted. With a sheepish smile, she gently laid him down, vowing to be more mindful of his limitations in the future.


"Father, where are we going?" Yami asked as he trailed behind his father. But seriously, running with hands behind was so embarrassing!

"To meet a great man," Yamai smirked. "He won't be accepting you as his student, but he will be giving pointers on your fighting style and your kenjutsu."

Hearing those words, Yami's eyes flashed with excitement. He might finally be able to learn some cool jutsu like water dragon jutsu or great fireball jutsu. As for kenjutsu, he wanted to inform his father that he wasn't really interested right now since he only practiced swings as a casual habit, but he didn't want to disappoint his father, so he didn't say anything.

They then entered a training ground, which was usually a flat surface for student ninjas to practice. Yami spotted a person with a big bump.

"What's with this Brazilian ass?" Yami snorted, but then he saw the person's face and went pale. "Oh, shit."

To his misfortune, his future master was none other than the White Fang of Konoha, Sakumo Hatake.

"Hey kid, I'll be giving you some pointers from now on," the silver-haired warrior smiled. "It's to pay you back for all the horror—I mean, for those tacos you sold me."

Yeah, Yami was doomed.


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