
Naruto: My Grandmother is Kaguya Otsutsuki

Reborn as Ōtsutsuki with the purest Ōtsutsuki family lineage, release Kaguya in advance to visit the scenery of Ninja World! A total defense against a powerful enemy Ōtsutsuki peach-style trio! Awaken the eyes of Rinnegan in the palm! God Pro Ninja Land! Ninja Shura Uchiha Madara? The god of shinobi Senju Hashirama? Eight Gates Guy? Naruto Uzumaki, child of destiny? EMS, Uchiha Sasuke? “Which one of you is going to be my opponent?” Ōtsutsuki Shenmue looked at the ninja coalition on the opposite side, and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya floated peacefully in the air behind him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This a MTL novel that I thought was cool and put on here so it's not mine in the slightest MTL raws: https://mtlnation.com/novel/naruto-my-grandmother-is-otsutsuki-kaguya/

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


The moon where the remnants of the Otsutsuki clan were residing was actually formed by the twin sons of Kaguya, Hamura, and Hagoromo. Hagoromo using the powers of the sage of six paths had created a giant prison for his mother and that prison was the moon.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was too strong to be put down for good, but that didn't mean there weren't alternatives. Planetary Devastation was originally the strongest sealing technique that the Rinnegan could use, and it was the only sealing technique that could trap Kaguya at the time.

During the middle of the night, a small figure could be seen dashing at high speeds through the compound. Leaping from the top of building to building in a blur the figure soon stopped in front of a large shrine illuminated by a shining light.

As the figure entered the light it was revealed to be Shenmue!

The shrine that Shenmue entered was a sacred site for the Otsusuki clan. Whenever they needed to perform rituals they were always carried out here in front of a large statue on an elevated altar depicting their founder.

And that Founder was Hamura!

The Otsutsuki clan of the moon had worshiped the second son of the Rabbit Goddess for years.

There were no guards or cleaning servants because this was a public place, and cleaning was carried out every few days so at this point in time Shenmue was alone as he walked toward the statue in the middle of the shrine unimpeded.

Shenmue got right up to the statue and looked up to see a detailed figure of Hamura Otsutsuki being glorified in the shining light.

"A son who sealed his own mother. Ironic isn't it? Now even if she is dead we have no choice but to continue guarding a long dead prisoner." Shenmue said disdainfully with a smile that expressed it.

Although both brothers have long since passed the clan was much too paranoid to descend onto the planet below. Shenmue didn't like it but they were partly right not to leave their home.

In the end, they were right to be scared. The entire world was in turmoil, the so-called heart-to-heart communication type of peace left behind by the sage of six paths was naive and ultimately led to more bad than good.

Facts and logic would be better for the world than stupid ideals. Just look at how many years of endless war the humans below have waged. All that death and destruction because an old man didn't conflict. He was a fool. And the world was worse off for it.

Shenmue took a few steps forward, he slightly raised his left hand and the blood-red Rinnegan in his eye burst into a weird scarlet light.

An invisible gravitational force moved the statue of Hamura to the left, revealing a hidden sealing formation underneath it.

"Although I am a novice with my new powers, moving a simple statue is child play. Literally." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue joked as he jumped onto the altar and took a closer look at this mysterious formation with slightly labored breath.

Shenmue's body was immature despite his disposition and current powers. Although his Chakra pool is much larger than normal being a part of the Otsutsuki clan the consumption of the Rinnegan was still too much for him.

Using his Rinnegan he reached out his left hand and placed it on the seal to inspect it. "Hmm, this formation is a prison art!" Shenmue exclaimed in surprise.

"If that so then there is only one person that could be kept here." Shenmue muttered as he used his powers to absorb the chakra of the sealing formation.

In a dark space, Shenmue's short figure slowly appeared.

"This must be the seal where Kaguya was kept." Shenmue glanced at the formation behind him remembering its position and then began to move forward slowly.

As he travel the seemingly vast expanse of infinite darkness he could not help the dread that started to creep into his heart.

It was too quiet here!

This empty space had no trace of any noise, any vitality, of anything really. It's hard to imagine anyone staying sane if you had to spend an eternity here alone. How was one meant to maintain their sense of self here?

"Is this the right seal? Is there another seal somewhere else? If not then where is she? Shenmue could not help wonder as he walked through the dark space for minutes on end.

Even with his powers, he could not feel anyone at all!

He started to doubt whether or not this was the right place.

Though before he could turn around a quiet female voice spoke to him.

"A descendant of...Hamura?"

It sounded like the voice was speaking right into his ear, like it was hundreds of feet away, and like it was all around him at the same time.

Hearing this voice Shenmue suddenly felt a strong sense of fear in his heart. His body unconsciously stood erect as his eyes widened.

like a frightened beast his Rinnegan if sensing his trepidation came to light instantly as his head whipped around left and right trying to find the source of the voice.

No! No! No!

It wasn't around him!

Finally turning his head up with his Rinnegan in his left hand he saw it.

Floating above him like a God!

Her ethereal snow-white hair was long enough to go past her feet. Wearing an orange-bottomed kimono with an orange-red ribbon tied around her waist.

Her pale and breathtaking facial features. The pure and flawless Byakugan. He did not see the Sharingan on her forehead but he did see the rabbit ear-shaped horns on her head.

She was hovering above him quietly and lowered her head over so slightly to gaze down at him who was frozen still breathing softly like a normal person would.

But despite her exquisite appearance, there was this lingering feeling in Shenmue's heart that screamed at him to dow down to her.

She wasn't a normal person!

Her own unique temperament, a faintly and inexplicable temperament was that of a god.

No, it wasn't that OF a god.

She was something completely different from ordinary women. You could tell as much with a single glance!

After all. Kaguya doesn't just look like a god.

She is a God!

Kaguya slowly floated down and landed down in front of Shenmue. "You boy. Are you a descendant of Hamura?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Her voice was cold and blank.

Void of any emotion whatsoever.

It was a voice that demanded nothing but the absolute truth.

And yet.

"My name is Shenmue and It's nice to finally meet you, Grandmother!" He calmed down slightly and smiled with closed eyes as he introduced himself.

He still has no eyes, so why keep them open?

"Do you see the resemblance? The white skin? The horns? The Rinnegan?" He asked as he pointed at the features listed.

Kaguya looked Shenmue and down inspecting him and after a while finally settled her eyes on the eye with a multitude of rings that rested in his left hand.

She frowned slightly as bitter memories of the last person to hold the Rinnegan came to mind.

"I have heard of you grandmother. Although there are no records in the clan the elders are quite talkative at times." Shenmue said with a smile still on his face as he told a bald-faced lie.

No one knew about Kaguya anymore.

The brothers made sure of that.

Because Kaguya was immortal the only way to stop her was to seal her, and after that, they had destroyed anything pertaining to her existence so that no one even dared to think about freeing her.


As with anything, time slowly starts to show its effects.

The sealing formation was getting weaker, and although Kaguya was still trapped inside that didn't mean that someone from the outside couldn't get in.

And, no matter the materials used to create the prison. There is always a key to unlock it.

Therefore the brothers could only downplay her existence to make sure the later generations completely forgot about her.

"Are you okay? This eye suddenly appeared on my hand three years ago. Do you have a history with it per chance?" Shenmue lit up the blood-red Rinnegan in his hand as he asked his ancestral grandmother curiously.