
Naruto: Legendary Quest

Gamer's system. Legendary quest. Lovely kunoichi. The adventure begins! More chapters: https://www.pat reon.com/astral331

DaoistC3PZue · Anime et bandes dessinées
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70 Chs

Chapter 57

Didn't sleep. If only because I didn't go to the academy that day. But I was visited by everyone who is possible. From the twins with their mom to Tsume and the Hokage. Somewhere in the middle of the list, Sasuke and Hanabi also got mixed up ... I was in shock.

Moreover, the old man Hiruzen asked for a long time about what and how I did, because no one could not have questions. I had to inject, and, without specifying the sources, to tell what I can and can, only there is not enough practice.

After that, I received a two-hour lecture on the Will of Fire, some interesting suggestions even for an adult shinobi, and even for a child, and correctly presented ... in general, to slightly improve the knowledge of the human body, work in a hospital for the benefit of Konoha and by the end of the academy receive the status of irienin D -rank. Yes, in fact, this level is akin to the orderly of my world, but the plus in the dossier is still considerable. Especially considering that with my poisonous chakra, I wouldn't have such a shone at all. True, I had to fight back and refuse to teach this technique to all sorts of "confidants of the Hokage" there.

Actually, "grandfather" had every chance to squeeze me, but Hitomi and Yugao took my side, even managing to justify the refusal. I, in turn, tried to beg Hiruzen for shadow clones. He resisted and squinted at the girls with displeasure, they pretended that they did not know anything and did not even know how I learned about this technique. And I pressed everything.

I argued why I need them. Hiruzen pressed that it was dangerous. I denied it, referring to the fact that I have a lot of chakra even for a genin, and by the time I graduate from the academy, on only one chakra, I will calmly pull on someone higher. Hiruzen argued "so wait until the end of the academy", I answered by listing all the areas of my employment, the old man made a surprised face and still stood his ground. And it all started in a new circle, sometimes the arguments changed places, some were thrown out, and some were supplemented. He added something, I added something, but in fact we "went in circles" with him. But after four hours...

"Damn old man" © Naruto.

"The annoying bug" © Hiruzen.

... of a fierce dispute, the old man promised to think about it. I certainly could not and would not have been able to dispossess him for more.

The next day, I visited the Hokage before the academy, at lunchtime, after the academy, before Iryenin class, after medical class, before practice, after practice, and before bed. But Hiruzen held the line. However, I sincerely decided to continue the policy of the original Naruto, for at times it was unexpectedly effective, and during the week I had a brain ... visited Hiruzen as often as I could. Given that this was discussed often and loudly, and where I caught the Hokage, that is, even during a snack, walking down the street or in the toilet, then all the inhabitants of the Hokage Tower were ready to kill me.

And in the end, after a week, Danzo lost his nerve. And it was like this...

Once again, flying out of the Hokage's office, hearing Hiruzen's lamentations about the missions of rank D, which he VERY wants to go on, for a moment I even felt sorry for that ... but clones are more important! So, flying out of his office, I ran into someone who gently held me, not letting me fall.

- What, completely brought the poor Hokage? - it seems that the posture is relaxed, and the tone of voice is kind, but at the same time the eyes ... cold and prickly. It was like pouring a tub of cold water. But I can't let him know that I know something about this nice old man. We mow like a fool, and complain to grandpa. Hehe, when else will you get a chance to eat Danzo's brains with impunity?

- I AM? He promised to show shadow clones, but he doesn't! I keep my part of the promise, but he doesn't! Oops, I almost hit you… sorry! - and bow, but more courtesy at the end, for "he came to his senses."

I manage to notice the skepticism on Danzo's face, well, yes, if he wanted to avoid a collision, I would not have known that there was anyone else in the corridor besides me. And in the collision, of the two of us, it was I who almost fell ... as if I ran into a wall! Ugh, well, why did you need it?

- That's how? So this is the dishonest Hokage we have? Well, let's go to the nearest training ground, I'll stay a little deputy Hokage, Danzo chuckled strangely. But intuition was silent. I couldn't come up with a reason for the refusal, and after clarifying the head of the Root that we would take a walk to the Anbu training ground, curiosity overcame me. Actually, he probably mentioned this fact behind this, so that some would not politely refuse. I hope I didn't lose my image of a child.

And after all, at the training ground, he showed the technique step by step, and explained all the difficulties of creation, the pros and cons, and even the dangers. And, to my surprise ... what is there? Shock! He explained clearly and incredibly clearly. At the level of a job-loving Mizuki, only if the would-be traitor is forced to pay attention to the whole class, then Danzo completely focused on one interlocutor-student. Which was a little stressful.

Damn, why is the Hokage so grumpy and other minor flaws, while his opposite, on the contrary, is friendly, kind, sympathetic. A little more and at least run to the Root to sign up, if not for the frightening eyes of Danzo. More precisely, the eye, but let's not talk about it.

And after all, along the way, while I was practicing the technique, he talked about the history of Konoha, about shinobi and that their work is by no means a fairy tale, looked at my reaction, and evaluated my answers. He is indeed a strange person. But, he nevertheless deduced some common denominator, and after waiting for me to finally master the technique and create ... two clones, he patted me on the head, took me out of the training ground and admonished me not to overwork with the technique, sent me home.

- Well, what was it? - Almost reaching the house, I say quietly. My brain exploded. And I need a break for today, and so I began to let go and I feel trembling in my knees. And with two clones it's a shame, but I don't have enough control for more.

Meanwhile, the Hokage's office.

- Well, where have you been, old friend? Hiruzen broke away from the crystal ball.

- Fulfilled your promises. Shimura answered shortly.

- Yes, and what are they? – thoughtfully looking sidelong at the ball, asked the Hokage.

"Met with the jinchūriki," his teammate answered curtly, watching with pleasure as Hiruzen finally left the ball completely, focusing his attention on it.

- If you are anything...

- I taught him Shadow Cloning. Danzo continued after a significant pause, cutting off Hiruzen's remark.

- Fuh ... you will bring me to a heart attack so soon. What are you, with your meaningful pauses, what is Naruto-kun with his ability to appear out of nowhere. If I had not been in the toilet then, I would have had to run there at that time. Hiruzen remembered yesterday.

Yes, funny boy. Inquisitive, loyal and talented - learn, if not perfectly, clones in less than a day. I think if I ever retire, I already know who will take my place. Especially if our confidants with you teach him well and correctly. Although, can you give it to me? In Root, I can make a fine successor out of him.

- Danzo! You yourself know that this will never happen. Even if not me, the clans will not give it to you. Yes, and I'm against it! I know what kind of upbringing you have in Root! And there is no need to pretend to be offended innocence! Yes, after your training, he will only have the protection of Konoha on his mind. Do not break the fate and life of the boy! - Printed the Third Hokage.

- Someone has become sentimental in old age. Shimura snorted and fell silent.

- This is a threat? Hiruzen, who filled his pipe with tobacco, frowned.

- I was talking about myself. Danzo looked away, noticing how his friend dropped the pipe and spilled its contents.

- Danzo! What did I tell you about your meaningful pauses?!? "The day of the poor Hokage was definitely not a success today.

More chapters:

https://www.pat reon.com/astral331

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