
Naruto: Kakashi’s brother, The Otsutsuki Shinobi

A year before the second Great Shinobi war, the dying second Princess of the Otsutsuki clan, the sister of Kaguya the Rabbit Goddess, as her last act created a portal to a random planet in a random dimension and sent her new-born son through, Before initiating a self-destructive technique, which annihilated the dimension she was hiding in, Along with the members of a clan which had been hunting her. WRITING FOR FUN! I will try my best with grammar. Just FYI, MC won't be immediately OP as he is unaware of his Rinne Sharingan Also, I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN THIS BOOK APART FROM THE MC and OC’S I will not be updating regularly!

Spacedemon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Sacrifice and discovery

Kimura Otsutsuki had been running from the Tsukioni (moon demon) clan for 6 months and had finally been caught, hours after giving birth to her first and only child, exhausted, injured from constant fighting, and weakened from childbirth, she and her remaining two guards fought for hours until only she was left, fatally injured by the overwhelming numbers of opponents. She sealed herself in her sons' room, The young Otsutsuki, barely a day old was completely oblivious of the threat to his life, merely gurgled in delight when his blurred vision picked up the form of his mother.

Using most of her remaining Chakra she used <Amenotejikara> to create a portal to another dimension and sent her newborn son into it. Upon closing the portal she smiled weakly knowing that her son would at least have a chance of survival in the dimension he was sent to. She turned back towards the sealing array which was blocking anything from entering and readied to unlock it and to teleport towards the control room where she could finally rid the Otsutsuki of the plague that is the Tsukioni clan.

After removing the space-time seal on the room she activated <Amenotejikara> one last time and reappeared in the control room where the activation sequence for activating a dimension collapse was primed, as her consciousness slowly faded she activated the sequence before collapsing to the ground lifeless, smiling gently as she knew her son was safe.









<Forest of Death: Land of Fire>

<3rd POV>

A Trio of Ninja were walking through the forest, enshrouded by shadows, silently tracking, a blissfully unaware missing Nin as he moved away from Konoha which he had left only days before. Their animal masks displayed no emotion as they stealthily approached the nin.

Reaching a clearing in the trees the man stopped, looked around, and unsealing a scroll pulled out a neatly folded single person tent. He knelt and started to set the tent up, all the while being observed by the three ninja in the shadows, watching him silently.

The apparent leader of the three trackers silently jumped down behind the unaware traitor and drew his tantō and slashed downwards as a beam of brilliant white light extended forwards, cleaving the man in two like a hot knife through butter.

Collecting the neatly hewn forehead protector of the Nin, he turned away as if to leave, when he heard the distinct sound of a baby's cry echoing through the trees.

After re-joining his team, they headed in the direction of the cries. Moving swiftly through the trees they quickly came across the source of the noise, A baby with pale, silvery-white hair, seemingly less than a week old wrapped in a now dirt-stained white cloth with a row of black Tomoe on its border.

Swiftly the man with the tantō ordered the other two ninja to look for any signs of who left the baby there, after looking for Several minutes no trace could be found as to how the baby got there. The three masked men talked quietly between each other before the masked man with the tantō turned around and gently picked up the baby, before the three quickly headed off towards Konoha.

A.N. This chapter is significantly shorter than the rest will be, i will be aiming to write between 1500 and 2000 words per chapter from chapter 2 onwards