
Naruto : Moonlit Thunderclap

Our Mc gets transmigrated in the Naruto world but he gets transmigrated as an hyuga. Will he change the fate of the hyuga clan or will he succumb to the curse? What to expect from this fan-fic? 1. There will be romance but it will be builded upon slowly. 2. Lots of training for the Mc, he won't get overpowered without training. 3. I will take inspiration from other anime but not in the way you might think. I took heavy inspiration from Naruto : The Wind Calamity by Devil_Hex major shoutout to the goat. I take criticism but in a good way don’t come here and bash the story for no reason.

Beyblade_Enjoyer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 10: A step Closer To Making Proud

(I searched around the internet for E and D rank water jutsus but couldn't find any good ones, so I decided to take some from canon and fandoms. I will make my own jutsus once the story progresses.)

Kaminari is close to turning 7 years old, and Hayami told him it's time to start real training.

His spine shivered when she said those words, but he was determined to become a force to be reckoned with.

Over the course of 5 months, Kaminari trained extensively with Hayami, managing to complete but not yet master the Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms technique. Which is the halved version of the already halved Eight Trigrams Thirty Two Palms technique.

He asked her if she could teach him the shadow clone jutsu. She was a bit skeptical about it and asked him where he learned about it. He shrugged a bit before answering, "I learned about the clone Jutsu from the library and asked my teacher if there was a higher form of it, and that's when he told me about the shadow clone Jutsu." Hayami took a little while before giving him an answer: "Alright, I will teach it to you if you manage to master the clone Jutsu and pass the exam." He gave her a nod and told her he was going to pass with flying colors!

He learned two jutsus from the Shinobi Library: the clone jutsu and the transformation jutsu. With his excellent chakra control, he managed to master them both in a month's time. He also realized that Hayami gave him a lot of insight into areas where he could improve; without her, he probably wouldn't even be able to control his chakra to an acceptable level.

Unfortunately, he couldn't remove or reduce the hand seals for those Justus; he made a mental note to try when he was older.

When he mastered those jutsus, Hayami thought it was time to give him a seal. Which puts the whole body under pressure. She started explaining how it worked. Hayami stated that the seal puts pressure on the whole body to strengthen it.

"You need to put it in the center of your chest and then focus your chakra on it. After a while, you can choose if you want to increase or decrease pressure." Kaminari paid close attention. "The seal acts like a body vest; you can also increase pressure on your limbs. The maximum weight the seal can put out is 500kg on the body itself, 100 on the legs, and 50 on the arms, but start of light with 5kg on your body, 2.5 on the legs, and 1.5 on your arms. Also, never use it when you sleep or when you go out on a mission."

After explaining some more, she placed the seal on his chest and told him to follow her earlier instructions. Once he did and successfully managed to activate the seal, his 7-year-old body was not used to the pressure yet, so even walking was a big problem! After a few minutes of adjusting, he managed to walk a bit. He asked Hayami for permission to deactivate it, and she granted it with a mischievous smile.

Upon deactivation of the seal, he came crashing to the ground. Hayami laughed her ass off; he glared at her before balancing himself and walking off back home, not looking back once.

Kaminari had 1 month left before the first exam. He wanted to study whatever he learned in the academy and learn a water jutsu from the library to show Hayami that he was thankful that she trained him. He quickly told her he was going to the library to look up something and headed out.

Once he arrived at the library, he took a few scrolls from the D-rank section and made a list.

Water release: Bubble

Water release: Water Gun

Water release: Bubble Beam

Water release: Water Pellet

Water release: Spitting Water Bullet

He opened the scroll, 'Water release: Spitting Water Bullet. He laid down the scroll fully and began reading the description: 'By molding chakra in the mouth, one is able to spit out small bullet-size water projectiles. The force behind each bullet is enough to pierce the flesh; by carefully changing one's mouth to be larger or smaller, the user can increase or decrease the size of each bullet. Hand seals are rabbit, ox, dog, and dragon.' He quickly memorized the scroll and put it back in its place before making his way to a training ground with a pond next to it.

Once there, he began trying the Jutsu. He made the rabbit, ox, dog, and dragon hand seals. After doing that, he began molding his chakra. After he finished, he opened his mouth slowly, and water bullets formed. Water release: Spitting Bullet Jutsu! but once they left his mouth, the water bullets fell to the ground.

'What happened? Why isn't the Jutsu racing towards the dummy?' He thought for a while before facepalming, 'Of course, how could I forget? I need to take all three steps together without stopping once'. He weaved the necessary hand seals while molding his chakra and opening his mouth a little. Once he was done, a few water bullets formed in the center of his mouth. Water release: Spitting Bullet Jutsu! The water bullets raced towards the dummy. All the water bullets pierced the dummy and left little holes in it. Kaminari was amazed at the piercing power but quickly realized he poured a lot of chakra while creating the chakra.

He sat down and began thinking, 'I need to improve the speed of doing my Justus. For that, I probably should remove the hand seals to perform them even faster, and my opponent probably would not stand still while I prepared it. While the Jutsu is fast, I need a way to move fast while in combat' After thinking for a while, a small smile crept up his face. 'Body flicker, Jutsu, that will be a good way to move fast, plus it's a D-rank Jutsu' he made up his mind and went back to the library.

He searched the D-rank section and found the scroll. He quickly sat down and memorized the scroll: 'This Jutsu looks simple. I thought it would be very hard. It contains one hand sign, the Tiger sign, and chakra on the legs to move incredibly fast. The scroll also says I would have mastered it if I could exceed 100 meters. Alright, let's start training.'

For the rest of the month, Kaminari trained the Spitting Water Jutsu in secret and asked Hayami for pointers with the Body Flicker Jutsu.

New chapter!

it’s a pity there aren’t Much water style jutsu but luckily the fandom exists!

ask need someone who can make a cover for my story if interested please send a comment!

Beyblade_Enjoyercreators' thoughts