
Naruto: Leveling System

A man wakes up to find himself inside the world of Naruto experiencing it via a video game. Forced to fight to survive, he sets upon a path of self-discovery

Dess222 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Chapter 036

The moment that happened Flamer made to move, but I stopped him. It looked at me confused, I smiled, "I totally want to try something here."

The Pokemon watched as I opened my jutsu list and pulled up the Great Fireball jutsu. It costed 50 CP to do, and with my new 36% control rate, I can use now 72 CP in one go! Meaning after using the genjutsu, I can also do this;

My hands were a blur as they went through the hand sings, my body moved on istics as it sucked in a big gulp of air and swallowed it holding it tight as I felt chakra from my gut enter my lungs and mix properly.

'Great Fireball jutsu!' I thought as I pushed all the air outside, the moment it left my lips it was ignited, turning bright red as a large fireball came flying out startling Flamer.

The Fireball hit the unconscious Growlithe bathing it in flames;


Due to fire nature of enemy, effectiveness of fire jutsu has been reduced by half!


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

Thanks to stealth, your critical strike is doubled!

-1,000 HP!

I grinned, even if the jutsus had been reduced to half its total damage power, my stealth and critical bonus more than made up for it.

I smiled as the flames slowly died out revealing the scorched ground where the pokemon once was, nothing left behind, except three loot items.

5,000 R

Fire proof pelt, C class item

A pelt that can withstand extreme temperature.

-50% DMG from all fire based attack.


"Growlithe," Flamer said in awe as he looked at me. I smirked at him and I saw his REP score go from 0 to 10. Guess he respects me a little now.

I ruffled his head and we walked out of the clearing. I quickly took the money and pokeball, now I could catch another pokemon, hm, maybe next time I should catch another Growlithe, make a little pack.

The fire proof pelt was very important, if I can somehow make leather armor using this and the rare cut fur pelt, I would have a pretty sweet set of armour.


Quest alert!

Create armour using the fireproof pelt and rare cat pelt!


New armour



Unable to fully use the pelts abilities.

Do you accept?


I of course pressed yes. I put away the pelt and looked around, the message that we cleared the forest came up again and once again I found myself back in the park. I looked around, everything was the same, no time had passed.

"Growl!" Flamer cried out next to me, looking around in surprise. He snarled his teeth, unsure where he was.

"Sorry about that boy," I said opening up my pokemon menu and selecting his pokeball, "I totally forgot about you," well at least I know he can exists in the real world as well. I quickly put him back into his ball and put the ball away. Hm, I really should make a poke ball belt holder or something, could be more useful, especially if I'm in a time sensitive fight.

I made my way back home and spent the night asleep, yes funny thing, just because I didn't need to sleep didn't mean I didn't want to. And after a long mentally exhausting day like this, I needed all the rest I can get.

The next day:

The next day I went to Steel Blood weapons shop again and took i hand five fur pelts, not the special kind, I would first need to test and see if this guy could make some armour for me.

I walked in and found Hikaru serving another customer at the time, a couple with a small child that had her face plastered onto the weapons counter staring in awe at all the weapons displayed. I saw the girl's name and wasn't surprised;

Tenten Higurashi, Weapon lover

Lv- 3

REP- 0

I scoffed, even at this age she loves harp pointy things. I waited in the back while they were done, looking through a few clothes I could eventually maybe wear. When they finally left I approached Hikaru with the pelts, "hey."

The man looked down at the odd purple and white fr pelts I had in hand, "what do you want kid?"

"Can you turn this fur into leather?" I asked putting the pelts onto the counter.

The man looked at it and then me, "it'll cost you 1,000 Ryo. Each."

My eyes went wide, "a thousand ryo?! For leathering something?!"

The man shrugged, "it would be a custom order, shit like that's expensive. If you don't like it, do it yourself."

And then it hit me, of course I'll just do it myself! I had a crafting skill didn't ? I took the petals back and left, heading straight to the library. I returned the books I took on kanji and grabbed the ones on leathering and metal works. It was a huge book that had both, and the moment I touched it;


You have obtained a skill book!

Would you like to learn it?


I couldn't say yes, obviously. So instead I got the book's name and author name and wet to a bookstore and got my own copy. Five hundred ryo less I walked out with my own copy of them book which I ten quickly learnt;


You have unlocked two crafting skills!

Tanning- Helps convert fur into leather.

Iron- Allows the crafting off iron tools.

Crafting, Lv- MAX

Your ability to make an object using the raw materials at hand.

Recipies known:

Fang dagger



Okay, now this is cool. I immediately took out a pelt and touched the tanning option on the crafting menu. Only:


You cannot craft leather without using the appropriate items needed for tanning!

Fuck me! Seriously?! Dman it, and when I just thought things were going my way! The amount of machinery needed to tan leather was phenomenal! I can't just fucking build it on my roof! Or...no, won't ever work.

I sighed, so now I need to find a tanning place that would let me use its tools, sounds perfect. I looked around the village and found a tanner near the outskirts of the village outside the giant walls.

I told the owner I just wanted to see around and the man refused, so I had to pay him a thousand ryo for that privilege. He didn't ask any questions.

I went inside and looked around, finding the first contraction needed for leather, the lime baths. I approached it and immediately a menu popped open;



80 fur pelts

1 rare cat fur pelt

1 fire proof pelt

I selected the a single fur pelt and suddenly the pelt disappeared from my inventory and instead in it's place a leather sheet, perfectly square, around 10 inches in length. I grinned, perfect.

I then turned my attention to the two special pelts I had, I choose to use the fire proof pelt first, just incase it lost its property when tanning, I didn't want to risk losing the +5 STR bonus from the rare cat fur pelt.




👌The novel is available in PDF format, you can visit my Patreon store for said content👌
