
Naruto : Moonlit Thunderclap

Our Mc gets transmigrated in the Naruto world but he gets transmigrated as an hyuga. Will he change the fate of the hyuga clan or will he succumb to the curse? What to expect from this fan-fic? 1. There will be romance but it will be builded upon slowly. 2. Lots of training for the Mc, he won't get overpowered without training. 3. I will take inspiration from other anime but not in the way you might think. I took heavy inspiration from Naruto : The Wind Calamity by Devil_Hex major shoutout to the goat. I take criticism but in a good way don’t come here and bash the story for no reason.

Beyblade_Enjoyer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 6: Positive Progress

Kaminari persevered through two months of intense training, pushing his physical limits day after day. His hard work paid off as he was finally able to complete 6 sets of 30 push-ups, 4 sets of 25 sit-ups, and a 3-kilometer run every two days. To ensure he stayed on track, Hayami monitored Kaminari's progress and accompanied him on his daily runs, providing support and encouragement along the way.

He had not yet awakened his Byakugan, but he was very close to doing so. He believed that once he awakened his Byakugan, he might be able to change the color of his eyes. After a month and a half, he began chakra control training under Hayami, and he made rapid progress. For three hours, he managed to balance a leaf expertly on his head, showcasing his impressive dexterity. Tree climbing proved to be a walk in the park for him, as he was able to remain standing on a tree branch for a remarkable two hours with ease. However, he struggled with water walking, only managing to stand on it for a mere seven minutes before losing his balance.

Kaminari was lost in deep contemplation. He had been making significant strides in improving his physical fitness lately, and he couldn't help but wonder if it would help him awaken his byakugan in the coming weeks. Ever since he had discovered his chakra nature, some memories had started resurfacing in his mind. He had learned the tragic truth about his parent's death - they had sacrificed themselves to protect him from a collapsing building by using protective Jutsus.

However, the nine-tailed beast's rampage had caused more damage than they could have anticipated, and they had succumbed to their injuries on the spot. Despite the heart-wrenching loss, Kaminari was grateful for their sacrifice and determined to make them proud. On a more positive note, his relationship with Hayami was blossoming rapidly. They had grown closer than ever before, and Kaminari now felt like a son to her. He even addressed her by her name, a significant step in their bond's evolution.

Kaminari was lost in thought, contemplating ways to increase his chakra reserves and exercise his three elemental affinities. As he brainstormed, an idea came to him for his fire affinity - he could try the leaf training basics and burn the leaf for fire. However, he was still struggling to come up with exercises for his lightning and water elements. Feeling stuck, he decided to seek help and turned to Hayami for any ideas.

Kaminari politely approached Hayami, seeking her assistance in training my elemental affinity. "Hayami, could you help me train my elemental affinity?" I asked. She responded with a nod, "Sure, have you already thought of any ideas?" I explained my plan for fire training, which involved incorporating the leaf exercise to burn my leaf in one go. Hayami approved of this, "That's good; you can already walk on trees without any problem. You should start molding clay with your chakra to improve your control even further. However, for the Fire training, it's best to use paper because it's more durable and thus harder to burn."

The woman smiled warmly as she spoke, "When it comes to water training, you're in luck. It's my primary element, after all." Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she continued, "If you want to learn, I suggest starting with moving water from one cup to another using your chakra. It takes practice, but with enough control, you can manipulate the water to your will. However, I recommend getting the hang of water walking first."

After allowing her words to sink in, she shifted her attention to lightning training. "To be honest, I'm not certain what the best approach would be," she admitted, tapping her chin thoughtfully. Suddenly, a bright idea struck her. "Perhaps we could purchase some volt meters to measure your progress and gradually increase the intensity of the resistance." he smiled 'Voltmeters how could I have forgotten about that' he looked at her "That makes a lot of sense I will use your idea thank you Hayami" She rubbed his head"I will buy a volt meter for you tomorrow so you could start your training"

For another chapter, I am planning on incorporating the Rasengan but it will be in a different way.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter and leave some reviews and things you would like to see.

(The month and a half is in the same time frame of the physical training so they were in the same two months)

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