
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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292 Chs

Chapter 122

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Actually, Kyomu didn't sleep all that much.

After just one night, by the early morning, he was fully rejuvenated. Wearing the Dragon Scale Armor, which integrated the features of various rare equipment, naturally sped up his body's recovery process. And then there was Yoei...

Where was Yoei?

Kyomu reached out to both sides, searching, but instead of finding Yoei, he accidentally disturbed something ferocious.

"...are you awake?" Tsunade turned to her side to avoid him.

"Tsunade-nee-san, I was..."

"Looking for your sword?" Tsunade got up, her clothes wrinkled from sleeping in them. "I saw you sleeping with it and thought it might be uncomfortable, so I placed it aside."

"Thank you, Tsunade-nee-san." Kyomu managed a forced smile, glancing at Yoei placed on the table and secretly glaring at it.

After getting out of bed and slipping on his shoes, Kyomu secured Yoei at his waist again and turned to thank Tsunade, "Tsunade-nee-san, you've been a great help last night, and now I feel full of energy."

"It's because you have a strong body." Tsunade revealed the root cause. "But what's the deal with the forbidden jutsu you used? Why did it almost have no effect on your body?"

"It's not about the physical body; it's more about the spirit," Kyomu bluffed, "The technique I used is not just a forbidden jutsu but more accurately a secret technique."

"A secret technique?" Tsunade was intrigued, "Can it be used often?"

"Not really, and I probably won't be able to use it anymore."

"Is there a problem with your spirit?" Tsunade was suddenly alarmed, "I only checked your body last night and forgot..."

"Tsunade-nee-san, don't worry. It's just that the recovery period will be longer, but it won't have a big impact on my potential or current strength." Kyomu reassured Tsunade.

Relieved, Tsunade couldn't help but pat her chest, causing a wave of motion, "That's good, but I still have some doubts about this secret technique you mentioned..."

"Cut through the flesh with the blade, cut through the soul with the heart. Where the heart directs, thorns and thickets are parted," Kyomu fed her another line.

Tsunade's interest was piqued, "Is this the essence of the secret technique? It indeed relates to spiritual power. And that makes sense. The derivation of spiritual power is Yin release, which is known as 'Creation Power'. It's normal to have such power."

Not again, why can everyone find a reasonable explanation?

Kyomu couldn't help but complain internally, worried that Tsunade too was led astray by his bluffs.

But Tsunade wasn't distracted. She wasn't interested in sword techniques; her way of fighting was with direct, powerful strikes.

Even though Tsunade wasn't led astray, it didn't mean she wasn't interested in verifying some theories with Kyomu.

"I'll have breakfast brought in, and we can talk while we eat."

Kyomu realized Tsunade wasn't planning to let him go anytime soon.

Soon, Kyomu and Tsunade were sitting at a table eating together, quickly overcoming the previous day's awkwardness, appearing truly like siblings.

"While you were leading your team deep behind enemy lines, I studied the Eight Gates with Dai and discussed it with him."

Tsunade brought up the Eight Gates, referring to Might Dai, whom Kyomu had intentionally left behind during his second deep infiltration mission to better discuss the Eight Gates with Tsunade.

Hearing Tsunade mention this, Kyomu perked up. He was very interested in knowledge about the Eight Gates, having secretly trained to open six gates, a considerable but not overwhelming hidden card.

If he could further perfect it with Tsunade's help, Kyomu would have more to rely on, not just dependent on the quality of passive skills.

"Dai's understanding of the human body is still too shallow." Tsunade shared her insights, "The human body's chakra gates, which limit the raw power of chakra, are actually a kind of self-protection mechanism. They restrict power but also protect the body.

Essentially, the power of the Eight Gates comes at the cost of the body's life force in exchange for immense power, especially Dai's concept of the Eighth Gate..."

She became serious and warned Kyomu, "I do not recommend you practice the Eight Gates. You don't need to seek power far beyond your current abilities in such an extreme way. Plus, you already have your secret technique, no need to add more."

