

Inorder not to stun growth of the books, his books in foreign countries he changed the authors ne to an alias.

Buck! Yeah he was gonna go by Buck as the author.

He was present at the restaurant to give away these copies and make sure the customers know about them. At that time he cleared some space in small corner and placed a shelf loaded with a few sets of copies of each books.

The staff's attention was intrigued by this as everything Nahen had done was utterly amazing to them and they helped promote awareness of these books.

Even Naruto was quite surprised that Nahen had time to not just read but also write three stories at that. Before he asked, Nahen had already given him a copy Man of Steel and to say the least the boy was captivated by how a person clearly stronger than the others was deliberately hiding in plain sight and helped them in secret.

'If he hadn't already set his goals on becoming the Hokage, I swear he'd wanna be Superman.' Nahen thought as he saw Naruto imitating the Superman pose he illustrated in the book. The staff were gobsmacked when they saw him like this and they had genuinely stopped looking down on him and treated him right.

Sales were a bit slow at first until the blond went on another date with the Third and brought a copy with him. Not that he hadn't heard about the book but he hadn't read it and borrowed the blonde's copy.

While returning back he read it while walking and the people were surprised to see the Hokage reading a leisure book in public and many inquired about the book, and like that sales started to sky rocket as the people were buying copies and he had to contact his publisher again and order more prints.

Seeing this, the man added a contract which Nahen was tempted to reject but couldn't since the man's words were true.

"A contract? " Nahen asked as the man put forth his proposal.

"Yes, your work has potential. I can imagine exporting it to other places outside the village would be hard and if it's stolen in another nation and sold by someone else claiming it to be their work. I would think that would be bad for you, would it not?"

'He's right. In as much as I don't want a contract with anyone, he's words are correct. What if someone else decides to reap off my hardwork and sell it as their's.'


"Fine...but I set the rules" He said as he realised he had more to gain than lose here.

"Thats fine with me, as long as we reach an agreement beneficial with the both of us." The man brokered a deal with the boy and they settled on agreeable terms for both.

Marketing and advertisement would be handled by the man's company and Nahen's job was to offer source materials for printing and publishing since he figured that his books must be part of a sequel. Sales were also managed by the man as well.

While attending some affairs in the restaurant to expand the restaurant and open another one of the same name in another part of the village, an unexpected guest showed up.

The man possibly around his early twenties wore a white kimono with long dark hair reaching his back with white pupil-less eyes and a forehead protector on his forehead.

'A Hyuga clansman, what would he want to ask for me specifically' He thought as he made his way out of the back and noticed the guest that asked for him.

"Hello" He said as he approached the man.

"H-...Greetings, Nahen Sato. The patriarch of the Hyuga clan has invited you to a birthday celebration of the Hyuga clan's heiress" He said as he bowed and stuttered a bit at the beginning and kept formal afterwards handing a scroll over to Nahen.

Taking the scroll Nahen looked over for a minute and wondered why it hadn't happened after so many months but replied politely to the man hiding his thoughts away. "Thank you, please thank the patriarch for the invitation. It'd be a pleasure to attend" He said while bowing a bit.

"I'll be going first" The man said as he also bowed a bit and before leaving got something to go and left for the Hyuga compound.

After he left Nahen's thoughts were wrecked upside down.

'Wait shouldn't the Hyuga incident happened back when the kumo delegation for the peace treatie came?'

He asked himself in his thoughts but got no response at that. Little did he know that due to his intervention back then the kumo team seemed to have stirred up some political banter between the two parties and put a hold on the peace treati signing. As for the Hinata's party it was postponed due her mother's illness flairing up and was put on hold until she got better atleast.

Either way the letter in the scroll had the Hyuga clan's patriarch's seal which inviyed him and his company on it which made it legitimate in that regard but he wondered why was he invited though.

A day later Nahen was dressed in a light multi coloured silk kimono and standard wooden sandals on his feet and wore his hair in a low ponytail tied on back neck. His hair had grown but not considerably long.

Alongside him was Mai who was also dressed in a formal manner and looked elegant in her lightly dual coloured kimono. Besides her was a rather surprising addition dressed in an orange kimono with black trimmings on the sides and sleeves with yellow short hair swaying in the breeze less air. Naruto.

It was surprising but he was allowed to attend from the Hokage when he learned that Nahen was going and decided to come with them.

When they arrived at the compound they produced their invitation and were led by a guard to the patriarch's residence. It was a pretty big mansion if Nahen would put it in words.

Arriving at the gate they were met with with Hiashi Hyuga the patriarch along with his twin brother Hizashi Hyuga with a few elders of the Hyuga clan which welcomed them. They bowed at the gate and recieved gifts from the trio. They were stunned by Naruto's appearance and civil behavior as he also produced a gift forward.

It had been a while since the heard about him around the village causing trouble and mischief. It had been quite the contrary since he spent most of his time at Nahen's restaurant than anywhere else.

As they were about head inside Nahen's senses picked up a few strong chakra signatures appear beside them and he looked up, and much to his surprise was the Hokage and a few others along with the previous kumo delegation. Akira the closest to the Hokage on the left.

