
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Chapter 19

(3rd POV)

Wooden crates are lined up along the coast of a vast ocean and standing at the top of a large hill just a couple hundred meters away is a muscular man with dark curly hair and startling white eyes surrounded by pitch black cornea.

"This hill is bothersome and needs to be removed to pave a path through the new city. What do you think the trail should be made of Kakashi?"

A strange dog covered in a bone exoskeleton charges up that hill with Kakashi saddled on it's back. In the last week Hikaru had taught Kakashi the summoning jutsu and given him the scroll for the Kaguya clan summon. Strangely enough these summons are similar to the Kaguya clan members themselves and have the ability to control the structure and density of their bones.

"Auh sensei? My summon isn't listening to me."

The bone dog keeps running around in circles trying to shake Kakashi off it's back with all it's strength. In a desperate attempt to calm it down Kakashi uses the beast control seal and finally manages to make the bone dog stop trying to kill it's owner.

"Good idea Kakashi, I'll set up a seal formation that will release chemicals into a large area where I'll selectively breed summons that can fight effectively in the water. That way Konohagakure will have an effective fighting force without needing to spend time and energy training shinobi for fights on the sea."

Two shadow clones poof into existence in a small cloud and they begin manually flattening the large hill and every other surrounding area.

"Speaking of summons have you decided where your new summons are going to live Kakashi?"

Kakashi pets the large bone dog caressing the beast control seal on its head with his chakra as he shakes his head.

"Good, I've decided that since I've had a massive increase in resources I'll make a bone pit that will have special seals on it to increase the population of your summons. Do you know of the three sage regions Kakashi?"

Confused Kakashi takes out a map from the seal on his hand and checks all of the important places on it. Of course none of the sage regions are listed down.

"I presume your father didn't tell you about them so I'll explain it to you. The three unexplored sage regions are home to perhaps the strongest summons in this world. Mount Myoboku is the toad sage regions where the great toad sage, Gamamaru lives."

At the sudden recognition of Kakashi's face Hikaru smiles, his stark white eyes containing deep meaning.

"Yes, as you've guessed this is why Jiraiya is called the toad sage, due to his summoning contract with the toads of Mount Myoboku and for his use of senjutsu taught to him by those same toads."

Kakashi stares at the map some more as he felt like he was missing something important.

"Sensei why isn't Mount Myoboku on the map if the summons there are so strong?"

Hikaru grabs onto Kakashi and floats up to one of the warships floating in the sky.

"Well Kakashi the truth about the unexplored sage regions is that they are hidden from the rest of the world and can only be found through special means. The reason I want to create an artificial environment for your summons to grow in large numbers is to increase the amount of nature energy here."

Small green particles of energy form at the tip of Hikaru's finger before joining together to form a little ball. Kakashi feels incredibly refreshed simply being near it and he scuffles forward to touch the light green ball.

"This is nature energy, normally we can't sense it but I can gather it from the air around me. To any regular person this would kill them causing them to turn to stone but due to my special body I can control it to nurture other beings like summons and even you."

Kakashi lightly smiles as he feels his mind wander at the blissful effect of nature energy revitalizing his cells and increasing his chakra reserves by a large portion.

Suddenly Hikaru stops flowing nature energy into Kakashi's forehead and he flicks his finger against his nose making Kakashi pout.

"Nature energy is created by life so the more organic life forms in one place the more nature energy will gather. All of the three unexplored sage regions have a sage that can use senjutsu and I want to have a fighting force that can use senjutsu as well."

Hikaru forcefully grabs Kakashi's head and makes him turn to face a dense forest far away in the distance.

"That forest is around two thousand square kilometers Kakashi. I'm going to burn the entire thing to the ground and use the nutrients in the soil to grow the special food needed to make a stable ecosystem for the bone summons. We only have around one hundred bone creatures we stole from the Kaguya clan but I have ways to rapidly increase the numbers."

Thousands of small kanji glow on Hikaru's body like some type of curse mark and thousands of bones fall out of his body onto the ship.

"The way the bone summons reproduce is through absorbing the nutrients in bone marrow. This means we need a large supply of bones so I'll have to kill a lot of animals in the area but for now I'll supply my own bones. Countless jutsu were created by the Kaguya clan to maintain these summons and with this we have a strong basis to grow. It'll take a few years Kakashi but I know that one day this forest will be known as one of the four sage regions."

Despite his arrogant words Kakashi had full faith in his sensei as he looks on at the powerful and charismatic aura unleashed by Hikaru.

With just one jutsu a fire dragon dozens of meters long shoots from Hikaru's mouth engulfing the entire forest in flames.

"This region will be known as Dakubon Pit."

Through the dark red embers Kakashi could see a glorious and majestic place, large bone statues in a pale white palace where his sensei's accomplishments would be forever depicted for all of eternity.