Tsunade's advice was spot-on. Kyomu really had no intention of opening the Eighth Gate, but human nature is greedy, and he truly desired the power it could grant.

"Tsunade-nee-san, is it possible to permanently open the Eight Gates with reduced power?"

"It's possible, but it requires the combination of two types of power to have a chance," Tsunade's answer thrilled Kyomu, but the subsequent conditions poured cold water on his excitement.

"Yin release and Yang release are essential. Yang release provides life force and increases the body's limit, while Yin release makes the impossible possible, mainly through creation.

These are the direct traits of the two techniques and why they stand apart from the five basic chakra natures. They are too powerful.

However, with Yin and Yang release, weakening the Eight Gates to keep them permanently open would be putting the cart before the horse. It would be better to focus on strengthening Yin or Yang release or even merging them."

"Nee-san, this topic is quite difficult." Kyomu frowned, "I can't even touch Yin or Yang release, how can I train them..."

"I understand Yang release, but only in a basic way, like my Super Strength Punch." Tsunade looked at Kyomu with a smile, "Do you want to learn it?"

"Of course!" Kyomu exclaimed without any hesitation.

The potential of Super Strength Punch was much lower than the Eight Gates, but the former was painless, whereas the latter could be lethal. The comparison made the choice clear. Plus, mastering Super Strength Punch could lead closer to mastering Yin Seal and Hundred Healings Jutsu, right?

"Don't shout so loudly." Tsunade flicked Kyomu's forehead, "I'll teach you, but whether you can learn it is up to you."

This wasn't Tsunade being insincere; the core of Super Strength Punch is Yang release. Without sufficient Yang release chakra in the body or the innate ability to produce it, one would struggle to learn it.

"But you have the conditions to learn," Tsunade shifted the topic, "Last night, while checking and healing your injuries, I felt its presence in you. Though it's still weak, given three to five years as your body matures, you might be able to use it."

"Three to five years?" Kyomu felt a bit downcast.

Yet before he could dwell on it, a gentle tap on Kyomu's forehead from Tsunade interrupted his thoughts, "Having Yang release chakra at your age, especially without a special bloodline, is already a sign of exceptional talent. Most people only start to develop Yang release chakra around the age of 14, as their bodies reach a certain level of maturity.

However, not being able to use it doesn't mean you can't learn or train it."

"Nee-san, please teach me." Kyomu earnestly requested, sweetening his words with a sincere tone.

Tsunade couldn't help but smile more brightly at his request, "If you want to practice Yang release, or to strengthen it, medical ninjutsu is the best way. Medical ninjutsu itself is an application of Yang release.

Why else do you think the Mystical Palm Technique can stimulate a patient's cell activity, promoting rapid proliferation and thereby speeding up wound healing? Moreover, once you master medical ninjutsu, I have another skill I can teach you."

"Nee-san, why couldn't I have met you sooner?" Kyomu expressed with a tinge of regret on his face. "Then I wouldn't have wasted so many years..."

"Cheeky brat." Tsunade glared at Kyomu but was clearly pleased inside, "It's not too late now. As long as you're patient, by the time you're 20, you should be able to use Yang release chakra as clumsily as I do."

"Nee-san, I won't need until I'm 20." Kyomu shook his head, confident, "I'll manage by 15!"

Tsunade flicked Kyomu's forehead again, "Don't jump to conclusions so quickly. Medical ninjutsu and Super Strength aren't easy to master. To truly excel, you've got a lot of hard work ahead of you. Do you really think Yang release chakra is as common as the five basic chakra natures?"

Well, there it was, the hierarchy of disdain.

Kyomu just laughed and nodded, eagerly awaiting to begin, "Nee-san, shall we start now?"

"Aren't you in a hurry to get back to your tent?" Tsunade teased him with a smile.

"Everything's better in Nee-san's tent, especially the company. I wouldn't want to go back."

"Cheeky kid, now I know why Sakumo chose you as his disciple," Tsunade jested before getting serious, "Let's skip the basics and start with an introduction to medical ninjutsu."