His gaze froze when his eyes landed on Nahen and a flustered look appeared on his face. He quickly fixed his face and they exchanged pleasantries and went their separate ways.

The main event kicked off and the young heiress came forth infront of the crowd held by her mother with a sickly appearance and greeted the guests and quickly returned back inside.

Nahen greeted a few people politely that came his way and kept his senses alert monitoring the movements of the kumo nin since his senses were enough to pick up on them and reach the entire compound.

He noticed that after a while the kumo nin spread out in the party and discretely mapping out the place and making the security patterns of the place.

After a few hours of keeping tabs on them Nahen was convinced they were mapping out the area and were going to strike later since they were leaving this evening after signing the treatie.

Later when they got he it was around eight pm and the sky was already dark. Nahen sneaked out of the compound dressed in black clothing and sound proof shoes as he used his senses on the surroundings and moved fast and quietly while suppressing any sound and chakra that may come from him completely hiding his presence.

He had a rope, a recording camera and his trusty sword to use in case things went south. He made his way and sneaked into the Hyuga compound avoiding the guards and closed in on a volatile chakra signature fairly close to an immobile Hinata, probably sleeping.

Near them was a guard keeping watch from the outside of the room.

'This is it, the only chance I'll get. It's time' Akira who was the fastest among those from the party stayed behind and sent a clone to leave with the rest while he stayed behind to complete the special mission set by the Raikage. 'That kid almost ruined our plans last time, but fate had it for us and now I'll make the Raikage proud and he'll recognise me'.

Causing a diversion outside to throw off Hizashi from his post which worked. He moved in and with a slight jab to the neck he incapacitated the sleeping Hinata and made way for the window, his entry point to leave again. Hiashi on the other hand felt uneasy and activated his byakugan to look around and spotted a stealthily escaping Akira with an unconscious Hinata on his shoulder.

He bolted out of his office and slammed the door as he made chase to the escaping Akira. Nahen didn't sit idle either and took out his camera from his inventory, turning it on and followed a covered Akira escaping with Hinata.

He estimated where he was escaping to and diverted his trajectory and headedin a different direction to intercept him by the entrance to the forest of death.

Beyond the notice, Nahen arrived ahead of time and placed his camera recording himself doing some light exercises and blabbering about something related to it as he changed his clothes to his training gear.

An unsuspecting Akira stumbled upon Nahen and was fully exposed in camera's line of view. Seeing Nahen there, Akira's face glimmed with joy as he took a kunai in hand pointing it at Nahen.

"What are you doing here? And what are you doing with Hinata!?" Nahen said as he put some act to it.

"It's a surprise to see you here, but now I'll get my revenge. You almost cost me my career, rank and reputation with your stunt back then. And here I was thinking I might end up a failure with this mission. Yet I get a double bonus" He said that last part with some killing intent.

"You're here to kidnap the Hyuga princess. I won't let you" Nahen said as he slipped into a taijutsu stance.

"Futile, your death was marked tonight. Now die!" He said as he dashed with the kunai in hand aiming to cut Nahen with it.

When he was close enough and swung his kunai at him, Nahen took a step back at the last moment dodging the kunai and returning a roundhouse kick straight to the man's jaw with the heel of his left foot.

Nahen's move stunned Akira for a moment and that was enough for him to grab ahold of Hinata and yank her off the man's shoulder skipping a few steps away.

Akira quickly recovered from that attack and dashed towards Nahen again this time prepared. Nahen with a calm gaze looked at the man without a trace of fear in his eyes.

Just before Akira could notice anything wrong he was met with a shadow and a sharp pain in his chest. Looking at his chest his eyes followed it to meet the gaze of Hiashi who yelled.

"Gentle fist, One hundred and twenty eight palms"


With those words Akira was stuck on the receiving end of the deadly vicious stabing palm strikes. One after another until one hundred and twenty seven more after the first one. All of them landing critical strikes on him.

Hiashi was too blinded by anger to control himself and he landed his final strike killing Akira on the spot. Coming back to his senses he looked back and recognised Nahen who was lying down with a sleeping Hinata in his embrace and a terrified expression.

When Akira striked, he wasn't worried since he knew Hiashi had arrived and was safe. While he was about to fake a scared look on his face he was further petrified when he saw the life leaving Akira's body and blood splattering around.

Hiashi seeing Hinata safe was relieved and asked.

"Are you alright, are you hurt?"

Nahen shook his head from left to right while still traumatized by this.

A few minutes layer two Hyuga clansmen showed up and noticed their patriarch and they were greeted with an order to take the two back to the compound and send word to the Police Force since there might be more.

Without anyone looking Nahen reached his hand over Akira's sword on his waist, touching the hilt and storing it in his inventory as well as the pouch on his right thigh.

A while later he was in the Hyuga compound in the patriarch's house and a Hyuga doctor was checking him to see if there was anything to worry about.

That night a village wide search was conducted by the police force members as they looked for any traces of the kumo ninjas who might be lurking in the village as well as the outskirts of the village but none were found.

Back at the crime scene one of the ninja deployed retrieved a fallen over camera and brought it over to the commander of the police force, Fugaku who went over the footage and ordered it to be directly delivered to the Hokage to watch since they were all woken up by this incident.

The Hyuga incident.