
Chapter 3 New Discoveries

While the first day of the academy was relatively uneventful, mostly bogging down to introductions and a slow integration into the new school environment, Naruto was pleased with the atmosphere. The introductions for the students proved interesting, the different personalities working off each other should ensure the slow days would at least be memorable.

After a while of inspecting the school grounds Naruto decided to go and check out the Yamanaka flower shop, while it is doubtful they would have the Devine Flower, at least some information on it would be of use, perhaps even a site to find it. Noting the hateful glares cast at him, Naruto decides to pull his hood up.

While only hiding his face in a miniscule way it was effective, and useful. As just another face in the crowd it was amazing the things you could discover, especially with an astute mind. The original purpose for this was so Naruto could try and learn why was it the citizens of Konoha called him a demon, so far no such luck either he would arrive to late into a conversation or not have enough details behind it to accurately deduce the meaning of what was said.

Naruto continues walking the street idly listening into different conversations.

"So have you heard that the last Uchiha has started ninja school", speaks a young Woman.

"I hear he already has quite the little fan club", says another woman.

Naruto softly giggles to himself, remembering the events before class.

"I heard the Demon brat is also in the class", says a third woman.

Naruto slows himself before turning to a nearby wall leaning on it with his head down listening in to the conversation.

"I know, could you believe they would allow that monster be a ninja", says another.

"I believe it, and it is clever. If he becomes a Genin then he is pretty much in the military, harming a military soldier regardless of rank is grounds for immediate imprisonment or worse if the soldier is badly harmed or dies. The Demon brat is covering his ass", says a large man standing next to the third woman.

Naruto ponders this new information.

"What is the council even thinking letting it become a ninja, as if it hasn't done enough seven years ago", says the first woman.

Seven years ago, I would have been a newborn. Maybe it's because the day of my birth is the same day the Kyubi attacked. No that makes no sense, why should that matter, millions of children are born each day. Do they think I'm the fox, but it's dead. At least that's what everyone says. How do you kill sapient chakra.

"It would be best if we don't continue this conversation, it is against the law", says the man.

Naruto walks from the wall continuing to ponder the question. He ignores the other conversations around him.

Obviously they believe me to be the fox, or related in some way to the fox, the question is why.

As he continues to walk he nears the Yamanaka Flower shop. He lowers his hood and heads inside. Behind the counter is Ino reading a magazine. Naruto walks up to her.

"Excuse me", says Naruto.

Ino lifts her head to him.

"Your that Naruto boy huh, I remember you, you called the teacher an idiot", says Ino with a smirk.

"I did not, I was merely explaining the difference between Information and knowledge, but if he was somehow insulted by that then he is an idiot, besides I am a bit of a show off, he just gave me the perfect excuse to show off", says Naruto.

"Whatever, ok anyway how can I help you", asks Ino.

Naruto straightens himself and crosses his arms.

"I was wondering if you know anything about Devine Flowers", asked Naruto.

"Only that there crazy rare, why", asks Ino.

"Well you see as I said in class I enjoy to research, I came across some information related to Devine Flowers and found almost nothing on it, I got curious I was hoping someone here might know something about it", says Naruto.

"Well Ok, let me think. If I remember correctly Devine Flowers were named for their gold color and light glow, the only place they grow is in Wave Country and even there you'd be lucky to find one. They are almost all gone, really they might all be gone by now, we used to have a few when I was little but after becoming so rare there was no way we could afford one especially considering they don't exactly live that long", says Ino.

"Really well that's something, I never could find any pictures of them, or even some clue to where they grew. I thank you for your time", says Naruto.

"No problem, if you want to see what it looks like, the last person to buy the flower a couple years back was the Hyuga Girl in our class, Hinata I think that's her name. I think she presses flowers or something", says Ino as she turns back to her magazine.

"Really well that's something, thanks Ino", says Naruto as he heads out the door.

Naruto leaves the shop pondering to himself on the information. Holding his hand to his chin he leaves down the road heading back home. Going over the information Naruto concludes that creating the Reagent now without Devine Flowers would do more harm than good. After several minutes he enters his home. Walking over to the Necronomicon and begins flipping through pages.

"Well the Reagent is a no go for now, what else is in this book", asks Naruto to himself.

Flipping through pages using the pictures as a guide to at least understand what the topic of the page is about Naruto stops on a drawing of a most unusual creature. The drawing is of nothing more than what appears to be a mass of many mouths, eyes, and tentacles surrounded by other such creatures. Curious as to the identity of this creature Naruto grabs some fresh paper to begin translating the passage.

Hours pass as he continues his translations looking back to old notes to better decipher the language. Finally after Hours of work he begins to read the translated page.

Azathoth the Daemon Sultan, the blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemies and bubbles outside order, beyond the universe at the center of infinity. He who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable chambers amidst the lesser deities who dance around his terror to the maddening beating of drums and the monotonous piping of unseen flutes. Azathoth who birthed the stars at the beginning of time, and who shall devour them at the end of all things. A body composed of bright stars, but whose face is shrouded in darkness. Azathoth is the greatest of all gods, for from him the others were born.

Reading the passage Naruto looked back to the picture. Continuing to flip through the pages drawings of other strange beings appear. A large mass of spheres, many tentacled monsters, Large cone shaped creatures with four tentacles emerging from its tip, And other such creatures alien in nature.

Deciding to skip past the strange almost praise of creatures that sound as if they would rather eat you than accept your praise, Naruto continues flipping through the book. Suddenly he comes to a stop. Looking at these new pages in front of him, Naruto stares in disbelief at what appears to be drawings and writings for ninjutsu abilities he has never heard of. turning page after page he counts dozens of them. Smiling Naruto quickly runs to another room to grab more paper. As he does this he does not see the book continue to add to itself. Naruto quickly runs back and begins translating these new Jutsu.