Kyomu immediately sat up straight, ready to learn, and Tsunade quickly transitioned into teaching mode.


As days turned into weeks, Kyomu and Tsunade spent almost every moment together inside the tent, unless they took brief walks outside, engaging in casual conversation.

They were both serious about learning and teaching, respectively. Tsunade marveled at Kyomu's talent, and he at her knowledge.

After all, why would a sister who willingly shares her true skills and a brother who learns quickly and is charming be at odds with each other?

Despite their constant companionship, nobody in the village gossiped about them. It wasn't out of fear but simply because nobody thought that way.

Tsunade, though appearing young, was only a year younger than Sakumo. Kyomu, in a regular sense, would have to call Tsunade 'aunt.' 

Aunt and nephew? That's straying off topic. Engrossed in the sea of knowledge, Kyomu had no distractions. He was too eager to progress.

However, peace is often disturbed not by external forces but internal changes. Not that the Sand had made a move, but a sudden order from the village arrived.

"Calling Kyomu back to the village for rest?" Tsunade's eyes widened in disbelief. "He's already resting, and with the Sand being so quiet as long as Kyomu is here..."

"Tsunade, this is an order, not my decision," Orochimaru said impassively, though inwardly sneering.

Some enjoyed playing at balance, while others thirsted for power. All Orochimaru did was leak a bit of information, and now they couldn't sit still.

The village rots.

"What is the Hokage thinking!" Tsunade was visibly agitated. "Is he worried about Kyomu? This...sigh!"

Her heavy sigh conveyed her sense of helplessness. She knew Hiruzen was concerned about Sakumo's influence on Kyomu. Sometimes, Tsunade shared that concern.

But Tsunade's approach was entirely different from Hiruzen's. She had sincerely tried to keep Kyomu close, making good progress, only for Hiruzen to unexpectedly counter her efforts.

Warming hearts shouldn't be met with coldness.

"I'll talk to the Hokage." Tsunade turned to leave but was stopped by Orochimaru.

"Tsunade, besides Kyomu, the ninja team he led also needs to return to the village for rest."

Tsunade stopped dead in her tracks and looked back at Orochimaru, "Is this really the Hokage's order?"

"It is," Orochimaru nodded, "Kakashi and Obito will likely face verbal reprimands upon their return, to be noted in their ninja records."

Taking a deep breath, Tsunade's expression fell. She felt powerless to intervene.

The once prestigious Senju clan, now barely remembered beyond its name, left its mark only among the people...

"Let the Hokage have his way," Tsunade said dismissively, turning her back, "From now on, don't bother me with difficult patients or poison cases from Chiyo."

She left the tent without looking back, leaving Orochimaru to contemplate silently, "I was once as powerless as you." 

Back inside Tsunade's tent, she struggled with what to say, ultimately choosing silence.

But eventually, Kyomu broke the quiet, "Nee-san, is the village calling me back?"

"You already know..."

"It would be hard not to."

"Kyomu, don't..."

"Nee-san, you know as well, it's not Sakumo-sensei who's wrong." Kyomu's voice remained even, "Nor is it you."

"Kyomu, please don't..." Tsunade's eyes flickered with panic, afraid to hear his next words, fearing she might act impulsively.

She really didn't want to.

"Nee-san, you're the medical ninjutsu genius of the ninja world. If a leg breaks, you can mend it, but if it rots, you must amputate."

Kyomu spoke plainly, never hiding his feelings from those he respected. This was an integral part of who he was.

Tsunade fell silent, her mind not drifting towards aggression. A few individuals couldn't represent the entirety of a village.

Somewhat relieved, she said, "Kyomu, don't be rash. I can help you figure this out. As long as we find evidence, everything will come to light."

"I like to reason, and I like evidence," Kyomu smiled gently, "But if that fails, I prefer fists, especially Tsunade-nee-san's Super Strength Fist. After all, it would be like fighting on your behalf."

The debts owed by those four elders to Hashirama haven't been forgotten, have they?

(End of Chapter)