
Naruto: I Gained Assistance From A Symbiotic Slime

A symbiote space shuttle that is set to crash land in the universe of Andrew garfield's The Amazing Spider-Man is slightly nudged off course due to a comet's interference, and it just to happened to be sent through a black hole as well.... to eventually land in the elemental nations. Copyright disclaimer: I do not own naruto or spider-man. nor any character or works on and featured in the fan fiction all rights belong to their official creators and studios no copyright infringement intended.

FanFic_Listener · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

A New Haven: Known As Ramen, The Festival

With the old man's words echoing in his mind, Naruto set out from the forest, clutching the map to his chest as he made his way through the winding streets of Konoha. Every step felt like a leap of faith, a journey into the unknown as he ventured closer to his new home.

Eventually, Naruto arrived at the address marked on the map, his heart pounding with anticipation as he stood before the modest apartment building. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he pushed open the door and stepped inside.

The apartment was small but cozy, with a simple futon and table set against the far wall. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting warm golden rays across the wooden floorboards.

But it was the tantalizing aroma that wafted through the air that truly caught Naruto's attention. It was the smell of rich broth and savory noodles, the unmistakable scent of ramen. And as Naruto looked out the window, his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a bustling ramen stand directly across the walkway from his apartment.

For a moment, Naruto hesitated, his past experiences with village restaurants flashing through his mind. But as he watched the customers laughing and chatting over steaming bowls of ramen, a small spark of hope flickered to life within him. Maybe, just maybe, this place would be different.

With a newfound sense of determination, Naruto stepped outside and made his way across the walkway to the ramen stand. The smell grew stronger with each step, filling his nostrils with its mouthwatering aroma.

As he approached the stand, Naruto was greeted by the sight of a kindly old man behind the counter, his face wreathed in a warm smile. "Welcome, young man," he said, his voice as comforting as the scent of his cooking. "What can I get for you today?"

Naruto hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. But then, emboldened by the old man's friendly demeanor, he found his voice. "I'll have a bowl of ramen, please," he said, his stomach growling in anticipation.

The old man nodded, his smile widening. "Coming right up," he said, turning to prepare Naruto's order with practiced skill.

As Naruto waited, he couldn't help but marvel at the sense of warmth and belonging that surrounded him. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time, and it filled him with a sense of hope for the future.

When the old man finally placed a steaming bowl of ramen in front of him, Naruto couldn't help but smile. Taking a deep breath, he savored the aroma of the broth and noodles, letting it fill him with a sense of comfort and contentment.

And as he ate, Naruto knew that he had finally found a place where he belonged. With each mouthful of ramen, he felt the weight of loneliness and rejection lifting from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of warmth and acceptance that he had thought lost forever.

From that day on, Naruto would often spend his evenings at his window, breathing in the delightful smells of the ramen stand across the walkway. And though he still faced many challenges and hardships in the days to come, he would always carry with him the memory of that first bowl of ramen, and the hope it had brought him for a brighter tomorrow.

As the village of Konoha bustled with excitement in preparation for the festival commemorating the fall of the Nine-Tails, Naruto remained in his apartment, feeling a sense of trepidation that he couldn't quite shake. Despite the festive atmosphere outside, he couldn't forget the years of rejection and hostility he had endured at the hands of the villagers.

But as the sun began to set and the distant sounds of music and laughter filled the air, Naruto couldn't help but feel a twinge of loneliness gnawing at his heart. It was his birthday, a day that should have been filled with celebration and joy, but instead, he found himself alone in his small apartment, with nothing but his own thoughts for company.

As Naruto sat by the window, gazing out at the colorful lights and decorations that adorned the streets below, he was suddenly jolted from his reverie by a loud knocking at his front door. Startled, he rose to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest as he cautiously approached the door.

But before he could reach it, the door burst open with a resounding crash, sending splinters flying in all directions. In the doorway stood a group of drunken villagers, their eyes glazed and their expressions twisted with malice.

"Look who we've got here, boys," one of them slurred, pointing a shaky finger in Naruto's direction. "It's the demon brat himself."

Naruto's blood ran cold as he realized what was happening. These villagers, fueled by alcohol and hatred, had come to torment him on his birthday.

With a surge of panic, Naruto turned and fled, darting across the room and leaping through the open window with all the agility of a ninja. He landed with a thud on the ground below, his heart racing as he scrambled to his feet and sprinted into the forest that lay beyond the village.

Behind him, he could hear the shouts and jeers of his pursuers as they gave chase, their drunken laughter echoing through the night air like a cruel taunt. But Naruto paid them no mind, his only thought to escape the clutches of his tormentors and find sanctuary amidst the towering trees of the forest.

As he ran, Naruto's mind raced with fear and uncertainty. He had heard tales of the forest of death, a treacherous and unforgiving place where danger lurked around every corner. But in his desperation to escape, he had no choice but to press on, hoping against hope that he could outrun his pursuers and find safety in the heart of the forest.

But as he plunged deeper into the darkness of the forest, Naruto soon realized that he was not alone. Shadowy figures lurked among the trees, their eyes gleaming with malevolent intent as they closed in on him from all sides.

With nowhere left to run, Naruto braced himself for the inevitable confrontation, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to face whatever horrors awaited him in the depths of the forest of death.

Author's Note: This is the end of the chapter, if you liked it consider showing your support.

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