
Naruto: Konoha's Hidden Beast

spaghetti_npc · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

13. Reward

That's right.

The so-called Kumo peace treatie they used to steal the byakugan.

As soon as he remembered this he decided to draw attention to the Kumo party so that extra vigilance will be stationed on them to minimize the chances of their success since a closer eye will be on them watching their every move.

In tha canon, it was during this time that the kumo delegation sent by the Raikage to infiltrate Konoha and steal the byakugan for themselves undetected.

As they had targeted many hyuga clan members during the previous wars in an attempt to retrieve the byakugan.

Therefore they came up with a presence story and sent their best infiltration shinobi available when they got the news from their spies about the birthday celebration of the young Hyuga heiress.

Now their plan was in jeopardy as they would be in the spotlight after this incident.

'This kid is like a magnet for trouble.' Frog said as he noticed Nahen gaze in his direction as he got up.

After a long walk around the village, they finally arrived at the Police Force Headquarters and a medical nin was deployed to check on Nahen to see if he was okay and check for any injuries.

"He's alright no extreme injuries, just a slight bruise on the nose and it's already healed up."

At this point Nahen had a sour face as he cursed his healing factor for healing him up too fast.

A messenger from the police force was sent out to call in the leader of the Kumo delegation in Konoha who was still in the Hokage's office still discussing the details of the treatie.


A knock came from the door as the Third was discussing the terms of this treatie. "Who is it?"

Hiruzen asked with an unpleasant tone as this meeting was important and had made it clear that they are not to be disturbed unless it was important.

"Hokage-Sama a messenger from the police force has been sent over to seek the audience of the leader of the Kumo nin regarding an incident that happened not so long ago." The assistant said in one go as she held her breath for dear life.

'What have they done now?.' Akira, the leader of the delegation frowned as he heard the words of the assistant.

Hiruzen also had the same expression as he remembered that the group in question had been let go not so long ago and looked towards the four Kumo jonin in his office with a questioning gaze.

"Send them in" The Third said as looked at the kumo ninjas in his office to notice the slightest changes in their expressions and it seemed that they were surprised to hear this as well.

After that the door opened the door and the messenger came in and bowed infront in greeting the Hokage and told the entire story to the people present in the room.

The was a still silence in the room after the encounter ot the incident was told. As a precaution Nahen's identity wasn't revealed but the Frog who had returned back to the office are a gesture which implied to the Third who this child was.

And his face changed slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by the foreign nins in the office.

"Send the boy and the other two over and keep the assailant in custody until further orders."

"Yes Lord Hokage" The messenger bowed and left for the police force hq once again.

A while later the deputy vice captain of the police force was allowed entry into the Hokage's office followed by the two remaining kumo nin who were with Kenzo with thier heads down and lastly the young Nahen.

A dim light flashed through Danzo's one visible eye as he noticed who this kid in the middle of this matter was.

'One day you will be mine' He muttered to himself as he looked at Nahen with a hungry gaze.

Once again the tale of the matter was told again and Nahen added a few more pits and pots in the story exaggerating the story to more than it actually is.

'Come on, reel it in now. Don't make it too much.'

"Hokage-Sama please take my apology for my subordinates actions and I can guarantee you they will be delt with personally by me. And compensation can be rewarded to this young man to sooth the trauma he received from Kenzo's actions."

Akira quickly said noticing how this would affect the general treatie and lessen their chances of getting a chance to steal the byakugan.

Hearing this Hiruzen looked towards the flat expression on Nahen's face and narrowed it down to "I don't need your money".

Seeing the attention on him Nahen spoke. "No amount of money can cure the trauma I recieved from you."

"Sure enough he is without monetary need as his family runs one of the most successful restaurants in the village. How are you going to sooth his problems?" Hiruzen decided to also exploit them when he saw the opportunity.

"I do have a high affinity for lighting" Nahen chipped in at the last moment adding more fuel to the flame.

Black lines formed on Akira's forehead as he heard both the old man and and his senior's words and he felt like exploding as he realized what was going on here.

'When did I get here? Might as well give him a few lighting ninjutsu to calm down this situation and it's all useless any way. Wait what!?'

His last thoughts were interrupted as he noticed Nahen's gaze was fixed on his waist as he was starring at the hilt of his sword and a ridicule expression came on his face.

'No way!'

As he thought he saw Hiruzen's expectant gaze fall on him with a chilling feeling to it and he knew he can't deny the kid this offer.

Reluctantly he pulled the blade on his waist and placed on the table infront and offered. "In addition to soothing his trauma two lightning style ninjutsu will be added on offer. I hope this is enough."

Akira said the last part with and emphasis as this is the best I can do, besides I've already given my sword, what more do you want.

