
Naruto : Moonlit Thunderclap

Our Mc gets transmigrated in the Naruto world but he gets transmigrated as an hyuga. Will he change the fate of the hyuga clan or will he succumb to the curse? What to expect from this fan-fic? 1. There will be romance but it will be builded upon slowly. 2. Lots of training for the Mc, he won't get overpowered without training. 3. I will take inspiration from other anime but not in the way you might think. I took heavy inspiration from Naruto : The Wind Calamity by Devil_Hex major shoutout to the goat. I take criticism but in a good way don’t come here and bash the story for no reason.

Beyblade_Enjoyer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Even More Progress

After successfully finishing a rigorous and relentless three-month training program, he finally laid a strong foundation for his future jutsus. He had fully mastered the art of leaf control exercise, gaining even more concentration, advancing to the point where he could effortlessly place a leaf on his palms and control its rotation using chakra. Moreover, he had successfully honed his chakra control to the extent that he could firmly attach himself to even the most uneven surfaces.

To further strengthen his control, he intensified the difficulty of water walking by performing his physical exercises on water. The clay molding exercise yielded exceptional results. He could effortlessly alter its shape and size, a skill that would greatly enhance his efficiency in molding chakra in the future. Mastering shape or rotation manipulation was the initial step toward perfecting the Rasengan technique.

During his training in chakra nature, he demonstrated remarkable skill in manipulating his water nature. He effortlessly transferred glasses of water to various containers with precision and ease. However, his attempts at controlling the Fire nature proved disastrous, as he came close to setting the house on fire.

Fortunately, Hayami was present and swiftly extinguished the flames, preventing any significant damage. Despite this setback, he was able to partially burn a leaf after three months of practice and lightly warm a piece of paper. On the other hand, his Lightning nature displayed impressive power, generating an output of 250 volts with a resistance of 17 ohms and a current of 15 amperes.

During his rigorous 3 month training, he accomplished something remarkable by unlocking his Byakugan after only one month. Interestingly, he didn't see the physical manifestation of bulging veins around his eyes when activating his Kingan. Instead, he only experienced it when activating his Byakugan, which could potentially confuse his opponents in battle.

Kaminari celebrated his sixth birthday during his fourth month of training, with only one month remaining until the entrance exam.

On the one-and-a-half-month mark, he started his training in the art of gentle fist with Hayami. She began by explaining the chakra pathway system in the body. The chakra pathways in the human body have a similar function to blood vessels for blood. These pathways contain 361 nodes called tenketsu, which act as circuit breakers to control the flow of the chakra.

Within each tenketsu, there are Eight Gates that regulate the body's function and strain levels. Afterward, Hayami proceeded to teach him the gentle fist style, which uses the chakra pathway system to target and disrupt an opponent's chakra flow.

Thanks to his physical exercises, he was able to establish a solid foundation with the Gentle Fist technique. Although his movements were a bit clumsy, he wasn't worried because he knew he had a few years to perfect his skills.

"Now that I'm starting my Taijutsu training, I have an interesting idea. But I can't execute it just yet; I need to build up my strength first." He pondered over his idea but decided to set it aside until he had everything he needed. His main focus was mastering the Shadow Clone Jutsu, and fortunately, his aunt, a Chunin, could teach him at a later time.

While meditating on the ground, he pondered. My chakra reserves have greatly improved over the past few months. With the activation of my byakugan, I can now accurately gauge my aunt's chakra levels. After comparing our chakra, I can confidently state that I possess approximately 15% of her maximum chakra. Kaminari felt a surge of exhilaration as he realized that in just five months of training, he had already exceeded the chakra capacity of a genin-level ninja.

Kaminari heard his aunt calling his name, signaling that dinner was ready. He quickly entered the house and sat down to eat. As they began their meal, Kaminari spoke up, "Hayami, have you ever considered combining nature releases with the gentle fist?" Hayami took a bite of her food and nodded, "I have, but I haven't figured out how to incorporate water into the gentle fist technique."

She had thought about this idea for a long time, but unfortunately, she hadn't found a suitable way to merge water with her fighting style. The Hyuga clan took great pride in the gentle fist technique, focusing solely on its training and some members even disregarded the use of Nin and Gen jutsus.

"I have an idea to incorporate my Lightning nature in my gentle fist style by shocking the opponent while closing their chakra points. If I incorporate it successfully, I may even be able to stop someone's heart." Kaminari thought of this idea while learning the gentle fist. He wanted his fingers to act like tasers.

Hayami looked at him with a shocked expression. 'This kid is a genius! I would have never thought of that,' she thought. She snapped out of the shock when he started talking. "As for your water, why not make water spikes? And when you are almost going to attack the enemy, you activate it and pierce them?" She was shocked once more! "Oh my god, of course! That would be very lethal," she added.

They continued talking, sharing thoughts. Laughter filled the air as they shared intriguing tales. As midnight struck, they agreed it was time to sleep.

New chapter!

The interesting idea he has something to do with incorporating Lightning chakra with the gentle fist but it's not that.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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