Starring at the blade on the table Nahen's eyes shone with stars as he wanted to grab it right now and give it a swing. With a smile he looked at Akira and nodded his head in satisfaction.

Leaving the Hokage's office Nahen hada smile as he was proud of his gains today. Not only did he get attention to be drawn towards the foreign nins but he also got a few lighting style ninjutsu. Regardless of these he was most looking forward to Akira sword.

He wasn't sure if Akira was going to give up his sword but realized that the Hokage wanted to pull him onto his side and gave Akira no option. To be sure not be robbed of his reward Nahen held the hilt of the sword and flushed some of his chakra into it. If anyone decided to replace it with a replica he would know by the absence of his chakra in the blade.

When he injected his chakra into the sword, it flowed perfectly as if without any obstructions. It was definitely made with chakra ore to be able to transmit chakra that perfectly and high grade too.

"Now to discuss the matter of your subordinate in our custody" Danzo didn't waste time and planned to milk the man in time before the treatie was finalized.

'That kid...he's already this smart to collaborate such high stake rewards with no risk at all. I must have integrated into root.'

His thoughts didn't flash far as he already decided to deal with this matter infront first.

Akira felt another headache brewing as he heard Danzo's words and realized that he just gave away his sword and the weak jutsu to Nahen to help recover his so-called "trauma" and now Kenzo was still in custody for assaulting a civilian and stimulating a public disturbance in a foreign ninja village and was held accountable.

As he walked by Nahen finally decided to check a notification that had popped up while he was inside the office.

[Reputation decreases with Akira and the Kumo shinobi]

[Reputation increases with Hiruzen Sarutobi, Koharu Utatane, Homura Mitocado]

[Reputation increases with Shimura Danzo]

As he saw the last one he almost got a headache thinking about how to get him off his back. 'What's up with him wanting me all of a sudden. So much for keeping a low profile.'

Nahen resumed his journey and quickly made it to the ship as he was going there in the beginning. On the way in his eyes were attracted by a yellow haired boy who seemed to be around his age or a year older starring inside with longing eyes.

'Is that Naruto? It is him.'

As his features became more clear he realized that this really was Naruto. It was the first time since he came to this world that he had seen him.

'What's he doing here' He thought.


Just then a grumbling sound came from Naruto and he held his pocket inside out. 'Oh that's right, I only have enough to buy some ramen. I really wanted to taste some of the food here. It's not like they were gonna let me in anyways.'

As he turned around to leave he was stunned as he bumped into someone fairly his size. Raising his head, he was met with Nahen's face which was blooming with a smile and was quite startled a bit. This was one of the few times someone generally smiled in his direction.

"Hello" Nahen decided to speak as he saw the fellow blonde quiet and it was getting awkward, fast.

"My name is Nahen what's yours?".

"I'm Naruto" The blonde replied.

"Well aren't you gonna go inside?".

It's not like he didn't know Naruto situation and how the villagers would treat him.

"I'm not really hungry, I'll just go now."

Again a grumble came from Naruto. This time it was loud enough for Nahen who was fairly close to hear it. And the blonde suddenly felt embarrassed of his words just now and hung his head down.

"Well seeing as you are, I was gonna have something to eat. Wanna join, my treat" Hearing this Naruto's eyes flashed brightly. This was the first time any outsider had shown him such kindness.

Just then his happiness was short lived as someone came from inside and rebuked Naruto and thinking he was bothering Nahen.

"Forgive me Sato-sama, I tried to turn him away but he didn't leave" This was one of the people working in the restaurant.

"Fakun-san this is my friend Naruto" Nahen said with a flat tone, obviously not pleased with his worker and how he treated his customers.

"But sir, he is...."

"In need of a meal and so am I" Nahen walked inside with Naruto and waved his hand to Fakun and ordered an abundant meal and sat at a table.with Naruto.

Naruto who heard Nahen call him his friend was star struck as he was stuck on it since he never had a friend before.

Soon a buffet was brought infront of the two and they ate to their hearts contempt. As they ate Nahen noticed the gazes of people starring their way and ignored them. As for Naruto he was too busy stuffing his mouth to even care if people were looking.

After eating for a while Nahen stopped and left some food for Naruto and got up from the table.

"Where are you going?" Naruto was startled a bit and asked him.

"Well I have to work Naruto".

"You work here? Aren't you too young to work?"

"Actually my family owns the place so I'm just helping out here whenever I can, or just supervising."


He started clearing up the table and picked up the dishes taking them to the kitchen when another worker came over in a hurry.

"Sato-sama please let me" She said as she took the plates from him.

"It's okay, you can take the rest"

She walked over to the table and gave Naruto a smile. Since he was introduced as Nahen's friend, he'd practically be treated as royalty here now.